For many years the sound of a phone had been a rare occurrence at Xaviers, so when the first signal rang loudly and unexpectedly through the empty halls it startled the young professor.
"Hank?" Xavier called half-heartedly while staring at the black plastic object on his desk as if he had no idéa what to do with it. He wasn't in the mood for talking to anybody, not yet. He wasn't ready. But who would call here? He eyed the phone, almost angry at the dead object for not allowing him to telepathically pull the information from its' wiring. Tentatively he picked it up on the third signal, putting the receiver to his ear with a mixed feeling of hope and dread.
"Oh my god FINALLY did you have to INVENT the phone before picking it up?"
Xavier didn't immediately recognize the voice as it was distorted by a poor connection but there was no mistaking the speed of which the man on the other end fired words into the telephone.
"Peter?" he said in disbelief.
"Yeah, listen I need you to bail me out" the silver haired youth continued as if Xavier had said nothing "Fast. Or like, fast by your standards anyway"
"I need to what?"
"Bail. Me. Out" Peter empathized every words while sighing, which shouldn't even be humanly possible "With that big house house and fancy accent of yours I figure you can afford it"
"I understood you" Xavier snapped "I just don't see why getting you out of whatever mess you made is any of my concern"
"Oh. Because you owe me like crazy?" It wasn't spoken as a question "After what I did for you and your boyfriend you could at least do me a solid"
"Eric is not..."
"Yeah, I don't care Prof, free love and whatever but seriously though come get me. Come bail me out. It's just a misdemeanor, it won't even cost you that much. We're talking like 900 bucks. Come on, be cool." as an afterthought he added "Please?"
Xavier sighed and rubbed his eyes, he felt a headache coming on but there was some real urgency in Peters voice and whatever part of him had ever treasured the thought of teaching kids were responding to it.
"Peter, call your mother, I'm sure..."
"Oh no, not an option" Peter interrupted almost instantly "Don't you watch any cop shows? You get ONE phone call. This is my one call. There's no other calls"
"Give me her number and I'll make the call" Xavier said, reaching for a pen.
"No way. If you don't come get me I'll just bust out"
"Why haven't you already?" Xavier asked, suddenly curious "With your talents I wouldn't think the police could hold you?"
"They can't" Peter admitted and lowered his voice and spoke, if possible, even faster "But considering RECENT EVENTS and that these people have my home address I'm not real keen on letting them know that"
Xavier understood. Peter had been showing off his powers to a world who would never believe a man could run faster than the eye could see, but after a base ball court walled the white house in on national TV the world believed. Things had changed forever and the people had to change with it, which meant a kid who could barely stay still long enough to blink was willing to sit in a tiny cell to protect his family. Peter was annoying, but not stupid.
"Professor? Come get me" A final plea as someone behind him was shouting that the time was up.
"Alright Peter, I'm on my way" Xavier sighed "If at all possible, try not to do anything reckless and stupid for the coming hours"
"Hours?" Peter whined and the last thing the professor heard before the call cut off was "Just take the jet!"
Xavier hung up and acknowledged Hank, who was standing in the doorway of the study on a polite enough distance not to be eavesdropping.
"What was that all about?" the tall man asked as he slipped into the room "Can't remember the last time I heard the phone ring"
"Get the car, Hank" Xavier ordered softly "We're going to get Peter Maximoff out of jail"
The scientist snorted in disbelief and when he realized Xavier wasn't joking he asked "For real? Why?"
"Because Eric made a mess of… of the WORLD, Hank" Xavier said bitterly while maneuvering his wheelchair around the desk "And I guess I'm growing a bit soft. Come on now, quick as you like"
It was a miracle that Peter was still in one piece when they finally got to the police station. From the look of him he might vibrare his atoms loose from all of the pent up energy he was fighting to conceal. With nothing to do, nothing to distract him and having to move at regular speed not to alert the police to what he was, Peter had been in hell for five hours, which to him felt more like fifty. At this point the officers though he was some sort of tweaker coming down from a weird high since he was incredibly fidgety and would not stop talking.
