Sorry guys... I don't really know where this story is going... if someone can give me a good plot that goes somewhere I will continue writing the story. You can PM me the plot or just review on the story. This chapter is super short due to me not really knowing where the story is going... Again I'm really sorry, so it is short and I'm sorry for not updating sooner!


"What are you doing here?" I gasped, "You aren't supposed to be bad... you are supposed to be good now...!" I was about to cry. Jonathan had drug me back to the corner of Pandemonium where he now had his hand over my mouth and an arm wrapped around my waist so I couldn't move.

"What? What are you talking about?" His voice confirmed that it was indeed Jonathan.

"What are you going to do with me?" I tried getting out of his arms, only for his arms to get tighter around me, he was on the verge of suffocating me. "Please... Don't... Hurt... Me..." I was gasping for air.

"I'm not going to hurt you... Clary, calm down, deep breath," Jonathan told me and relaxed his grip on me enough that I could easily breathe but I still had no chance of getting away.

"Then what are you going to do to me?" I yelled at him. He spun me around so I was facing him. He placed his hands on my shoulders and gripped hard, I still couldn't move from his iron grip. But even in the weird lighting of the club I could tell something wasn't right with him.

"Oh. My. God. What happened?" I pleaded.

"Well... let's see. The world was almost destroyed by my evil twin, who now ceases to exist but we all know that I was him; I have all his memories, except the memories of my sister and her boyfriend. Doesn't that sound just a little suspicious to you?" Jonathan huffed. I could tell he was defeated.

"We all know that you didn't have control over Sebastian, that it wasn't really you doing those things... that was Sebastian, the boy with demon blood in him... you are Jonathan... the boy that would have been if Sebastian didn't have demon blood in him," I poked him in the chest to make a point.

"I know, but whether or not it was me, that was my body doing everything. I can't just pretend like I am the perfect child... to say I have a guilty conscience is an understatement."


"Hey?" I asked Alec, "Have you seen Clary lately?" I hadn't seen Clary since Izzy drug her off to "fix her makeup" in the bathroom. Although I don't really know why, it looked fine to me.

"Nope. I don't know... Izzy probably is redoing her whole hair, makeup, and for all I know she might be giving her a whole new outfit."

"Yea, probably."

I walked away from Alec. He was too consumed in talking to Magnus to really have a conversation with me anyway.

I walked around and found Clary standing in the corner of the room by herself. She looked bewildered about her surroundings.

"Hey, are you okay?" I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me.

"Umm, I really don't know. Can you... umm... maybe, bring me home?" she mumbled.


I took her hand, which I noticed to be really cold for the heat in the room, and led her outside. I plucked my phone out of my pocket and texted both Alec and Izzy that I was leaving. Whether or not they would get it until the next morning was a whole different story.

"So, what happened in there?" I asked Clary on the car ride home.

"Well, you see Jonathan pulled me off and started talking to me. The more I think about it... and this is great and all that Jonathan is back and we can all tell that he isn't bad, but really, why is he here?" Clary stated.

"Hmmm, I guess that is one thing none of us has really been over yet."


We got home at about midnight, which wasn't bad for being at the club. But the question of why Jonathan is here was still bugging me.

Both Jace and I settled into bed and I fell into a deep sleep really quickly. I had no dreams; it was just a peaceful, happy, and nothing kind of sleep.

I woke up the next day full of energy, but weighed down by my questions about Jonathan. I stepped into the kitchen to see Jace "making breakfast" again. Believe it or not, he was making... CEREAL!

I crack up laughing, which blows my cover from the little living room/dining room. Jace looks up at me only to give me the strangest look about what I was doing.

"I told you already, cereal is not homemade."

"I know. I took your word to heart, look," he reached down and picked up his bowl of cereal, "only one bowl of cereal. You can make whatever you want."

Jace looked satisfied with himself.

I walked into the kitchen and started going through each and every one of the cabinets. I found everything from bacon, to blueberry muffins, to toast, to eggs, and even oatmeal. But when I surveyed my options I found that I didn't really like any of them. So I, sadly, settled for cereal. I knew it would give Jace and unneeded ego boost, but I didn't care.

"Hmmm, what did you get?" Jace asked, but you could tell he already knew.

"Umm... nothing," I responded turning my bowl away from him.

"No, you couldn't have a bowl of cereal could you?" he mockingly sounded astonished. "No. Clary, you need something homemade... Cereal isn't homemade."

I just rolled my eyes at him. "You really need to stop being sarcastic."

Jace just chuckled and patted the spot on the couch next to him so that I could sit there. I happily plopped down as soon as Jace turned the TV on.

I happily ate my cereal and watched TV.

"So Jace?" I asked.


"Why do you think Jonathan is back?" I asked.