Hey guys! This story is going to be a series of one-shot sort of things revolving around Anna's childhood and while Natasha was pregnant with her. This could be read alone but to fully understand most of it please read the main story "Anna's Life".

"I don't like it. It's itchy…" 10 year old Anna complained.

"It's necessary. Besides it's more practical than the big oxygen mask." Natasha said sitting next to Anna. "You can eat easier and talk better and- Anna stop messing with it."

"I can't help it. It tickles." She scrunched up her nose in annoyance.

"You'll get used to it." Bruce fixed the oxygen tube to a small tank fit inside a backpack. "You can to carry this around, much more portable." Anna slid the bag over her shoulders and stood up facing a mirror.

"The nosel can… canoo-"

"Nasal cannula."

"The nasal cannula looks stupid. I hate this." The elevator dinged and Clint stepped out fully dressed in gym clothes, sweating and panting from a recent workout. Anna stomped past him and into the elevator. "JARVIS, my floor… please." She said aggravated.

"What's wrong with her?" Clint asked taking a swig of his water bottle.

"She hates the oxygen tube. Now she's going to sulk for days." Natasha sighed with frustration. Clint thought for a minute.

"I'll be right back." He walked down the hall and up the stairs

"Scoot." Anna reluctantly obeyed and Clint sat down next to her on the edge of her bed. "You see this?" He asked her pointing up to the side his head.

"Your ear?"

"No, what's inside my ear." Anna squinted; she noticed a small piece of plastic almost the color of Clint's skin

"What's that?"

"I'll show you." He reached into his ears and pulled one of the devices out of each ear. "I'M ACTUALLY 80% DEAF." He said loudly. Anna giggled making Clint smile. "I CAN'T HEAR VERY WELL WITHOUT THESE LITTLE PIECES OF PLASTIC."

"You sound funny." She laughed

"I KNOW." He put the hearing aids back into his ears laughing as well. "I where these so I can hear. And so I don't 'sound funny.'"

"…Just like I have to wear the noseal cann..nasal canoo… this thing to breath?" Clint nodded.

"And guess what? I didn't like my hearing aids when I got them. I thought people would make fun of me. No one did, and I've gotten used to 'em, they're a part of me now. And uh, I don't know if you noticed, but I'm still pretty awesome." Anna laughed. Clint grinned when he saw her smile, it was usually hidden by a fogged up oxygen mask.

"I guess nose cannooa thing is alright." She said smiling. Clint heard the apartment's front door open and close, along with two sets of footsteps.

"Hey!" Clint called out "Guess who thinks the nasal cannula is 'alright'." Steve and Natasha walked into Anna's room with smiles from ear to ear.

PLEASE LEAVE ME REVIEWS! I love to know what you think :)