Author's Note: Hi, my name is Mary Martha. I have never made a Fan Fiction account before; I just read fan fictions as a "guest". This is my first chapter I have ever written before for anything, and the idea just suddenly popped into my head for this chapter. I would like to write more, but I want to know, should I continue this and make a few more chapters? Thank you so much if you could let me know! R&R!

~Mary Martha

Disclaimer: I do not own "When Calls the Heart" or the characters in it. I just own Lillian and a few other characters. Thank you!

Nestled in the hills surrounding Coal Valley, there was a house almost hidden amongst the trees. A little girl was swinging on a swing right outside the home's kitchen window, and smoke was rising in small wisps out of the chimney. Inside the kitchen, Elizabeth Thornton was watching her biscuits in the oven, hoping they would come out right this time.

"Momma! Momma! Daddy's coming!" Lillian, the little girl, exclaimed as she saw Jack Thornton riding up the hill.

Elizabeth went outside and Lillian gently jumped off of the swing. Jack got off of his horse, and opened his arms for the little girl to run into.

"Daddy!" she exclaimed once again.

"Hi, Lily." Jack said with a smile. He lifted her up into his strong arms and went over to Elizabeth.

"Good evening my sweet Elizabeth." He said as he reached out for his sweet Elizabeth's hand and kissed it.

Lillian giggled; she thought it was so sweet how her Daddy was nice to her Momma.

Elizabeth gave a shy smile and commented, "Oh, Jack I better get back inside, I don't want my biscuits to burn, because this time I think I might actually make the biscuits be not burnt!"

Jack chuckled and let go of her hand, "Alright, you go do that. I am going to talk to this young lady here." He grinned with a look at Lillian.

"Okay, oh and Dinner is almost ready." Elizabeth commented with a smile as she went back inside.

"Did you have fun helping Abigail today at the Cafe?"
"Oh yes, she gave me a cookie. It was good!"

"You know when you start going to school in the fall that you won't be helping Abigail as much, right?"

"Yes Daddy! I wanna learn with Momma." She grinned.

"Good girl. Now listen, I need you to ask Abigail something for me."

"What Daddy?"

"Will you ask Abigail to make a special meal just for me and Momma tomorrow night?"

"Yes Daddy! I can help her! Why though?" she asked with happiness in her eyes.

"It's four years after your Momma and I got married and we are going to celebrate it." Jack replied. He continued, "Can you keep it a secret from Momma?".

"Uh-huh!" Lilian said proudly, because she got to keep a secret.

"Come on you two, dinner's ready!" Elizabeth called out the kitchen window.

"We're coming!" Jack replied.

As Jack carried Lillian towards the kitchen door, he reminded her to be quiet with a motion of his finger to his lips. She understood and nodded yes with her head.

Elizabeth stood by the dining room table, and had a grin of accomplishment on her face.

"Look! The biscuits finally came out right! I hope they taste as good as they look!" Elizabeth chuckled.

Jack put Lillian in her chair as she gave a clap for her Momma. Jack hung his hat on the coat rack and sat down, exchanging a look with Lillian. Lillian giggled and Jack gave a sly smile.

"Okay you two, do you know something I don't know?" Elizabeth questioned as she put her hands on her hips.

Lillian just gave another giggle, and Jack looked at Elizabeth and replied, "Of course not!" with a smile that showed he was hiding a secret.

"Okay, whatever you say." Elizabeth sighed as she suspected something was going on. She sat down and joined her family for the dinner prayer.