AN: Holy cow! Long epilogue…. I had this on the making for so long and all I had was the first three paragraphs. I wanted to get it done and out there for you guys ASAP because many people had been asking me questions about this fic. I even put aside chapter 6 of Wildlife Archives (which is almost done btw, just working on the juicy parts) to get this done once and for all. Will there be more of this? Doubtful, I think I have covered any wholes left from the last chapter and answered the questions most commonly asked on the PMs I received. Aidan and Aki do a lot of (in head) talking in this chapter, hopefully that doesn't confuse any of you. Also, if there is a question you have which I did not cover here feel free to PM me and I will answer it as best as I can.
Also, I am still around and have no intentions of disappearing from the fandom (I swear). I just have a lot of things going on in my life right now that are preventing me from sitting down and writing. Updates will be slow for the foreseeable future as I deal with all the stuff going on in my life so bear with it just a bit longer. I will try to update as soon as I am able.
I do not own Finder Series
Thanks to AWESOME Ashida for betaing.
Other Me Epilogue
He was nervous, he could tell by the noises the expensive leather sofa was making with his constant wiggling. He was scared and he had no idea if what he had just said had made any sense at all but he just pushed through and kept his insane explanation going.
"So that is what was going on. I swear I did not know or I would have told you. Well, maybe not told you told you because you might have thought my screws were loosening or something, but at least I would have done something. I don't know what exactly but I would have figured something out. Like going to a priest and getting an exorcism or something equally ridiculous to match the situation. And I know this is a seriously all kinds of fucked up story but I swear it is true and none of what I just told you is me being delirious from just waking up from what in all intents and purposes was the most random coma in the history of the world and then when I finally wake up I act all weird and shit. Good god I'm rambling…"
Asami was about to say something but Akihito was not even looking at him at this point, his eyes were focused on his twirling fingers. The moment the golden eyed man's mouth opened Akihito had begun speaking again and cut him off.
"This is seriously fucked up and I… I mean… I would understand… if you… agh! What I mean to say is that I understand this whole situation is very strange and not normal in any way, shape, or form. This is not what you signed up for and I would understand… if you… didn't want anything to do with it… with me… anymore." Akihito kept quiet for several seconds, not daring to get his hopes up but hoping none the less that Asami would not just toss him onto the streets or worse commit him to a loony house.
There was the sound of an amused chuckle from the other side of the couch and he finally raised his eyes to assess Asami's mental state in front of such revelations. He was about to say something but this time it was Asami's turn to cut him off.
"Akihito, what we have, it has never been normal."
That was all he said but to Akihito, it was enough. He threw himself to the other side of the couch and landed right into Asami's chest where strong arms wrapped around him. There were several minutes of silence and suddenly Asami chuckled again and Akihito was starting to really question his sanity now. He had taken it all in with such ease and now the man was chuckling out of the blue. He looked up at the raven haired man with a confused and questioning look, Asami just laugh,ed he laughed openly like someone had told him the funniest joke in the universe and Akihito really wanted to be in on it.
"What are you laughing at?" He asked
"I just thought this is going to be the lamest threesome I've ever been part of." He said chuckling again.
After a moment of shock Akihito laughed too.
"God you are so weird, who said anything about a threesome?"
"The way I see it, it will be you, me and someone else in our bed, what else would you call it?"
He was carried to the bedroom by those strong arms and his mind was so flooded with the feeling of being with Asami after so long that he did not really register the other presence in his mind. After he had come down from his pleasure high it took some getting used to having someone watching you in such intimate moment. For several days -Akihito thought it had been four days already but was not sure since time was spent in a blissful haze- sex with Asami always begun as a strange affair though it always became just as glorious as it had ever been. He just didn't feel comfortable having someone else "there" with them but Asami had taken two weeks off work to help him get used to the idea, or so he had said.
Akihito had the nagging suspicion that it mainly was because the man was seriously backed up and needed some hard core, long hours of fucking him into every available surface on the penthouse. At least Aidan had taken the back seat in all aspects of his life and limited to make himself known when they were alone and he could freely talk to himself without appearing crazy or when he felt Akihito really needed his input. Surprisingly, the other voice in his head had turned out to be like a polite roommate allowing him to have as much normalcy as possible. At least now, even when in a completely empty room, he never felt lonely knowing that Aidan was always there and being able to feel his presence as a constant companion.
