Inumaid: Sorry guys! I know I'm really bad about updating! I got grounded for a while...

Inuyasha: *chasing Kagome*

Kagome: *running with amazing stamina...*

Inu maid: ok... Well here we go!

When Kagome finally got down to the kitchen, she was shocked at the women meeting her at the door. Then, the questions began to fly,

"Did he give in?"

"Did you let him dominate you?"

"How was it?"

"Who was on top more? You or him?"

"Girls! Girls! Calm down!" Kagome said, holding her hands I front of her to make them back away. She looked around and began,

"When we got into our room, he jumped on top of me," squealing girls "then I distracted him, and showed him who's boss," more squeals "then as he flipped on top of me, Miroku knocked and Inuyasha bit his head off," giggles "then he jumped me again and I late him have his away... Just a little bit," she smirked and the all giggled. Then went to work, making homemade ramen! She had done it many times, but never for Inuyasha. Only her family. So she told the ladies the Alpha's favorite dish and they jumped at the chance to please him. They made noodles and chopped veggies and boiled the broth under Kagome's instructions, working as fast as they possibly could. To bad food didn't cook at demon speed...

When the meal was done, Miki poured the food, and when she looked away, Kagome poured most of hers into everyone else's bowls. She took the food out to the men. They all sat on mats around two connected tables. The women sat in there mates lap or by themselves. Sango plopped into Miroku's lap after she served her half and Kagome did the same with Inuyasha.

The second she sat down in his lap, Inuyasha took Kagome's face in his hand and kissed her. While he kissed her, he used his other hand to pour some of his ramen into her bowl. A testament of his love, He gave up RAMEN for her! Once he let her breath, he began to eat and watched the blush spread across Kagome's face. Jun looked at him with an evil smile, respect in his eyes. Ryu nodded, while the two women giggled, knowing fully well what Kagome was going through.

'Poor girl' Miki thought, 'she's to busy blushing to notice her bowl has doubled in size!'

But Kagome had noticed, and looked to all the girls for help. Only they were no help... They simply told her to eat... Great. She was on her own. She would get him back sooner or later! The meal went on as normal, she just sat in his lap and eat. Wiggling a bit just to tease him, and he would growl playfully whispering sweet nothings in her ear. She kept silent. If he wanted a obedient wife, who just did what he wanted mindlessly, no questions asked. Fine. That's what he would get, and she would make sure he hated it! She finished her meal and sat in his lap, waiting for him to finish before she took his bowl and hers into the kitchen so she could wash them.

Miki came in right after and said,

"You have a plan to make him pay don't you? Because if not, I have a few!" She grinned evilly, but I just nodded and told her,

"If Inuyasha wants an obedient mate, fine! That's what he's gonna get. I won't fight back, I'll keep silent, I'll be the mindless zombie he thinks he wants. If that is truly what he wants, which I know it isn't, I'll make sure he hates every second of it. Then, he'll yell at me to fight back, and I'll just tell him I thought this is what he wanted and boom! He'll talk things out with me instead of trying to trick me into doing what I think is best."

"Kagome... You are diabolic! I love it!"

"I know, thanks. Well I'm all done here! What's an obedient wife to do now?"

"Well..." Miki grinned "if it were me, I would go and sit in his lap without a word. That way he gets a clue something is wrong."

"Good idea." She pushed the curtain aside and clasped her hands I front if her. She walked to Inuyasha and sat silently in his lap. He looked at her in confusion, and asked her,

"Kagome, is everything okay?" She simply nodded, still not saying a word. He was a bit scared now, why was she being so quiet? He licked her neck, and she smiled back at him, licking his neck too as if it was the most casual thing in the word. With that he scooped her up and began in walk. She looked a little surprised at this, but wrapped her arms around his neck. He walked to their room, and opened the door with his foot. He sat her on the bed and back up, looking into her eyes and said,

"Okay, what's going on Kagome?"

"Nothing sweetie, just being a good mate."

"Yes, but it's not you. I fell in love with you, not a quiet girl that does what she's told."

"Then why do I feel that's how I need to act?" She was still smiling, but inside she was wondering how he had caught on so fast. He shook his head at her,

"Because you're silly. The only reason I nag so much is to see you mad. It's adorable!"

"WHAT?!" She screeched as she stood from the bed, "so all this time you acted like an ass just to see me mad?! Because you think it's CUTE WHEN IM MAD!"

*Meanwhile, down stairs*

"WHAT!" The group heard, and Miki began to giggle,

"Well that didn't take long!"

