Hi there! This idea came to me whilst I was watching True Blood for the first time a few weeks ago. The main character is a product of my imagination and does not exist in the Souther Vampire Mysteries series or the TV adaptation. I just felt that Eric needed someone in his life that wasn't Sookie and could bring out an Eric that we don't usually see.

Summary: Alexandra is new to Bon Temps. She's still adjusting to the lifestyle and settling in with Sookie Stackhouse, the girl she lives with. The night she meets Eric Northman however, she realises that being normal in Bon Temps won't be possible. Her alluring past and hidden secret is what draws Eric to her and she is far more complicated than anyone could guess and that makes it even more hard for Alexandra to allow herself to be normal for once.

Rating: It's rated T for now but some chapters may change to an M rating but I will warn you when it does.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or story lines from the SVM and TV series. I only own Alexandra and the original story lines.

Maybe moving to Bon Temps wasn't the best idea I had. I initially thought that by moving to a small town with a small population I could keep under the radar. Surely, with a smaller population, fewer questions would be asked right? Boy did I have that one wrong.

I didn't realise how much gossip could be within one town; maybe it was because I had never lived in such a small town before. Either way, the arrival of a lawyer from New York taking a job in Bon Temps only law firm caused quite a stir within the town. Perhaps the locals couldn't understand why a person would choose Bon Temps. When asked, I simply smiled and said "I was sick of people not caring if they bumped into me on the sidewalk."

It then became the assumption that the big city lawyer was just in need of some Southern hospitality and I was fine with that. After a month or so, the questions started to die down and I managed to set myself a routine and one that I was happy with. I had friends, a place to live, a stress free job and a place to feel normal for once.

However, I should know from experience that 'being normal' isn't something that I will ever have…

"I need a favour."

I looked up at Sookie Stackhouse as she made her way into the small kitchen with her face all flushed. She was dressed in her work uniform, a white Merlotte's top with a small pair of black shorts. Her hair was in its usual ponytail although it looked out of place. For the first time since I had moved here, Sookie did not look ready to go to work. She sat down opposite me and finished the rest of my beer before placing her head in her hands.

"Well, since you look disoriented and just finished the one beer that was going to help me get through this paperwork, I'm inclined to ask what's up?" My voice reached a slightly higher pitch than usual, which caused Sookie to smile.

"My car just died on me". I raised my eyebrow at her and she continued. "I don't know what happened, it was working fine yesterday. I went to start the engine and it just wouldn't work. I don't know what's wrong with me and I need to be at work in 20 minutes. Can you drop me Alexie? Usually I would walk but I don't want to be late. And I want to see Bill tonight."

And that was the real reason for her wanting to take me. Sookie didn't care about being late, she usually was. She just wanted me there in case she needed a quick escape from Bill. He was Bon Temps resident vampire who had taken a shine to Sookie. Not that I blame him, Sookie was the definition of gorgeous. Her glowing tan and blonde hair made men's mouth water. Her legs seemed like they went on forever in her work shorts and she had just the right amount of curves. But, being the telepath that she is, Sookie closes herself off from men and so has little to none experience when it comes to them. That along with the fact that Bill is a vampire is probably the reason why she looks so flustered.

"It's fine, I don't mind taking you. I can sit at one of the booths and get this work done with another beer I suppose. And I will be around if you need a helping hand tonight with Bill." Sookie's smile lit up her whole face as she leaned over the table to hug me whilst repeatedly thanking me.

The rumble in my stomach pulled me away from my work. I looked at my watch and saw that it was past 9 already. Maybe I should get something to eat before I continued with my work. I managed to grab Sookie's attention and ordered a club sandwich with extra fries.

"I seriously do not know where you put it. You eat like a pig and yet have abs that men drool over. And I know they drool, plus I know the other thoughts they have when you walk in. Especially in that top."

I laughed at Sookie disgusted face and rolled my eyes. She seemed to get a kick out of telling me what the male residents of Bon Temps thought of me. I suppose it was a relief from listening to what they say about her. I didn't mind, Sookie was the strongest person I had ever met but I knew there was always a limit and I was happy to take on anything past that limit.

"Well, I wasn't planning on coming out this evening and your little melt down earlier left me no time to change. And speaking of melt down, I think the reason for yours just walked through the door." I averted my eyes from Sookie towards the main doors at Merlotte's where Bill Compton just walked in. I saw Sookie's smile widen and laughed as she handed Lafayette my order and made her way over to Bill. Living with Sookie allowed me to get to know her thoroughly over the past month and I was glad she found someone who did make her smile. Him being a vampire didn't concern me and it sure as hell didn't concern her. Sookie had been through more than any 25 year old should and she deserved to be happy.

A few hours later, once I had finished all the work I needed to do for work, Sookie slid into the booth and leaned her head on my shoulder. "He is such a gentleman." I giggled and wrapped my arm around her.

"Well I'm glad. You ready to go?" "Oh yeah, about that…" Sookie looked up at me with a smile planted on her face. I knew that smile all too well: she wanted something. I beckoned her to continue and she did.

"I spent the last hour talking to Bill as you saw and I really like him. But, before I take anything further, I wanna know more about his kind. He seemed to agree and offered to take me to Fangtasia, the vampire club in Shreveport just so I can get an inside look. But I don't want to go alone so can you please come with us?"