It was somewhere between the fifth and seventh day –the boy's best guess- when Akihito came into the private office in condo. He stepped into the room while Asami was signing some important papers Kirishima had just brought and stood before him looking shyly at the floor completely ignoring the other man just standing left of him. He was avoiding Asami's watchful gaze at all cost and his cheeks were tinted red.
"Do you need something Akihito?" Asami asked.
"I'm hungry." Was his simple reply, he still refused to look at Asami and his face became even more red. He had been ignoring his hunger for the better part of two hours and he could not take it anymore, he felt like he would go insane if he didn't eat some time soon.
"Kirishima brought food from that restaurant you like. It's sitting in the kitchen counter; feel free to begin eating without me. I will join you as soon as I am done with these papers." Said Asami, going back to looking at the contracts.
"Not that Asami. I am… umm… hungry."
Akihito was looking up at Asami now, begging him to understand the meaning of his words and the man was looking back at him. You could practically see the moment of realization as the words clicked in Asami's mind and his eyes widened for a fraction of a second. Kirishima didn't know what to make about this exchange, if Akihito was hungry and there was food, why was he refusing to eat?
Maybe what he meant was that he was horny and this was some kind of code the boy had come up with in his prudish mind. Though why was he being prudish in from of him, Kirishima could not understand, he had already seen Takaba naked and with Asami balls deep into him in seventy five different occasions in the last six months only. Not that he was counting of course. So the whole pretending seemed dumb to him, in any case, if Takaba was hinting at Asami that he wanted to get laid Kirishima thought he better get the hell out of there and come back in at least three hours.
The secretary was temporarily stunned when his boss began taking of his tie and unbuttoning his white shirt as he asked him to continue his explanation about the demands of the people doing business with him. Briefly he wondered if Asami was going to be so blatant as to fuck Akihito in front of him in the midst of a report. If he was to be provided a free show by his boss he was not one to complain, though he wondered what Takaba had to say about it. When Asami did not get up from his chair and simply extended his hand to Akihito at the same time he pushed the chair back from the desk signaling the boy should sit on his lap, Takaba finally came out of whatever cloud his head had been on and looked from Asami to Kirishima and back to Asami. He just kept giving his report like he had been ordered to.
"HERE! In front of Kirishima! Are you serious?" Akihito demanded.
"Akihito, Kirishima is my most trusted man. I would have told him eventually."
Kirishima looked at Takaba briefly without interrupting his report. He was slightly offended that after all these years dragging his ass out of danger the boy thought he was not trust worthy and should not be informed of whatever it was that was going on. Yet, at the same time he felt pride and confidence at Asami's words of trust and approval. It was a very strange dichotomy.
Akihito was shifting nervously from one foot to the other and then the blond opened his mouth to plead his case.
"I guessed as much, but now?" He said, and Kirishima could not help but thinking 'Okay, maybe is not a question of trust.'
His thoughts were interrupted by Akihito's next words accompanied by even more blushing and that created a whole new line of dangerous thinking.
"I just thought that you would talk to him about it later, you know, when I'm not here. This is really uncomfortable."'I sure hope they are not about to ask me to join in. I could not sleep with Asami-sama's lover, especially not with Asami-sama watching, could I? But if it was with his approval and it was what Asami-sama wanted I guess I could… no! I wouldn't, that would be disrespectful. Calm down, I am sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this.'
"Are you hungry or not?" Asked Asami, the tone made it clear to Akihito that this was happening regardless of how he felt about it.
"Oh, for fuck's sake, just do it! I have looked at your memories and I know by fact that the man has seen you two in worse conditions. This is just one more strange thing that man will have to get used to seeing from you two." Urged the voice in his head.
Akihito moved with shaking legs toward the large desk and went behind it to sit on Asami's lap though it was more like as soon as he got close enough Asami pulled him into it and imprisoned him with his left arm. The photographer was not a happy camper at the moment, for more than one reason, the main one being that it was the first time he knowingly feed off Asami it was also the first time Asami knowingly fed him. He had wanted it to be a more private affair than it turned out to be.
