Sooo Cyclone20 suggested me to fix up the first chapter and here it is! Thank you for your advice, hope this is better :)
-Clary Chase
"Morning Milady" Hiccup said entering the room with two coffees and brioches.
He looked at the bed by the window and rolled his eyes when the pile of sheets didn't make a move "Astrid" he called.
Astrid rolled under the covers and shrieked when he opened the curtains.
"Noo please no lights! Ten more minutes!"
Hiccup sat on her bed and looked at her with affection. Her messy blond hair was sprawled on the pillow and it almost looked as if it was made of gold in the morning light.
"You're staring" she said peeking one eye open with a smirk.
He ignored her comment "It's almost midday, you gotta get up"
Astrid glared at her best friend "I'm tired" she hissed "Last night we stayed up until three, you should let me sleep, you know how intractable I am when I'm tired. I could end up killing the twins or Snotlout"
"You're always intractable"
She puckered her lip "Yeah, maybe you're right"
He smiled "Anyway it's saturday and classes are off so you can't just sit in bed all day"
"That's where you're wrong" she said happily "I could. We could. We should watch a movie and chat, we haven't done that in a while"
She leaned in and placed her head on his chest making his heart jump "Just you and me"
Hiccup gulped "Y-you have a date with James today remember?" he said pushing her away gently.
She scoffed "Yeah right"
She left her bed and started to collect her clothes "What?" he asked "Is something wrong beetween the two of you?"
Astrid shrugged "Oh no it's fine don't worry. It's just sometimes I really don't want to hang out with him and his friends. They all play football and you know I hate girlfriends are all cheerleaders and you know I hate cheerleaders, so..."
He laughed "You're the one who dates a football player"
She grimaced "Maybe I'll dump him" she pondered.
Hiccup said nothing. She had said it multiple times but she never did. He knew she truly loved that guy even if he couldn't understand what she found in him.
She neared him and just as she slapped his butt affectionally the door opened revealing James.
Hiccup paled but Astrid smiled brightly "Hey" she greeted running to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek "I didn't expect you so soon"
James closed the door "Well I just wanted to check up on you"
"Oh you know I'm well tended with Hiccup" she said winking in her friend's direction "I'm going to take a shower"
Astrid could hear Hiccup and James talk as she undressed herself.
She heard Hiccup moving around the tiny room to clean the mess they had made the night before with their friends. The twins, Snotlout, Fishlegs and Heather could be hurricanes when they wanted.
"How was tonight?" James asked.
"Oh good" Hiccup responded "Nothing much. The usual goofing around like when we were in high school"
Astrid smiled. She and Hiccup knew each other since they were little kids but they had met the others in high school and it was amazing how their friendship had endured til college. James had come in later and sometimes it seemed like he felt hurt he was always being excluded from her nights with her friends. But he just couldn't understand some things beetween the seven of them.
Sometimes she even felt like he was jelaous of Hiccup.
Was he right? Maybe.
She shared a room with him long before they had met and he was probably the one person who knew her better than anyone else. He had seen her at her best and her worst.
And well... okay maybe she had a slight crush on him from a very long time.
But she didn't want to tell him. She didn't want to ruin the most important relationship in her life because of a one-sided feeling.
If only she knew how wrong she was.