When Hank saw him being led down the police stations long hallway he had to turn away not to laugh. Peter looked like someone who thought extremely hard about walking normally, to the point where it didn't look natural at all, more like he was a puppet with strings being pulled rather unconvincingly.
"You stay out of trouble now young man, you hear?" the heavy set officer said as he undid Peters handcuffs incredibly slowly "We've got our eye on you"
"Uh-huh. Yeah" Peter replied "Could you hurry up maybe?"
The officer looked tired as he ushered the young man up to a window where he could retrieve his belongings and sign a couple of release forms.
"Quite a handful this one" the officer addressed Charles, who was watching Peter scribbling his name with a shaky hand "You his brother?"
"No" Charles offered no further explanation and the officer didn't press on.
"Alright then" The officer collected the papers and handed Peter a note that he shoved into the pocket of his college jacket without even looking at it "You'll be summoned to court in a couple of weeks. If you don't show up you might be facing a far more severe..:"
"Yeah yeah I know all this" Peter interrupted.
"I'm sure you do" the man looked almost as bored as Peter did, and he finally waved the silver haired teen away "Off you go then"
It took Peter every last drop of self restraint not to run right out the door. As soon as they were through them and out of sight from the cameras monitoring the entrance Peter was gone. Both Charles and Hank turned their head in the direction of the sharp gust of wind that leaft parasols from an outdoor diner scattered in his wake.
"Well, I guess…" Hank started and then jumped almost a feet when the teen materialized behind him again, the last remains of a hot dog in his hand.
"Man that was a real bummer!" he exclaimed, the food disappearing at an alarming rate "Five HOURS without anything to eat! That can't be legal"
"Did you just steal that?" Hank pointed to the thin air where the hotdog was half a second ago "After we got you out of jail literally less than a minute ago?"
"Don't be such a square" Peter smiled, giving the taller man a friendly pat on the shoulder "It's not like they're going to get me twice in one day"
"Peter, how exactly did they get you the first time?" Xavier asked, keeping his tone sharp and his mind focused on getting the young man to settle down a bit.
"Wasn't running away" the teen shrugged while opening a soda that seemed to just have materialized in his hand "It's not hard to catch something that isn't trying to get away, you know"
"And why didn't you run?" the professor pressed on.
"Because I hadn't done anything, Prof. They just grabbed me, you know?" Peter said while shoving his now empty hands into his pockets, speaking rapidly "When I realized they were coming for me there was no way they weren't going to see me run and there were cameras everywhere and I thought they already got my image on there, so I should maybe just get caught. So yeah, I didn't run. I know you don't believe me but I for real hadn't done anything this time"
"I believe you" Xavier said, surprising both Peter and Hank.
"Did you do the brain thing or what?" the teen asked.
"No, I didn't 'do the brain thing'" Charles smiled up at him, trying to be patient "I never do that uninvited, unless it's absolutely necessary. I believe you without reading your mind"
"That's… wow" Peter seemed uncertain of what to do with his hands, so he extended one to the professor, and Xavier took it "Thanks for bailing me out. And you know, not assuming I'm lying. That was really cool of you"
"Don't mention it" Charles smiled.
"Good seeing you again, Hank. Catch you later!" And with that, he was gone faster than they could blink.
"Come Hank, let's go empty a coffee shop. I need every drop after having to handle that" Charles sighed while rubbing his eyes "I am going to have such a headache"
"I don't get it through" the tall man mused as they started down the sidewalk, heading for the closes cafe "If he didn't do anything, why did they take him in?"
"There are several valid explanations, but I fear the correct one might be rather unpleasant" Charles looked over his shoulder to be able to meet his friends eyes "Not all the people in uniform in there where police, Hank. Something's going on"
Authors Notes: I remember from the comics that Quicksilver hates talking on the phone, and I really wanted to work that into a story with the DOFP-version of him. I'm thinking he doesn't have the patience for all those SIGNALS! Then a story just kinda formed around the premise of Peter getting thrown in jail (because no way they would catch him if he ran. But if he didn't run, why not If he knew he was guilty of something he would have, so he was obviously set up. But why, and by who? And how can I get Eric into this?). Anyhow, hope you liked it! Feel free to tell me if you did or have feedback :)