He closed his eyes and turned to the strong neck right next to his face, nuzzling it a couple times and inhaling Asami's captivating fragrance. Akihito was moving on instinct now as the pulsing sound of rushing blood coursing through Asami's carotid artery. The sound was all encompassing, drowning everything else out, even the feel of Asami's left hand pushing his head down urging him to continue.
The only other sound he could hear was the sound of Asami's heart and how it went from a steady rhythm to an increasing one as he licked the juncture of his lover's neck, right over the artery. The combination of the delicious smell emanating from Asami, the sound of rushing blood and fast pumping of a heart was all too much. Akihito opened his mouth wide over the neck and his canines elongated into fangs right before he sunk them into the warm flesh and began drinking the rich, sweet blood pouring out.
Akihito moaned again and again with each strong suck and Asami grunted in response. They were both impossibly hard and Asami began to consider having Kirishima watch was not the best way of getting the explaining over with.
His mind recalled the night he first woke up to whom he thought was Akihito biting him and now understood it for what it had truly been. He also remembered how much it had turned him on and the pleasure he felt as the soft wet tongue licked him just the way it was doing now alternating between biting, sucking, licking, and biting again. He was sure his neck would sport all kinds of marks by the end of it.
Akihito was moaning his pleasure was he drank and Asami was fighting not to moan himself. Golden eyes looked up at the stunned secretary and issued a silent command to leave, Kirishima was more than happy to oblige and left closing the door behind him. As fucked up as Asami's and Takaba's relationship had been from the very beginning, to the secretary, it had just gotten weirder.
With Kirishima gone, and urged by the muffled moaning coming from the mouth fastened to his neck, Asami used his right hand to unbutton Akihito's pants and free the young man's straining hardness. He pumped the hard, weeping flesh in time with the small sucks and Akihito's own left hand sneaked from Asami's dark hair to the front of the tailored slacks to provide Asami the same service, though his body was just acting on its own at this point and he hardly registered what he was doing. They jerk each other and the speed of their hands increased simultaneously, almost as if they were mirroring each other. Grunts and muffled moans filled the office as the sucking also increased.
"Akihito, slow down. You've drank more than enough. If you don't stop soon you will weaken him." Aidan was trying to bring Akihito back to his senses. If things kept going like this, Akihito would likely end up killing his lover.
It took more pleading than he would have liked but finally Akihito licked the neck one last time, closing the last wound and healing it. The blond licked his lips and looked at Asami with a hazed lustful gaze, Asami's eyes were as full of lust as his were. His hand was warm and wet and his hazel eyes left Asami's to figure out why only to realize they had been jerking each other off and had come in each other's hands. He had no idea when that happened but under his hand Asami was hardening once more.
Asami stood up pulling Akihito with him, he seemed to sway for a second but composed himself almost immediately and the boy's legs wrapped around Asami's waist. He had intended to take Akihito to the bedroom but they made it no further than the book case to the left of the desk against which Asami pressed the smaller body. He kissed the soft lips and tasted the faint coppery taste he had detected that first night, Asami couldn't care less, all he wanted was to enjoy the pleasures Akihito's body provided. His still cum covered fingers trailed to Akihito's entrance and began to hastily prepare it for his invasion. He made quick work of it, because they were both getting too close to a mindless state of arousal and sunk himself into the welcoming heat that gripped him tightly.
"Harder." Akihito begged and he was happy to oblige, pumping in and out as hard and as fast as he could.
He supported the weight of his lover with one arm while his other hand caressed every inch of available skin. Asami's mouth claimed Akihito's and his tongue prodded into it exploring every inch of it. His mouth left Akihito's and trailed a path of kissed and bites to the young man's neck.
"More, more, Asami. Please, I need to…" Akihito was pleading in his lust filled abandon.
Asami kissed him again and held him in a crushing embrace as he continued to drive them both to the edge. Several minutes later they both filled with the pleasure of release. Panting over each other's neck Asami spilled himself into Akihito and Akihito's cum covered Asami's hard chest.
He had no idea how long he fucked Akihito against the bookshelf, or when his priceless Ming Dynasty glass and diamonds glass figurine had ended up on the floor shattering into hundreds of pieces, nor did he care. It was all worth it when he came inside the boy for the second time, his cock milked to the very last drop by Akihito's pulsing muscles and the earth shattering cry of release from his lover filling the room.
