Meet Lily Cade

Full name: Lillian (Lily) Cade

Age: 16

Family: Johnny Cade (Older twin of 2 minutes), Darry (father figure, not related)

Looks: Black hair that goes down to her shoulders, mocha brown eyes, tan skin, about 5'6, always wears tank tops with jeans and her lucky combat boots, straight teeth (natural), only wears some concealer and lip stick, and has 2 piercings on the top of her left ear and 1 on the top of her right.

Personality: Protective of friends and Family, insecure, not a crybaby, scared of socs

Weapon: Shank or a switch

Crush: Dally (Lily: Please, please don't tell anyone! Only my best friend, Pony knows. Me: And I know! Lily: Yeah but you are writing it, so… Me: Yes, but on another note, am I not your best friend? Lily: He is my best guy friend. You are my best gal pal. Me: 'Kay!)

A word from her: Hey guys! As you already know my name is Lily, but most of the gang calls me lily pad, except for Steve who insists on calling me Lillian because he knows I hate it so much. My favorite colors are black and purple. I don't have any other friends beside the gang and Pony is my best friend, besides my twin brother, out of them all. My brother, Johnny, is a little over protective, even after we got jumped. Yeah, I said we. I was with him when it happened and am scarred forevermore. I got over it though, but I still carry my shank and my switch in my boots. (Shank in the left boot and the switch in my right.) I really like Dally and it breaks my heart to see him with Sylvia. I am abused as well as my brother, but I feel I get the brunt of it sometimes. Since my twin does a lot for me, I would do anything for him. Well my parent's are fighting again so I better go. Bye!

Chapter 1: Paul Newman and a Ride Home

Lily POV

"C'mon Lilly pad let's go! Darry'll kill me if I'm not home soon," Pony calls out to me. I chuckle at him, "Pony. It's 4' o clock in the afternoon. He can't get mad at you." I look at Pony and he sighs at me. "Yeah, but lately he has been getting on my case for everything." "Pony, look at me. He is just stressed. I am guessing that he just wants normal 20 year old problems," I say, trying to defend Darry. Since my dad isn't really fatherly towards me, I see Darry as my father figure and I think Pony should be really lucky he has someone who cares for him. I know he loves Pony a lot, but working two jobs probably gets to you. I don't know, but it looks hard. "I know. Thanks lily pad," He says, smiling at me. "Your welcome and stop calling me lily pad!" I shout, just a little pissed. He smirks, "Lily pad! Lily pad! Lily pad!" I growl at him, before chasing his sorry ass halfway home. We stop to catch our breath when I see a red mustang following us. "Pony," I whisper," Look behind you. He looks and his eyes widen. He turns to me, "Run." We start sprinting but I am a little behind him. The boys following us jump out the car and tackle Pony and I. We both struggle, me less so since I'm just about shakin' in my boots. "Hey boys look! We gots ourselves a couple a greasers!" One of them sneers, staring at me with ugly eyes. I squeeze my eyes shut. No…NONONONONO! Not again! I feel a callused hand grab my face, forcing my eyes to open. "Well, well. We got ourselves a pretty one!" "Hey," Ponyboy growled. "Leave her alone!" I took the chance while he was distracted to bite him, and lets just say, it hurts when I bite someone. My incisors are pointed, so its like I am a vampire. "Owww!" The boy screams holding his hand. I jump up but am slapped and fall again, getting the wind knocked out of me. "Crap! Dally's coming…EVERYONE RUN!"

Praise the lords, Dally's coming! I sit up, breathing heavily still and see Dally, Sods, Steve, and Two-Bit chasing 'em down the road. "Ponyboy! Are you okay?" Darry says, coming over and shaking him a bit. "I'm fine now stop shaking me!" Pony says struggling away from his brother. I chuckle a bit and Darry then notices me. "Lily pad, are you okay?" Darry asks me now, hands on either side of my face, checking me over. "Golly, what happened to your cheek, Lillian?" I hear Steve ask me, him, Soda, and Johnny back already. "Just a little slap, it ain't that bad. And DON'T call me Lillian," I say getting up and hissing at Steve. "Darling, I think you might want to look in the mirror, cause it looks like someone just socked you in the jaw." Thank you Soda, for that. Dally growls as he comes back, "Damn Socs got away." He looks at my face and I can tell he's looking at my bruise. If you were there and saw his eyes, lord all mighty, his eyes were cold; unforgiving, vats of ice blue, and so murderous that he could've killed someone just by looking at 'em, which he almost did. "I'm gonna get those socs if it's the last thing I do," He says, balling his fists. I walk over to Dally and hug him. Much to the belief of others, Dally can be such a softy, well with me he is. He hugs back and buries his nose into my shoulder, even though he kind of has to bend down since I am kind of short compared to him. "You okay Lily Pad?" I nod, "I'm okay." I let go of him after a little and see the boys staring at me as if I just went to the moon. "Now what are ya'll staring at?" They just shake there heads knowingly, and start to walk back to the house (Me: Pony's house, if you didn't know.) I look back at Dally and blush. "I thought you were in the cooler?" I ask him, head to one side. "Naw, I got out today for 'good behavior', or something like that." I laugh. Same ol' Dally. "C'mon Dally, let's go!" Taking his hand and dragging him with me.

We finally get to the Curtis house and I walk over to Darry. "Hey, are you okay?" I ask him. He sighs and shakes his head. "No. It's just that Ponyboy isn't using his head and I don't want him to get hurt." I hug him and let go after a little. "It'll work out, don't you worry." Then I walk over to Johnny and Pony. "Hey guys." Johnny comes over and gives me another once over. "Are you sure they didn't do anything else?" He asks, being over protective once again. I sigh and shake my head. "No Johnny, they didn't do anything else." He hugs me, "I know I just worry." I laugh slightly. Even if he is only older by 2 minutes, he still acts the part of an older brother.

"Well, I am going to head out. Got to go buy some more cigarettes," Dally says, heading for the gate. "Aren't you going to visit Silvia?" Steve asks. I growl and clench my fists. I hated her with a passion. She was nothing but a skank if you ask me. "Naw, bitch was two-timing me while I was in the cooler so I kicked her to the curb," Dally says like it is the most normal thing in the world. WooHoo! Dally is single again! Dally chuckles to himself for some reason before strutting off to God knows where. Probably to find some action or to see if he still had a place at Buck's. "We should probably get going to," Johnny says, pulling my arm and walking towards the gate. "Are you sure Johnny-cake? We can hear your parents yelling from here," Two-Bit states. I wince and Johnny looks sad for a moment. "We have to go get there before it gets any worse," I say and get loose of Johnny's grip. "C'mon Johnny." I walk out of the gate. "Lily! You know you and Johnny can always stay at our house. Darry wouldn't mind," Pony says, trying to change our minds. I just shake my head and say what both Johnny and I are thinking. "I know, but they are still our parents." I walk away with Johnny next to me, ready to get another beating.

A/N: Hi, this is my first story that I am posting so no hate! And yes, I know the first chapter is a little short, but the rest will be longer, I promise. Please follow and/or favorite and I will see you soon with the next chapter. Bye!