KND belongs to Cartoon Network, Warner Brothers, and was created by Tom Warburton.

I've had this idea in my head recently and for some reason I felt really compelled to write this story. Now there's going to be a lot of Firefly, Alien 1-3, Red Vs Blue, Watership Down, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Cowboy Bebop influence on this fic.

Now don't worry, Hoagie, Kuki, Wally, and Abby, and the rest will all have BIG roles in the story, but they won't appear until chapter 6 or 7.

This chapter is dedicated in loving memory to my cat, Micah. He passed away last night, he died of cancer. He wasn't the best cat ever. But he was still a good cat.

Now loading OPERATION: S.T.A.R.D.U.S.T









Chapter 1

The Mission Begins

London, England

On the outskirts of London, there is a tree house. It is not like most tree houses you see in backyards or playgrounds; this one a tree house that was just one of the thousands of tree houses that belonged to the Kids Next Door. The tree house was made up of a large old tree, with buses, trains, old buildings, and various pieces of neglected metal or wood that was put to good use as a home away from home for five agents of the KND.

Inside one of the lower areas of the tree a rather skinny boy by the name of Maxwell aka Numbuh 1965 worked himself exhausted on a large white suit. "Numbuh 1 billion better thank me for this. Better give me a big stinkin' medal for it." The skinny Caucasian British boy complained to himself, or so he thought.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw a figure approaching him. He quickly jumped down from the perch he was working on and aimed his mustard gun known as a Musket at the intruder only to see his team leader; Agrata aka Numbuh 6974. She was a rather attractive girl, not that he'd admit it to her, of Indian descent with long raven hair and beautiful brown skin. He saw she, as always, carried her wooden sword that she rarely was without. "Oh, don't worry 1965. Our 'fearless leader' will be very grateful for this suit." She said, briefly chuckling at his jumpiness.

"Oh, it's just you Numbuh 6974, scared me." He said, tossing his weapon to the side.

"Why would you be scared? The alarm would have went off if there was an intruder." The Indian girl pointed out.

"Yeah I know, it's just that Numbuh 1 Billion wanted me to make this suit and protect it at all cost." He explained.

"Even from your team members?" she queried.

"The way he put it; yes." Maxwell answered. "I'm 97% done with this thing. If I work till morning I can get it done." He said, admiring his work.

Agrata noticed the lines under his eyes and she sighed. "You've been working on that blasted suit all day, you can finish it in the morning but for now; you're getting some sleep. And that's an order." She said simply.

"But Numbuh... ah you're right. I'm bloody tired." He admitted, shoulders slumping.

"I'll have Paul and Rosie record tonight's 'Dr. Time' for you." She said as she watched him crawl into bed. "It's a rerun." He said as his head hit the pillow.

"Very well, goodnight 1965." She said, turning out the lights and leaving his room.

One hour later, Maxwell was woken up by a noise; he slowly pulled his torso up and saw the suit had gotten closer to his bed. He sighed in annoyance. "Oh ha ha, very funny. Regular Young Ones stuff this. Who's the comedian?" he asked into the dark and silent room. There was no response, not even the hushed giggling he would hear from Paul and Yaphet. "Hullo?" he said nervously. Had Agrata taken up scare tactics and tricks? That was very unlike her.

He looked up to the rafters of his big workshop room to see if anyone was hiding up there, but he could see no-one. He brought his head down and saw that the suit had gotten closer still. Max jumped up against the wall letting out a frightened squeal.

Now he knew it had to be a joke. This was just like the crying statues from Dr. Time! Paul had to be playing a joke on him. He got up and approached the suit. "Okay, get outta there Paul, Numbuh 1 Billion will throttle me if he finds out you of all people were first." Maxwell scolded.

The suit's arm shot out and grabbed the boy by the neck.

"Oh, I'll do that for him." A raspy voice came with inside the suit. Maxwell tried to scream but he couldn't, the hand was wrapped around his neck too tight. The mask, painted like a silver skull, leaned in and whispered: "Is this suit functional?" it asked, Maxwell nodded frantically.