"What didn't take long?" Sakura asked, and Sango looked at her in confusion. She continued to giggle as she said,

"Kagome had a plan to make Inuyasha see how he would hate her to be silent and obedient. From the sound of things, he thinks it's cute when she's mad. I'm gonna turn off the super hearing now though, for fear of hearing things I shouldn't, and I suggest you all do the same." With that, the two humans saw the demon ears change to look more human. In awe, they remained talking casually

*le love birds*

"Aw, come on Kagome, it's not that bad!" He chuckled, she was really mad. Her chest heaved, her face red, bringing out all of her features. She pushed him and began to walk away, but he caught her wrist and kissed her softly. She struggled at first pushing against him. He wrapped his arms around her to keep her close to him, pulling her to him as he kissed her. He pulled her to the bed and kissed her until she relaxed. He pulled away and smiled,

"Better darling?"

"I guess," she pouted, "but that's so not cool." He smirked at that, and he licked her cheek,

"I'm sorry, it's not my fault you're sexy when you're mad!"

"Why do you think that anyway?" She seemed really curious, so he decided to tell her the truth and embarrass her. He smirked,

"Your face gets red, and it brings out all of your feature. Then you breathe heavily, which makes your chest heave. Then your being defiant, and that in itself made me want to pounce you. That's why it hurt so much when you sat me!" By this time she was red, and she squeaked a little at his last comment, so he decided to continue,

"I can remember the first time I saw you, I had heard your voice before when you had rubbed my ears when you first saw me. I was praying you didn't see the effect it had on me, then when you actually woke me up, I knew you weren't Kikyo, I always knew you weren't. She hated my ears. I just saw you and wanted to make you mad and may I say, damn." She giggle slightly, and he went on, "of course, just my luck, that centipede lady trapped you against me, I swore I was screwed, there was no way you didn't feel the effect you had on me. I praised God when you didn't notice. I couldn't have another woman get under my skin, so I wanted to scared you off. I was never gonna kill you, but I didn't know it was gonna land me these damn beads! But they actually helped, and I got enough satisfaction seeing you all worked up over the years and that kept my demon from jumping you." She looked at him in awe, then smiled. She kissed him sweetly, and then snuggled into his chest, falling asleep as he held her. He pulled the covers over them and fell asleep, breathing her scent.

The next morning, he woke up to empty blankets, but her scent was near by. He followed it to the hot springs, and saw her there, looking like she wasn't even breathing. Panicking he shouted as he ran to her,

"Kagome!" Her head shot up, and he breathed a sigh of relief, slowing his pace, and began to undress. She looked at him in awe,

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Undressing so I can bathe with my mate? Is that so horrible?" She blushed at this and he chuckled. He slipped in next to her and sat down. She got an evil look on her face and began to form a plan. She moved over and sat in his lap, him looking at her in shock, and grabbed her shampoo. She put it in her palm and ran her fingers through her hair. She looked at him and smiled,

"Do you want me to wash you too puppy?"

"I ain't no puppy, bitch!"

"Well, you have something you call me besides my name, why can't I call you puppy? I mean you are my puppy aren't you Inu?" She looked him in the eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body to his as she pretended to pout. He gulped, just nodding, and groaning as she straddles his hips. She looked at him innocently and said,

"Are you sure you don't want me to wash you?" He didn't get to reply before she said, "okay then, just let me rinse my hair." With that she leaned back, forcing him to enter her slowly. Then, all at once she felt him grab her hips and slammed her to him. She shot up, all the soap gone from her hair. He pulled her out of the water and bucked his hips forward. He smirked and looked her in the eyes,

"So, you want to play it the way huh? Well fine then, we can do it your way." He laid on his back and held her hips, her legs straddling him, him still inside of her. He chuckled,

"Go on, you wanted to be dominant, would you rather I take-" with that he groaned as she began to rock her hips into his, and she leaned forward. He bucked up slightly, meeting her with every thrust, groaning as she nipped at his neck. She was nipping right where she would put her mark in the near future, and he smiled at this. It didn't take long for them to both release, and Kagome fell against his chest. They panted together and she looked up at him, smiling. She kissed his nose, then got off of him and back into the hot springs. He quickly followed suit, grinning as he slid in next to her. He nipped at her ear and whispered,

"Who said I was done with you?"

"The fact that I have to get fitted for my dress, so we can become official mates. Unless you want to forget the whole thing-"

"No! No! Fine, you win!" He backed away and watched as she washed herself. They got out together and she dressed slowly, just to tease him. He took notice of this, and so did his demon. His demon wanted 'his bitch to learn her place' but Inuyasha held himself back. It was important Kagome got this dress, and the sooner the better. After they had the ceremony he had plans for them to stay in there room for a while... 3 or 4 days at least... Maybe a bit longer...

Ok. I'm going to give you guys a choice. Shorter chapters, But quicker updates or stay the same? Here's probably what the would be. Possibly shorter.

I'd say 20 reviews will do, Please! Please please please!