Five year old Jonas Gilligan giggled as he hid behind a tree waiting for his father to walk by. When he saw him he jumped out with a "Roar"!

Gilligan was used to his son's antics but he played along and jumped in mock surprise! "You scared me Little Buddy!"

Jonas giggled as he jumped into his father's waiting arms and hugged him! "Daddy?"

Gilligan smiled at him. "Yeah Son?"

"Are you ok? Mommy said that you're sad? Why?"

The sailor chuckled. "I've just been thinking about someone that's in Heaven."

The little boy cocked his head. "Who?"

Gilligan hugged his son. "Skipper."

"The one I'm named after?" Jonas asked hugging his Dad and laying his head on his shoulder.

"Uh huh. You've seen the picture in the hotel lobby." Gilligan sat down on a tree stump enjoying the feel of his little mini me in his arms. Kid was his spitting image but with lighter brown hair like his mother.

"What was he like?" Jonas asked snuggling in the arms or his Daddy, who to him, was the bravest hero of all.

Gilligan chuckled! "You would have loved him. He was big and could be scary sometimes but he was giant teddy bear. He was a hero."

"What happened Daddy?" the little boy asked as he gazed up at him.

Gilligan shut his eyes in sadness. He debated on how to tell him. "He died saving me Little Buddy. From a bad guy."

"Like a hero?"

Gilligan looked at him and smiled a bit. "Yeah...he's Daddy's hero."

The boy smiled. "Is Skipper your Daddy?"

"Heh, in a way Little Buddy," Gilligan said chuckled as he ruffled his son's hair.

The boy grinned. "Good then I can tell Professor my theery!"

"Theery?" Gilligan asked amused.

"Uh huh! Professor said that he wanted me to make something to test!"

"Oh! You mean a theory?" Gilligan asked chuckling.

Jonas nodded enthusiastically! "Uh huh! He told me to ask him a question and then tell him how I get the answer!"

"What was your question?" he asked curiously.

Jonas smiled. "My question was "Are all Daddy's heroes?""

Gilligan swallowed. "And what'd you find out?"

Jonas wrapped his arms around his father's arms. "That it's true. All Daddies are heroes. Skipper's your Daddy and he was. You're my Daddy and you are. See?"

Gilligan hugged his son tight touched by the sweet words. "I see."

Jonas kissed his Daddy's cheek before pulling away. "I gotta tell the Professor!" He hopped down and dashed away!

Gilligan watched him go smiling and feeling better.

Roy grinned as he listened to his one and only student tell him his theory about Dad's and heroes.

He certainly hoped it was true! Ginger was due to give birth in the next few months!

"Well Jonas...I think your theory is correct."

Roy was awarded the boy's brilliant smile. He dismissed his one and only student and watched him run off.

Only to trip over his own shoelaces! Like his father though he jumped back up and rushed out.

Roy watched him go with a smile and a fond shake of his head.

He may be named after the Skipper but he was a Gilligan through and through!