"Are the weapons online?" it asked, at this Maxwell shook his head no. "Oh well, no matter. With my new power, any weapons you brats could make is small potatoes!" the mask leaned in and Maxwell screamed.

At the center of the tree house, in the living room Agrata, Paul, Rosie, and Yaphet all jerked up as they heard Maxwell's scream. "That was Numbuh 1965!" cried out Rosie aka Numbuh 1975.

"What could he be screaming about?" asked Yaphet, aka Numbuh 6973, to no one in particular.

"I don't know, but I don't care. Be it nightmare or nemesis we check it out." Agrata said. "Paul, Rosie. Stay here. Yaphet with me." She ordered.

Agrata and Yaphet left, both armed with KND zappers, a new standard weapon for the KND.

"Rosie, you stay up here, I'm gonna check the lower deck." He said, heading toward a ladder that took him to the lower area of the living room.

"But Numbuh 6974 said to stay here!" said Rosie.

"I'm not leaving, just guarding the lower area in case in intruder tries to go out that way." He explained, making his way to the ladder.

Agrata and Yaphet arrived at Maxwell's room. Agrata nodded to the muscular black twelve year old, who nodded back and kicked down the door, aiming his weapon around. Agrata turned on the lights and saw Maxwell in his bed. "Numbuh 1965, what's wrong?" she called. She received no answer.

She walked over to him and turned his body over only to see a terrible sight. Maxwell's eyes were wide open, dull and empty like a creepy old doll. Agrata jumped back with a gasp. This caught Yaphet's attention looked a Maxwell's body. "Is he dead?" he asked.

Agrata put her head against his chest. "His heart's still beating, and his pulse is fine." She said, she tapped him on his head. "Numbuh 1965 wake up." She demanded. She got no response.

"Fats," said Yaphet, using his affectionate nickname for her as fat was a British slang word for a leader position, "that suit 1965 was working on, it ain't here." He said.

"What is going on?" Muttered Agrata, then they heard a scream.

"That was Paul!" cried Yaphet.

"Come on!" said Agrata as she led him out of the room.

When they got back to the living room they found Rosie was hung upside down from the banister and Paul was lying still underneath her.

Both were in the same condition Maxwell was in.

"Numbuhs 1975 and 1976..." whispered Yaphet fearfully. "What's going on Fats?" he asked.

"Someone broke in, somehow without setting off the alarms, stole the suit and somehow did this to Maxwell, Rosie, and Paul." She answered.

"Is that suit supposed to do something like that?" he questioned. "Not that I'm aware of." She said as she kneeled down and pulled up Rosie so the blood wouldn't go to her head.

"So Fats, what do we do now?" he asked.

"We leave and get help. Now I don't like it anymore than you do Numbuh 6973," she said before he could object, "but we're not going to help them by getting got as well. So until we get out we're the ones in danger." She said.

Yaphet sighed, obviously upset at the idea of leaving his team mates behind, but she was right; they had to get out. "To the hanger then?" he asked, she nodded and they set off.

They arrived at the hanger in a short amount of time. When Numbuh 6974 tried to turn on the lights, they simply flicked on, the died.

Yaphet looked up and saw a white figure moving across an upper catwalk.

"It's here!" screamed Yaphet as he fired his zapper at the platform. He hit a fuel barrel which caused it to explode.

"Crap!" screamed Agrata as she ducked for a sprinkler lever.

As she pulled it and the water doused the flame there was a loud smashing sound. Agrata whirled around to see the suit. Standing at six feet tall, with black highlights, a blood red mask with a silver skull painted on it.

The idea of an enemy controlling that suit was scary. It was actually happening and it was horrifying as hell.

But they were still not prepared for what came next.

"And where do you kids think your going?" it asked them, in the voices of Maxwell, Rosie, and Paul!

Yaphet screamed as he fired at the suit five times. It showed a little pain as it grunted, but it was otherwise unharmed.

Agrata took out her trusty wooden sword and jumped high in the air. "This is for my team!" she screamed as she smashed the wooden sword over the suit's mask. It howled in pain as Agrata landed a few feet away from it.

Agrata looked at her trusty weapon that was now shattered. "My sword..." she whispered to herself.

