A/N: To celebrate my last day of High School, I present to you the third installment in the Parallel Universe Series, Parallel Future! I would recommend new readers to check out Parallel Universe and Parallel Earth first before reading this.

Some details of the story will be made up like the planet's name and where the Time Agency is.

This story will have around 25 chapters. This is more of an interlude story but is also EXTREMELY important to my storyline of my character. I will update this story Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. These will NOT be updated in the morning, I need to catch up on the sleep that high school took away from me.

A quick summary of my OC, she is around 21 years old and comes from our universe so she knows basically everything about the Doctor. The only episodes so far that she hasn't seen is The Day of The Doctor and Time of The Doctor, but she has had some clues from her best friend Lily. I picture Susan Jane to look like Rachel Nichols in the T.V. show Continuum.

There will be a short break for a while from July 4 to July 10. I have a valid excuse, I will be taking a graduation trip to London (of course I am seeing DW stuff)! The down side is that I'm not aloud to bring my laptop with me. So just a warning in advance that I won't be updating during that time period.

~0~ is flashbacks


#1: I don't own Doctor Who or it's characters, however I do own the plot to these stories and my OC's that I made up.

#2: I do not own any of the images I have used for the covers

Parallel Future


Previously ….

The Doctor staggered into the Tardis, with myself having trouble holding him up. I closed the door behind us and started the Tardis, sending her into Doctor takes his arm off me and slowly backs away. "Doctor." I said, tears streaming down my face, still wearing my dress from Donna's wedding.

The Doctor looked at me, tears also streaming down his face. "I don't want to go." The Doctor said.

Then the regeneration began. I jumped back a couple feet as it got too hot closer to him. Then as soon as it began, it was over and eleven remained.

Then the Tardis began crashing, shaking everything. Fires popped up everywhere. I was coughing.

"Doctor!" I yelled.

Suddenly the ship gave a gigantic lurched forward and crashed into what must be Amy's backyard. I landed down on the floor, hard, landing on my Vortex Manipulator which started ticking. "Doctor!" I cried one more time before vanishing.


I opened my eyes and found myself in what looked like a futuristic apartment. Then I heard a familiar voice. "Now, who are you and how did you get a Time Agent's Vortex Manipulator? The law for stealing one is imprisonment. Killing one, you get shot."

I looked up and saw Jack, standing over me with what looked like a phaser aimed at my head, no recognition at all on his face, and completely down to business. It wasn't my Jack. No. It was a younger version of mine, who had no clue who I was. I closed my eyes as the stress over The Doctor regenerating, and young Jack became too much.

I passed out.


I slowly woke up, disoriented, in an unfamiliar room. I first noticed that I was in a bed with sheets covering me up to my shoulders. I looked to the left and saw a white table that had a glass of water on it. I reached for the water and my fingertips brushed the top of the glass but if I didn't move closer I wouldn't be able to grab it without spilling the water everywhere.

"Here, let me." Jack said, grabbing the glass and held it out to me. I hadn't realized someone was in the room with me.

I gulped the water down, suddenly thirsty. "Thanks." I said softly. I looked around the room. It was definitely a futuristic room. It was all white with black outlining. There were no door handles, I guessed that it was sensor activated. There was a huge window to my left, which was dimmed, like a car window. I guessed it could become dark and light in a matter of seconds. Then I saw what must be a closet. The door was open and I could see an unorganized assortment of pants, shirts and underwear.

"Done looking around?" Jack asked, flirtatiously.

I couldn't help myself, I blushed. "Yeah."

Jack smirked. "Satisfied?" Clearly expecting a yes.

I shrugged. "Not really. I've seen more advanced."

Jack pouted then realized he was supposed to be asking me how I got here and who I was. He sobered up. Jack took River's Vortex Manipulator out of his coat pocket and placed it on the end table, out of my reach. "How did you get this?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Where I come from, It is polite to ask someone's name before you interrogate that someone."

Jack's mouth dropped open. He opened it again but no words came out.

I smirked. "Susan Jane Anderson, Human." I didn't want to tell him I was a Time Lady because I was afraid that it could change the future.

"Miss. Anderson, could you tell me why you happen to have a Time Agency object in your possession?"

My smirk faded a bit. "It was given to me by a close friend."

Jack raised his right eyebrow. "How do I know that you didn't take it off of her dead body?"

I inwardly winced. "You don't." I replied.

"Well, I'm going to have to take you in for questioning." Jack said.

I froze. "Does it involve tests?" I asked.

"Yes, just the standard medical procedure. You have nothing to worry about." Jack told me.

"Okay." I said softly. Oh this was bad. I really didn't want to announce to the world that I was a Time Lady this way. "But I don't have anything to wear." I protested, buying time, any amount time. "As you can see, my dress is ruined."

"Oh yeah, about that." Jack said. "You'll have to wear the regulated clothing for a female your age. I can get that at the market place."

I scrunched up my nose. People in the future had to wear regulated clothing? Ugg. But at least it brought me some time. "Thanks." I muttered as Jack walked to the door, waved his hand over a stylish black and white box and the door slid open then closed again.

At least I knew how to get out of the room.

I was sitting up in the bed, holding what looked like a tablet and playing around with it, when Jack came back in with a package in his hands. "Here." Jack said, tossing it on the bed. I turned off the tablet and put it softly down on the end table.

"Thanks." I said, getting out of the bed and walking around it to where Jack had thrown the package of clothing. I unwrapped the packaging to find a white top with a choke neck collar, a black skirt that went down to my knees with black stockings to match. The boots were also black and came up to my middle thighs and folded over about a two or so inches. I blushed and looked at Jack who was still in the room.

"Are you going to leave so I can change or are you just going to stare at me like a fish?"

"M-leaving." Jack mumbled and left.

I smiled. He was still Jack, but he didn't know me… this was the first time he met me! I realized. I thought back to my conversations with my Jack. He never said how we first meet. I figured it was timey wimey but nothing like this.

I pulled on my boots and looked at myself in the mirror. Not bad for 51th century style clothing. Jack knocked on the door and called through it, "Are you ready?"

"Yeah." I replied. I waved my hand in front of the small black and white box that I saw Jack using earlier and the door opened.

"Your getting used to the technology. What century are you from?" Jack asked.

"Well, I travel around a lot so I just improvise and the 21st century."

Jack's eyes widened. "I didn't know they had time travel back then."

"They didn't. I traveled with someone who did." I replied.

"Huh." Jack said. "Well, I guess I'll hear all the details during the interrogation at the Agency."

"Yeah." I said. "I guess we will."

Jack lead me through his home and to the front door. Before he opened it he stopped, turned and looked at me. "Welcome to the 51st century." And opened the door.