Hey guys! Sorry it's taken me so long to update, I was going through a lot and I am just now starting to feel like myself again. If you follow my other stories, I will also be updating them. Please review and let me know if I should continue!


As percy went back to him, he found himself feeling bad about him, or anybody else not noticing before that she was breaking and needing help. Percy thought back to about 2 years ago when he was planing to defeat Kronos.

Percy had just left the oracle that told him that his cursed may be the one to to end his life. He felt like it all fell on him, and in a way it did. Sure he was going to have an army backing him up to get to Kronos, but he was expected to either save the world, or destroy it. Why was this his responisibility? No one asked him, ad he was certain that he would be the one to bring Olympus to its knees purely on accident. He wasn't even sixteen yet, why did such a huge responsibility fall on him?

As he slammed the doors to cabin three, feeling trapped and overwhelmed. All I could think about was letting the camp, the world, and Annabeth down, and possibly dying as soon as he turned sixteen, if he even made it that long. Suddenly, he started hearing voices in his head confirming his worst fears.

"You're going to kill them all"

How could you let them down?"

"You're such a failure, you're own father is trying to get rid of you"

"Annabeth would be better off if you dissapeared, then she wouldn't have to pretend to care."

"SHUT UP!"Percy shouted.

Unable to hear anything over these discusting words, and eager to make the panic and the hurt stop, Percy smashed the mirror next to his bed and grabbed a piece of glass, holding it to his wrist. he thought for a second, and pulled the glass down, exposing crimson emotions pouring out of his arm, he did the same motion a few more times before finding a bandage and cleaning the mess that he created. He gathered himself and walked back out of the cabin to join his friends.

Percy didn't realize it at the time, but he had started a very bad habit that took him months to stop. He had been recovering but never told anyone. He thought for a few minutes and realized what he needed to do. He needed help from someone that knew her better.

He walked out his room and went to find that person.

Sorry for the cliffhanger but I will be updating in a few days. Thanks for reading and don't forget to review!