Yaphet grabbed her and pushed her towards the ship. She saw that he was now armed with a Gumzooka.

"I'll hold it off, you get out and get help!" he said, as he turned around and fired a giant wad of gum, trapping the suit to the wall.

"Yaphet I..."

"Fats! Agrata, please." He said to his friend.

She ran into the teams' away ship as there was a flash of yellow light. Yaphet turned around to see the suit had somehow got free.

Yaphet fired again, but this time it dodged it and was on Yaphet like a hawk on a Rabbit. It pinned him down to the ground. "You're strong. You will be a good addition to the collective." It said. Although Yaphet managed to get one last punch in, it was too late for him.

Agrata started up the engines and began launch sequence, but as the ship began to lift off the ground, it was forced right back down. She looked out the window and saw that the suit was using the Gumzooka to keep the ship grounded. It even waved at her tauntingly.

She wasted no time in grabbing the emergency communication device on the ship and aiming her zapper at the door.

"This is Numbuh 6974 of KND Sector E-6! I need help now!" she yelled into the communicator as she heard a scraping of metal from the other side of the door.

"Yo Numbuh 6974, this is KND Emergency Comms, what up?" asked the voice of an African American communications officer.

"A secret weapon Numbuh 1965 has been working on came alive and wiped out the rest of my team! I'm the only one left! And before you ask, NO I'm not joking! Help me now!" she yelled into her device.

"Uh... right. I callin' up Sector E-5, they'll get there in ten to fifteen minutes." The officer said.

"Minutes?!" Agrata cried, "I might not make one minute!" she said.

"Right you are my dear." Said the voices of the suit, which now included Yaphet, as it tore down the door. Agrata aimed her zapper at the suit, firing twice, before the suit slammed into her and pinned her against the controls.

"My, my, aren't you pretty. Maxwell certainly knows a good looking woman when he sees one." At that Agrata blushed, but quickly regained her tough composure.

"Go to hell you Halloween reject." She hissed.

"Now, now! Language! You must be taught a lesson to not curse!" the suit said as it began making a muttering noise, followed by a sucking noise.

Agrata screamed in terror as she felt her mind and soul leave her body and into the suit.

"Come in Numbuh 6974, come in! Respond! Sector E-5 is on the way just hang on!" the voice over the radio frequency cried.

Then he got a disturbing response; "Oh she's fine. She's with me. WITH US!" it was followed by the creepiest laugh that the communications officer had ever heard.

"Sector E-5, get there on the double! NOW!" he yelled on sector E-5's frequency.

At E-6's base, the suit began to walk out of the open hanger doors. But it stopped, turned around and faced a security camera, and gave the thumbs up.

"Stop the recording!" ordered the voice of Numbuh 1 Billion, the newest leader of the KND. He had short brown hair with icy blue eyes. He had only been appointed Supreme KND Leader a month ago after Numbuh 2 Million's decommissioning. It seemed like this suit was the first BIG threat he would go up against as a leader.

He turned to face the twenty operatives he had gathered there, in this meeting room at the moon base. He had collected the top ten most successful teams of the current KND to deal with this threat.

"Okay, that was officially the second creepiest thing I've ever freaking seen." Said Numbuh 7071 aka Jenna. She was the leader of Sector C-5; she had long red hair and nice looking green eyes, sure to be a total knock-out when she was a teen. Her second in command Numbuh 1615 aka Ian sat next to her, he had long black hair and had blue eyes behind his glasses. He tried to play it cool, but he was obviously disturbed.

"It gets worse from there I'm sorry to say: some sectors in Paris, Moscow, Cairo, Beijing, Tokyo, Sydney, Mexico City, and New York have all been attacked and harvested by this thing in the last two weeks alone." He confessed to them. Pointing to the slide projects, which showed pictures of wrecked bases and bodies sucked of life.

"Then why are just now hearing about it?!" demanded Numbuh 534500 aka Johnny, a rather tall and unusually muscle bound for a twelve year old, he was the leader of Sector O-8.

"This suit was supposed to be top secret. TOP! We tried to keep it hush hush. But then we got Numbuhs 646 and 649 back in the same condition as the attacked ones."

