AN: Here it is! The sequel to "Law of Love"! :)

This story continues right after the last chapter of LoL so it will make more sense if you have read it. This is a Jelsa story and will mostly focus on them, especially Elsa since she's the one experiencing all the things that happen to her.

So, I will again try to write about their feelings and how they are dealing with things. The same way as I did in LoL (you'll get used to the abbreviation, don't worry!)

The name of this story is inspired by a Finnish song called "Rakkaus on lumivalkoinen" by Yö.

And I will also add this here in case someone still doesn't know: English is not my first language (it's Finnish) so I apologize if I make mistakes.

Love Is White Like Snow

Chapter One: You Already Have My Blessing

Elsa walked through the hallways of the castle, occasionally nodding at servants who passed her. It was evening and she had been in a really good mood the whole day. She thought it had to be because of the picnic they had had together with Jack, Anna and Kristoff in the morning and the fact that she hadn't had any work that day.

Overall she was happy because everything seemed to have fallen into place. She was married to Jack who loved her more than anything and she loved him as well. Despite their quickly arranged marriage, they had fallen in love with each other and now she couldn't imagine her life without him.

Also Anna and Kristoff were happy. Because Elsa had obeyed the law, they were now allowed to get married and live their life together, without the council forbidding it. Elsa was really eager to hear the happy news of their engagement and that was why she was now walking through the castle at the late hour. She was looking for Kristoff and she knew really well where he was.

"Kristoff?" she called and walked towards the dining room.

A muffled reply could be heard inside the room almost immediately. Elsa walked in and saw Kristoff sitting there with the day's newspaper in front of him. He was eating a piece of carrot cake while he read the paper.

"Carrot cake? Really?" Elsa asked as she walked closer to him.

Kristoff raised his head and chuckled. "Yeah, we didn't eat all of it in the morning, so I thought why not." He flipped the page of the newspaper and continued eating the cake.

Elsa took a seat across the table and crossed her legs.

"Where's Anna?" she asked and eyed the room in case she would emerge from somewhere.

"She's outside," Kristoff answered. "Olaf wanted to show her something."

Elsa nodded her head. Now she would be able to ask the question that had been bugging her the whole day.

"So, when are you going to do it?" she asked and went straight to the topic.

"Do what?" Kristoff was confused.

"Propose to her," Elsa emphasized and watched with amusement as his eyes lit up.

"Oh, right," he laughed nervously. "I'm not sure yet."

"You aren't?"

"No," Kristoff shook his head. "I really want to do it soon but I still don't know the best way. I love her and I want her to know it, so it needs to be perfect," he explained.

Elsa's eyes softened when she heard his reply. Kristoff really loved her sister and Elsa was glad of it. Anna deserved someone like Kristoff and Elsa was happy she had him in her life.

"Why don't you take her to some place you both like? Some place where you've spent a lot of time together," Elsa suggested. "Of course no-one has ever proposed to me so I can't really say but I think it would be nice."

She knew that Anna was a real romantic so it would be a really important moment for her.

"That's… actually a really good idea!" Kristoff smiled. "Thanks."

"No problem," Elsa smiled back. "But I should probably go now. It's getting quite late. I only came here to ask you this."

Kristoff chuckled and nodded as she stood up and walked towards the doors. Just when she was about to exit the room, she suddenly turned around.


"Yes?" he looked up at her, abandoning the newspaper.

Elsa just smiled at him. "You already have my blessing."

Elsa walked into their royal chambers and saw Jack sitting there on a couch, reading the same newspaper that Kristoff had read just a moment ago. He looked up when he heard her and put the paper aside.

"There you are," he smiled at her. "I was wondering where you had gone."

"Oh, I was just talking to Kristoff," Elsa answered, sitting next to him.

"What about?" he asked and wrapped an arm around her waist.

She laughed. "I just asked him when he was going to propose to Anna."

"Oh," Jack's eyes widened. "Did he say when?"

Elsa shook her head. "No. He didn't know yet," she replied. "But I did give him some advice so I guess he's doing it soon."

Jack nodded and brought her closer to him. "Then you have to be prepared for one enthusiastic Anna," he smirked and Elsa laughed softly.

"I can't wait."

Quickly they fell into a comfortable silence, both of them deep in their own thoughts. Jack stroked Elsa's hair with his fingers and she closed her eyes in his embrace.

"I would have wanted to propose to you," he suddenly admitted, snapping Elsa back to reality.

"Why?" she asked and turned her head to face him.

"Why wouldn't I?" he asked in turn. "I love you. I'm sure my proposal would have been the best ever."

"I'm sure it would," Elsa smiled. "But we are married already. That's all that matters for me."

"Still," Jack insisted. "It would have been the best day of your life. I would have told you how much I loved you and how I wanted to spent the rest of my life with you. Then we would have had a wedding where we really loved each other and we would have spent the night together not just as friends. After our wedding we would have gone to a real honeymoon and be so in love."

He had been thinking about it since he realized he loved Elsa. He knew that without their arranged marriage they would have never even met each other but it still bugged him. He wished they could have had some other option, but it was clearly too late now.

Elsa, on the other hand, had not been thinking about it that much. She turned around in his embrace and cupped his face with her hands, looking into his eyes.

"I am happy, okay?" she started. "I have you, I love you, we are married and honestly I don't need anything else."

The look in her eyes was intense and she really meant everything she said. Jack could only place his hand on the back of her head and kiss her. She gladly kissed him back and her arms snaked their way around his neck.

Elsa broke the kiss first but didn't let go of him.

"Do you believe me now?" she whispered, still resting her forehead against his. Jack nodded and closed the distance between their lips once again.

"I do," he assured. "But I can't help but think you would have deserved better."

Elsa snuggled closer to him on the couch. "Like I said," she mumbled into his shirt. "I have you. That's all that matters."

Jack smiled and planted a small kiss on her hair. She yawned loudly and he chuckled.

"I'm tired," she said, closing her eyes.

"I can see that," Jack teased her. Then he suddenly scooped her up and she yelped.

"Jack! I can walk on my own!"

"I can also carry you," he replied and started to walk towards their bedroom, carrying her in his arms.

"I need to change my clothes," she tried but Jack shook his head.

"You can do that in seconds."

"Fine," she gave up, rolling her eyes. "But do not drop me."


That was quite… fluffy for a first chapter :D But nothing really happened so who doesn't love a bit of Jelsa fluff?