Hours later, Akihito lay panting on top of Asami, they had finally made it to the bed, and his heart struggled to calm down. At some point between the office and the bedroom they had made a stop in the bathroom to take a very eventful bath together. On their way out, Asami caught sight of his neck and was mildly surprised at its completely unmarked appearance. With Akihito's body still draped on him as they lay on the bed, Asami's brow furrowed in deep thought. Did Akihito know it was going to be like this? Most likely not or he would have made an even bigger fuss about biting him in front of Kirishima. The sensation had been almost as pleasurable as having Akihito's lips wrapped around his cock and it had filled him with great arousal. He needed to make sure he knew exactly what he was dealing with at all times, so he simply asked.
"Did you know it was going to be like this? This intimate?"
"I didn't know exactly what to expect."
"You didn't ask? Didn't search for the information in your mind?"
"I thought I had more time, to adjust to all this before it happened, I'm sorry. I should not have put it off."
"Will it always be like this?"
"Yes, unless you want it to hurt." Supplied Aidan's voice.
"Yes, apparently, unless I don't want it to."
"I could live with that." Said Asami
"Gee, intense pleasure that ends up in mind blowing sex. What a sacrifice you are making on my behalf." Answered Akihito teasingly and Asami chuckled.
"From now on, you need to know what you can do and what might happen. You will tell me absolutely everything about it and hide nothing from me." His voice left no room for questioning or negotiating.
"Controlling bastard." Muttered Akihito, snuggling closer and willing himself to sleep, he did not need to sleep anymore but he was so used to it and found sleeping next to Asami so comforting that he kept doing it anyways.
Three weeks later, Akihito still felt shy every time Asami caught him talking to himself. It all just made him feeling like he was some schizophrenic nut job. But hey, at least he was not answering his own questions or talking back to himself. Though saying that, he was talking to the other person in his head and said person was answering did not make him feel better at all. The worse part -or was it the best? Akihito didn't know anymore- was that Asami just took it all in stride and other than being amused at his discomfort did not comment about it.
He now ate like a normal person, not that he had to, but because he still liked food and needed to keep up appearances of being human. His friends wondered where his legendary appetite had gone and he shook it off by saying maybe his growth spurt was done and he just didn't need all the calories anymore. To this Kou laughed and said it had been the longest growth spurt he had ever seen and Akihito had not gained a single inch.
Takato had a better, definitely sounder theory, one that Akihito wished he had come up with himself. Takato said that for as long as they had know each other Akihito was constantly running from place to place, even more so after he started free lancing as a criminal photographer. The theory was that since Akihito had not been able to get many jobs as of late and did less running away from bad guys, his body burned through less energy and that was likely why he was not as hungry anymore. Akihito wasted no time in agreeing with Takato and the matter was soon dropped.
It had been two months since Akihito had woken up. Two months since he first found out he was not human and for some reason, Asami had decided that he needed to double Akihito's security. The reason? He said it was because he wanted to make sure nothing happened to Akihito in case he slipped into another inconvenient coma and that he wanted to make sure Akihito could control what he was before he lowered the number of people following him. To Akihito, it all just seemed dumb, it had taken him less time to learn and control what he could do than it did trying to consolidate Aidan's many years of memory with his own, Asami was just too cautious and he just wanted to have fun.
Akihito knew he was ready to be out and about without babysitters, he just wanted an opportunity to prove to Asami that he could take care of himself, he was a freaking vampire for fuck's sake and Aidan had been helping him understand what he could do now that he was eating well.
Of course, by eating well he meant now that he was making a meal out of Asami every three days. He still remembered Asami's startled face the day he decided to try out shadowstepping and crossed through one shadow in the bedroom to a shadow in Asami's office, right behind the man's chair and placed his hands on the man's shoulder. Asami was not easily startled but this little trick sure as hell got him pulling his gun rather quick. He had laughed about it when he saw the man's face but stopped as soon as he realize Asami did not particularly enjoy his kind of humor and he was currently in deep trouble.
By now he recognized the smell of every single one of the men following him as well as the rhythm of their steps and heartbeats, he always knew exactly where they were even when they tried to be discrete and hide from his sight. Even before he was able to use his gifts he always knew which of the people on the street were Asami's men, they were very obvious to the trained observer and his years as a criminal photojournalist had made him into a very well trained observer.
