The Only Friend and Family I Have

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto

"Gahhh…" Minato yelled as Kyuubi threw him on the ground and held him in place with his paw.


" Kushina…" said barely audible under Kyuubi's weight. Kushina sprinting towards her husband after laying their son down at a safe distance from the beast. Unleashing her chakra chains at Kyuubi she hurried to Minato picking him up slowly. Kyuubi dodging and landing several hundred feet away began to grow angrier and angrier. Deep orange chakra began to form around his body, bubbling as his anger rose.

" Minato...are you ok." standing him up she noticed that his pulse was weakening. Kushina's face grew pale as she could only guess what their fate would knew that had to put a stop to the beast.

" Shhh...Kushina." Breathing growing weaker as the time passes.

" Everything will be alright." Giving her a slight smile put quickly disappearing as he turned to face their boy. Lowering his head to rest on his wife's he felt her shaking ever so lightly, feeling the fear that she was experiencing.

" What do we do." Her eyes growing teary.

" There is only one way to save the village and our son" His face struck with grief as he uttered those words. She knew what had to be done

" I know...but", her voice trailing off as she looked at her son, beginning to grow teary.

" I just hope he will live a good life." Putting his arm around her for reassurance.

" I know he will, the people are nice and will love and cherish just like we do, I just know it."

" Ok." Smiling as she turned away from her son back to her husband. Turning towards Kyuubi they instigated him to get close to them and their son. Kyuubi who was now deeply cloaked by his immense chakra began to charge after them. Turning back to their son they quickly dashed towards him.

" Kushina I need you to buy some time.. just a little while I get prepare the seal."

"Ok." Running towards Kyuubi she unleashed her chains and wrapped Kyuubi who was still a great distance away from them.

" Hurry…", struggling " I don't know how much I can hold him."

" Just a little more… almost done…. DONE." Kyuubi broke free from the chains but Minato appeared in from of it's face.

" RASENGAN." Blasting away Kyuubi far creating a creator where it landed. Appearing back to where Kushina was he wrapped his hands around her from behind. Sighing with deep sadness.

" He's is going to be a great shinobi, he will I know it."

" He's is so handsome, going to be such a lady killer." There was a deep sad silence that formed around them but they said nothing. Only waiting for what they could only expect. Breaking free from its chains Kyuubi held no restraint when running towards it's prey. Piercing one of it's claws through both of them Kushina was just in time to bind Kyuubi inches before he pierced their child.


Coughing up blood and gasping deeply.

"Hakke no Fuuin Shiki." (Eight Trigrams Sealing Style). Finishing his seal they stared at their son tears running down their eyes, looking at how helpless he was in his crimson plush bed silently sleeping oblivious to the fighting. Slowly the seal began to form taking Kyuubi along with it, leaving a gaping hole in their stomachs.. Falling on their knees and spurting blood.

Kushina sobbing lightly and gasping for air.

" I'm sorry baby..." Spurting more blood.

" Momma won't be able to protect you."

" I up." Minato crying trying to hold his sobbing in.

" I'm so sorry my boy." Their lives slowly began to slip away, but before they perished they had one last thing to say to their beloved boy. In unison they whispered near death's doorstep.

" you...Naruto." Naruto squirmed and smiled a little as if he head his parents words of love. Smiling and believing in their son they laid down, hands intertwined while giving each other one last kiss; they accepted their death, feeling proud of their son.

The entire village appeared before the death place of their Hokage and his wife and only to find themselves in disbelief at Naruto with a seal on his stomach. They all began to weep and yell in sadness as their saviors laid on the floor. They could not feel but deep sadness and anger. But anger was not for their them but was directed towards Naruto. All the anger towards Naruto could only lead his life into despair, solitude, anger, and sadness. Hatake Kakashi took the initiative to bring the boy to the hospital. He stared at Naruto with disgusted for taking his sensei away from him. Leaping towards the hospital they gathered Minato and Kushina to prepare for their funeral.