Saying no to Sookie was something I couldn't bring my heart to which was why I found myself driving myself, Sookie and Bill to Fangtasia. Sookie had managed to get a black top off of Tara since she didn't want to waste any time going home to change and thought the all black look would be better for a vampire club. I pulled into the small car park and saw a brick building with no windows hosting a red fluorescing light that read 'Fangtasia'. I rolled my eyes and got out of the car and followed Sookie and Bill to the plush leather door. There wasn't a queue to get in so I assumed that business was slower on a Wednesday night.

"Identification please?" It was obvious that the blonde vampire manning the door was talking to Sookie and I since I knew from the knowledge I have on vampires that they can tell their kind apart from humans. Sookie showed hers first and the woman took an interest in her name. I saw Sookie shrink a little but then straightened up once Bill put his arm around her. Once they had walked in I flashed my drivers license. The woman raised her eyebrow and said "New York huh?" I smiled and replied "one of many" before walking in and joining Sookie at the bar.

I smiled as Sookie passed me a bottle of beer and tuned in to what Bill was telling Sookie. "He's the sheriff of area 5. I guess you can say that vampires have their own hierarchy. It helps keep us in order so we don't do anything stupid to affect mainstreaming."

I looked over and instantly knew whom Bill was referring to. He was sitting in what looked like a throne in the middle of the stage. He was facing the club and directly in front of him was a pole, which was currently occupied by a woman making her way down it. It was obvious that her dance was for him but his attention wasn't on her. He seemed to be looking through her and at Bill and Sookie. Whilst his attention was on them, I took my opportunity to really look at him. His hair was short and blonde although an image of him with it longer entered my mind; now was not the time to think about that. His blue eyes were a different shade than mine and seemed to pull so many people into them. His physique was hard to ignore with his arms on clear show and broad shoulders. From first glance, he was sex. That was the only accurate and simple way to describe him.

"He's going to summon us." Sookie and I both looked at Bill. Just then, the sex god, as I now refer to him as, looked at both Bill and Sookie and summoned them over. I gave Sookie an encouraging smile as she made her way over to the stage and sat in one of the seats next to him. I giggled to myself and took a swig out of my beer.

"He meant you sweetheart." I looked over at the woman who was manning the door on our entry. I gave her a questioning look and she rolled her eyes. "Eric, he was summoning you. Not Compton and his little pet." My lip curled as the reference to Sookie being somebody's pet. She smiled and stood up, "oh and take off your jacket. A body like that shouldn't be hidden." Her eyes made their up down and then up my body as she walked away. I shrugged out of my leather jacket and walked over to the stage. Sookie was looking at me with the same encouraging smile I gave her as walked onto the stage and stood in front of Eric.

"And who might this be? Surely she isn't yours too Bill?" He looked at me and gave me an approving smile before turning his attention to Bill. Maybe Sookie was right when she said I get a reaction out of men in this top regardless if I intended to wear it out or not. I suppose the combination of tight jeans, a very short black top and long hair worked.

"No she isn't. She lives with Sookie. Eric Northman this is Alexandra." Eric looked back and me and beckoned me to sit. I did and found that I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

"The girls I call up here and either scared or throwing themselves at me. You intrigue me as you are doing neither. May I ask about how you feel being in my presence?" As I opened my mouth to respond, Sookie beat me to the punch. "Oh she's from New York. They're a lot more open about vampires there. In fact, Alexie worked with a few there."

Eric looked back at me and saw my tight smile. Sookie sure did know how to interrupt things. He waved his hand towards them, which Bill understood as him wanting them to leave. I watched then get up and move back towards the bar then turned back to Eric. He seemed to be closer to me than before but at this point, I wasn't complaining. I hadn't met anyone like Eric in a very long time and I welcomed the close proximity. "Is that true?"

"My boss thought it was benefit us by hiring vampires with knowledge of American law since they worked different hours to us and so more work was done in shorter periods of time. And I know plenty about vampires so I don't feel the need to be scared around them."

Eric leaned over and moved the hair that had fallen around my face to behind my ear. Maybe it was his way of getting a good view of my neck but it still sent a shiver down my spine. "So it's safe to assume that you have been around vampires before?"

"I've been round a lot of things before. But you seem to hold my attention for longer than anyone else." Flirting. The one thing I liked to think I was good at which was why I didn't do it often. I knew that if you flirted with the wrong person they would get the wring idea and it would be hard to get rid of them. I had a feeling it was going to be different with Eric though. He leaned in even closer to me but before he would say anything, Sookie's voice caught our attention.

"We need to get out of here. There's an undercover police officer here about to call in a raid. And there's a vampire feeding off a human in the toilets." Eric pulled away from me and vamped towards the toilets. The man behind the bar ordered everyone out in a booming voice and everyone complied. Sookie grabbed my arm and pulled me out with her. As soon as we got outside she released me and then was gone. Great, Bill held on to her and vamped her out of here, which caused her to let go of me. I rolled my eyes and pulled my car keys out of my back pocket as I walked towards my car. Before I reached there though, I felt a pair of hostile arms wrap around me.

"Scream for me baby." I felt the vampire's fang graze my neck. I rolled my eyes as I forced my way out of his grip before facing him and ripping his head off of his body. He turned to a pile of sticky blood at my feet. I bent down and picked a bit off of my boot before climbing into my car.

"Why are vampires so messy?"

Well we now know why she isn't afraid of vampires :P

I hope you enjoyed it and want to hear more. I'm not planning on it being a long story but that does depend on the response I get. Please review and let me know what you think. I'd appreciate hearing ideas of story lines and any constructive criticism.

Brownie points to whoever can guess what Alexandra is :)

Jem x