He was getting tired of it all so he did what he always did when Asami's goon's were getting on his nerves and he needed to do a job, he lost them. The blond was getting comfortable in his perch atop a tree on a park overlooking a love motel where an up and coming politician was said to be meeting with his mistress when his phone went off. He looked at the text knowing very well who it was from.
From Controlling Bastard: Where are you?
To Controlling Bastard: At a stake out.
From Controlling Bastard: Why did you lose my men? I told you to behave.
To Controlling Bastard: I don't need your goons following me around. I can take care of myself now.
Akihito set his phone on silent and ignored it completely to focus on the motel. Half an hour later, he was beginning to think it was all a false lead. Five minutes after that he heard the sound of feet stepping over twigs and dried leaves all around him. There were six distinct heartbeats and the cocking of guns reached his ear, it had been a set up, someone was likely going to try to use him as leverage against Asami.
'Wont they get a happy surprise at the new and improved me.' He thought
The men were closing in slowly, trying to keep their presence hidden, not knowing that he had known they were trying to cage him in.
"There he is." One said, Akihito could hear him give directions to the others through a radio. "Close him in, he will likely come down soon and we can snatch him and deliver him to Min-Ho Suk. He will pay us handsomely if we deliver Asami's whore alive."
'Well, this seems like the perfect opportunity to show Asami that he did not need to worry so much about me anymore. And he has been rather busy this week, likely because of this Min-Ho Suk guy, so I'm hungry anyways. It has been eight days after all.' He thought
"I told you to go to him to feed, you were just too stubborn and kept saying you did not need to. In the end you ended up skipping two meals and are starving."
'I know.'
"What are you planning to do?" Asked his constant companion
'I do believe this Min-Ho is inviting us to dinner, don't you agree? I was in the mood for Korean anyways and it would be impolite to decline.'
"Asami is going to be angry." Aidan answered.
'Yet he is also going to be relieved when I get Min-Ho out of his way, then maybe I can finally have a decent meal since he won't be so busy protecting his territories or routs or whatever it is Min-Ho wants from him. Maybe we can even get laid this week, which would be something we would all enjoy, wouldn't it?'
"I still say he will be mad."
'Likely, but at least now is not likely that I will be hurt, raped, or killed so he will get over it. Besides he knows I like a good thrill or I wouldn't be with him to begin with.'
"Your insanity and need for unnecessary risks astonishes me sometimes."
'It will be fun, I promise.'
"Now I see why Asami always has you followed." Aidan said with a defeated sigh, leaving Akihito to his own devices.
He took his phone out and sent a message to his lover completely disregarding the large amount of calls and texts from the yakuza.
To Controlling Bastard: Who is Min-Ho Suk?
From Controlling Bastard: What are you getting into? Min-Ho is dangerous, stay away from him.
To Controlling Bastard: No can do. His men are closing in on me.
From Controlling Bastard: Akihito, where are you! Get out of there this instant.
To Controlling Bastard: Sorry, I have to go. I have a Korean all you can eat buffet to get to. See you soon.
Akihito turned off his phone and began his descent from his perch on the tree. As soon as his feet touched the ground, the men came from out of the bushes and pointed their guns at him. The photographer lifted his hands slowly and the leader of the group stepped forward with a wet piece of cloth.
"Don't fight us boy. Unless you want us to shoot you in the leg I suggest you don't try anything funny. We would rather hand you off in one piece if we can; the price is better that way."
The man placed the wet cloth over his mouth and nose and Akihito pretended to fall unconscious, slowing his breathing to keep up appearances.
'Seriously, can they get even more cliché?'
"What do you mean?"
'The chloroform, they always use chloroform when they are trying to kidnap me. Not a single kidnapper has the decency of being original for once in his life. At least now I will be pretend passed out instead of really passed out and have the ability to escape if I want to.'
"You are not going to escape are you?"
'God no, what kind of kidnapee do you think I am? This is serious business I got going here. Proper kidnapping protocol dictates I can't go at least until the bad guy gives his "this is how I will use you speech.'
"There are rules for being kidnapped?"
'I make them up as I go along every time someone kidnaps me.'
"I'm beginning to think you are insane."
'I'm sure Asami's men would agree with you.'
Close to an hour later two men pulled him out of a van, Akihito was still pretending to be passed out.
"Why are you still pretending? Wouldn't it be better if you walked on your own."
