I am so sorry! I am, in fact, ending this story here. No extra ending, no more epilogue. I have been busy and haven't had any ideas or requests for this story.

But there is good news! I just posted an Undertale One Shot called "Memories Never Really Leave". Undertale is quickly becoming one of my favorite fandoms and I had a good idea for a story that actually turned out great!

I know there will be a lot of people that are mad at me for not continuing but I have an opportunity for you. If you want any outsiders one shots, be them character/character or character/OC (or Dally/Lily if you really want it), I will write these ideas! Just PM me if you want one.

So thank you so much for continuing with this story so long and thank you also for 9,000 views which is amazing! I love you all and I hoep you continue loving me :). See you in my next story, my fellow fiction lovers.