"What is this suit anyway?" asked Numbuh 413 aka Bianca, the second in command of Sector D-4. She was an African American girl with a pony tail. She had become renowned for her smart ideas in the last two years.

"Good question. If we have to fight it, we should at least know its name." said Bianca's commander Numbuh 415 Ryoka, a Japanese girl who was rather pretty with light brown hair and sparkly eyes, even though she had a bit of coldness to her.

"It's a KEBCTS. Kicks Enemies Butts Completley That Suit." Ryan explained.

There was a bit of an awkward silence.

"Seriously?" asked Numbuh 4012 aka Ash, the leader of the new Sector V or Sector V-1 as it was called now.

"Yeah, that what it's called." Said Ryan, admitting its badness.

"We have gotten so desperate with the acronyms." Snarked Ian, this got some laughs and Ash smiled at Ian.

Sector V-1 still used the original sectors' tree house, even though it was moved years ago after Numbuh 1's disappearance.

"Joke all you want Numbuh 1615, bottom line is that thing is out there and every minute it becomes more and more of a threat to every KND operative alive." Ryan said sternly, causing Ian to sink down in his chair.

"So you want out ten teams to hunt this jerk wad down before he can do anymore damage. Am I right?" asked Numbuh 534500.

"You are correct." Confirmed Ryan.

"Excuse me sir," said Numbuh 1140 aka Todd the leader of sector W-8, "but isn't that a little overkill? Fifty of us on one of him?" he was a big bully type that used his muscles to win his missions, and he was dang good at it.

"Nothing is overkill when it comes to this thing!" said Ryan, "In two weeks my magnum opus will be revealed to the whole of the KND and I want whatever that thing is taken down!" he ranted.

Everyone knew what he was talking about. It had been announced as soon as he had been sworn in as supreme leader. It was a mind reading device that would help differentiate between the good and the bad adults and teens. It would help seek any potential allies the KND could use.

The KND was and is a secret society, though not a very subtle one, of kids who fought the evil tyranny of adults and teenagers across the globe... and beyond. Once an agent reached the dreaded age of thirteen they were decommissioned, robbed of their memories. All the happiness, anger, sadness, fear, love, and friendships they had went through for the past five plus years were lost, and they were left without a childhood.

Some thought this was why they had so many enemies in the teenagers. Apparently Numbuh 5 aka Abigail Lincoln agreed and tried to get the decommissioning process phased out and let retiring agents keep their memories, but she failed to get the idea passed and she was defeated in her attempts to make amends with the teenagers. This of course resulted a war that lasted for four months between the KND and the Teens, and it ended with most of the teens' memories wiped.

"Sir, I want to know what the status of our operatives that have been attacked by this thing is so far." Jenna requested, not bothering to hide the concern in her voice.

"They're all in hospitals; the adults are clueless as usual. They aren't dead, but no one knows how they're still alive. Brain activity is below normal, heart rate is fine, the adults are making sure they're fed and watered. Frankly we're just as stumped as they are." Explained Ryan.

He looked around and continued.

"None of us are naive here. We don't want to cause a panic, so only your team needs to know about this, I do hope that we can keep this incident contained until you capture the suit, free our operatives, and save the day. So try and keep a low profile." Said Ryan. "You will begin your hunt as soon as all teams are ready Numbuh 534500 you are in command, I'll 7071 you're the second in command, you guys can go down from there yourselves. Dismissed." He said and watched as the twenty other kids left the meeting room.

"So Jen, whaddya think? Can we beat this thing?" asked Ian as he walked beside Jenna.

"I don't know Ian, if this wasn't the supreme leader I'd tell him to find another team because I'm not putting mine in that much danger, but for now we got no choice but to try and fight this thing. Stuff like this makes me wish Brad was still here." Said Jenna, sounding unsure of the situation while missing their former leader, and Ian didn't blame her at all.

"Ah don't worry about it, fifty of us against one of him; what could go wrong? We'll totally impress Numbuh 1 Billion." Ian said.