'Hell no, they kidnapped me, they better carry me in too because I am not going to make things easy for them.'
Aidan didn't know what to say to Akihito anymore.
His "unconscious" body was placed on a chair and his hands were tied behind his back. There were twenty men in the room judging by the number of heartbeats and a set of heavy footsteps was approaching slowly with another set closely behind, likely the boss and head henchman.
"Wake him up." Said a voice before him, it had a duck kind of quality to it.
One of the underlings walked away from him and he could hear a tap opening and a bucket filling. Soon after a bucket full of cold water was being dumped on him and he pretended to startle awake.
"Who are you?! What the fuck do you want?" He screamed at the fat, short man standing before him in a tacky all-white suit.
"Takaba Akihito, it's nice to finally meet Asami's whore in person. I must say, you are not as cute as my sources said you were. The foul mouth is certainly a turn off."
"What do you want with me?" He demanded
"With you, nothing really. What I want is from Asami. Fufufu."
'Here it comes…'
"The speech?"
'Yes, I bet it will be as unoriginal as all the other guys before him.'
"Asami won't give you anything!" He spat
"Oh, he will. If he ever wants to see you alive he will do exactly as I say and transfer the ownership of his newly acquired shipping company and its routes to me. If he doesn't, I will be sending you a piece of your body for his birthday for the rest of his life."
Min-Ho kept talking about how Asami had such an obvious weakness and how he should have kept a better eye on his toys but Akihito was no longer listening.
'See, I told you. Unoriginal, I think that is almost the same words the Ukrainians used two years ago.'
"Now that he has delivered his bad guy speech, can we go now?"
'Fine, first we eat though, I'm starving.'
"You are spoiled and these low quality meals are only going to ruin your appetite."
'We won't know that unless we try.'
"Suit yourself. I will be there to say I told you so when you are done. Make sure to cut their neck and not sink your fangs into them, we can't be leaving marks behind that can clue people into what we are and I'm sure you don't want to go around licking these men. Stay away from the bald one. He smells sick, early stage melanoma, and will taste of the chemicals used in his medicine."
'Don't worry, I'm just going to knock them out and have a taste. I don't think I'm ready to kill anyone regardless of what I am now.'
"You are likely going to have more than just a taste, Akihito. You are too hungry to stop once you start and you might as well have your fill, better them than Asami."
'I don't want to kill anyone.'
"Then try to move on to the next target before you kill the first. Incapacitate the first so they can't run away and tell anyone about us. Cut the tendons in their ankles with your nails; that should do the trick."
Akihito cut Min-Ho mid sentence as he pulled his arms breaking the rope tying his hands at the back of the chair and stood up. His nails elongated to become sharp claw like and bullets began to fly from all directions but he was too fast and goons' reaction time too slow for him to be hit by them. He ran around the large room at great speed, shadowstepping occasionally, cutting tendons, and snatching weapons.
The smell of fear, sweat, and blood filled the air around him. He was so hungry; there was so much blood, the pumping, rushing and beating all around him was driving him to the edge. Akihito's eyes went from their hazel color to deep crimson; he had gone feral with hunger. Akihito was not used to this at all, he did not know how to control himself yet, Asami had been right. Aidan tried to wrestle control from Akihito but the boy had grown stronger these last few months and it was proving difficult, all he could do was make sure Akihito stopped drinking from one man before he completely drained him and drive his attention toward the next. Akihito had not even bothered to not use his fangs after the first man and desperately sunk his sharp teeth into his victims, he was not being careful.
Min-Ho was the last man conscious in the room, he was promising Akihito a vast amount of money to let him live but the words never went past Akihito's bloodlust induced frenzy. He drank and drank until Min-Ho's heartbeat slowed down dangerously, in his head, Aidan screamed at him to stop before he killed the man, he tried to take control and make his host stop but it was to no avail and then when Aidan thought all was lost… Asami entered the large room with Kirishima and Suoh at both sides and right behind them a large number of men, all of them with guns ready to fire at anything that moved.
They all witnessed the carnage before them, there was blood everywhere and no one was moving, and registered Akihito holding Min-Ho with his back toward them. They had no idea what the boy had done to take out so many men but Asami, Suoh and Kirishima saw it all for what it was. The last two could not help but be a bit scared of their boss's lover.