"Well I for one am happy to work with Sector V-1, maybe when this is over they'll give me a tour of the tree house!" he added, barley containing his excitement. Jenna giggled; she always found it funny and a little cute whenever Ian started fanboying out over Sector V, the original group of Numbuhs 1-5. She'd be lying if she wasn't a bit guilty of hero worship herself, as she had a reverence for Numbuh 5.

"Joey Beatles is in the group, the little brother of Numbuh 4! THE Wally Beatles, maybe Joey can get me his brother's autograph." Ian went on.

At this point Jenna burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Ian asked, Jenna steadied herself, wiped her tears off her face and smiled.

"Ian, you know I love ya, but you can be such a nerd when it comes to Sector V." she said.

"And proud of it." Ian said shamelessly.

They arrived at the recreation room where the rest of their team awaited them. Numbuh 365 aka Roland was a big strong guy with no hair and an odd looking nose. Like the Agrata he was of British-Indian descent. Roland was by far the toughest guy either Ian or Jenna knew. He once battled the Iguana's pet crocodile and claimed it was 'too easy'.

Then there was Numbuh 695 aka Travis, an African American with an afro, Travis served as the teams science and technical officer. He always complained about being overworked because he way more technical jobs than action ones, but they all knew he loved it.

And Finally Numbuh 555 aka Ally. She was the youngest of the bunch; she served as the medic and the communications officer. She was a sweet girl, with shoulder length brown hair and hazel eyes.

Ally sat on a couch reading a Goosebumps book while Roland and Travis dueled in a video game.

"Come on man! Have mercy! I've never played this game before and you have!" cried Travis as he desperately tried not to die by Roland's hands in the game.

"Sorry Travis. When it comes to video games, you get no mercy from me at all." Roland responded as he mashed buttons and pulled joysticks back and forth.

"Now boys, play nice." Teased Jenna, this caused Ally to look up from her book and smile.

"Hi Jenna, hi Ian. How was the meeting?" she asked.

"Yeah and why did we have to come?" asked Roland, not looking away from the game. "It's not everyday earthbound operatives get to come to the moon base. Not that I'm complaining mind you." He added as he finally killed Travis' character.

Travis banged his head against the screen. "Okay, best six outta ten?" he asked.

"Give in the towel Trav!" laughed Roland.

"Knock it off you two, Jen's gotta meeting report to tell ya." Said Ian as he sat down next to Ally on the couch. Travis sighed and glared at Roland "Next time fight guy." Travis said sitting down next to Ian. Roland rolled his eyes and simply stood.

Jenna told them what she and Ian had been let in on during the meeting.

Ally looked terrified, Travis looked shocked, Roland looked intrigued. Which was odd because he stoic during meetings and reports. He knew this KEBCTS ordeal was really big.

"So that's the mission. We and nine other sectors are going to hunt this thing down, kick his but, pull a Scooby Doo on him, jail him, come home big dang heroes. Any questions?" she asked.

"Yeah, who are the other sectors we'll be working with?" asked Roland.

"V-1, O-8, D-4, W-8, Y-6, R-9, Q-5, H-2, and E-10." She answered.

Roland whistled. He was definitely impressed. "Some serious brains and brawn in this mission. I'm freaking in!" Roland said, ecstatic about the prospect of a mission this dangerous.

"Well with forty five other kids we'd be safe. Sounds good to me. Heck, just lock that thing in a room with Roland and it'll be begging for mercy in a minute." He said. Roland grinned at that as it could possibly be true.

Alley sighed. "If it means saving other KND operatives, you can rely on me." She said, putting on a brave face.

"I knew we could." Said Ian rubbing her on the head.

It's settled then. You guys ready out ship while I go report to Numbuh 534500 to decide our course of action. Wish me luck the dude's not exactly easy to get along with." She said as she left.

Ian led Ally, Roland, and Travis to the ship to prepare. "So, Ian, you think we gotta chance against the big bad?" asked Travis.

"You kidding? We'll find him in a few days, kick its butt in under an hour." Ian said.

Oh how wrong he was. This was just the beginning of an event that would chance the Kids Next Door forever.

Transmission Interrupted...