"You all wait outside." Said Asami. "Kirishima, Suoh, you two stay with me."
The men obeyed and the heavy iron door closed behind the three. Asami approached Akihito carefully, his best men right behind him ready to attempt subduing Akihito if there was need for it, and as soon as he got close enough he heard gulping sounds as Akihito continued to drink from the Korean.
"Akihito." He called softly, like the way you call a scared animal to make it know you mean no harm. "Akihito, let go. I am here now, let go. Let go before you kill him, you won't be able to live with the memory of it if you do."
Red eyes turned to him and watched him judgingly while the fangs remained sunk into the Korean's neck, at least he had stopped drinking, now all Asami had to do was get him to let go. Asami extended his hand to Akihito, much like he did such a long time ago, and it slowly brought Akihito back to his senses. Letting go of Min-Ho the blond threw himself into Asami's arms and cried the same way he had done when Asami had rescued him from Hong Kong.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I am so sorry." He repeated it again and again and Asami just held him like he had done before Feilong.
The yakuza took his trembling lover into his arms and directed them out of the room, before leaving he turned to Suoh and delivered his orders.
"Take care of this personally and discretely, no one can know."
"Yes, Asami-sama."
It was too late though, they might not know how he was capable of it, but his men believed Takaba had killed all those men. Soon, word would spread through his organization and it will not be too long before word gets out. Now people would see Akihito as a threat instead of leverage, which was both a good and a bad thing depending on the circumstances.
He would be having a serious talk with Akihito once they got home and his lover calmed down. Aidan hardly spoke after this incident; Akihito thought it was because the struggle had drained him greatly.
Toward the end of the sixth month, Aidan had grown more quiet than usual, one night, while Akihito lay asleep in Asami's arms, Aidan took control and woke the man up.
He wanted to talk to Asami, to say the things he had not said from the moment they first slept together, to apologize for taking Akihito from him, and finally to say goodbye. Asami listened to him and gave him a nod of acknowledgment when he was done speaking. Aidan kissed Asami's lips one last time and smiled sadly before turning to watch the figure standing next to the bed, a visage only he could see.
"You've come to take me away?" He asked and the beautiful girl with long dark hair and soft brown eyes nodded. "Forever?"
"Yes, you are done here. Now we can both find rest." She said extending her hand for him to take.
"Goodbye, be happy." He said looking at Asami one last time then turning back to her.
As soon as his fingers touched hers Akihito's body fell limp into Asami's awaiting arms and Aidan was gone. The next morning, Akihito woke up to realize he was once again alone in his head, he had grown to like Aidan's company and was sure he would miss the other's presence, but felt content to know that at least he still had Asami and the many, many, years of memories Aidan had left behind.
His life continued as normal, or as normal as life can be when you are a criminal photojournalist in a strange relationship with a yakuza… and also, when you are a vampire.
These (or variations of these) were the most often/frequently asked questions about the story. I think I covered them in here pretty well between this chapter and the last but just in case I added them here with the answer I gave a couple of people who PMed me.
1) What happened to Aidan in the end?
Aki forgives him and allows him to be awake within him but Aki's body is not able to support two awakened souls for a long time so he would start to fade away. This is Aidan's last incarnation since he learned his lesson, so he would not be coming back and will finally have rest. Anya, his bride will come for him because in cursing him she also cursed herself and has unable to find rest until he did.
(Think about Emma Ai's warnings to her clients in Jigoku Shoujo "When one person is cursed two graves are dug." Cursing someone brings a curse upon you as well.)
2) Will he stay awake and watch everything?
Yes, he will stay awake and watch Asami be happy with Aki for however long he has until he fades. It will take some getting use from Aki because he is not comfortable being intimate with Asami while someone else is there.
3) Will Aki feel hungry ever again?
Yes, Aki will be aware of his hunger and feed when he needs to from Asami. Most of the time he will be feeling hungry every three or four days because he finds Asami's "high class" blood absolutely delicious (likely because of his attraction for the man) and has grown spoiled so he can't go too long without. He will no longer need to eat ridiculous amounts of human food to gain the energy he needs and because he will be feeding on blood regularly and he will be able to start tapping into his powers. He will know who and what he truly is and keep Aidan's many years of memory.
I hope you have enjoyed this fic.
Please let me know what you think.