Hi guys! Here is the first installment to my version of A Remedy to Cure all Ills. Thanks for reading!
Gwen yawned as she walked up the steps of the citadel. She shook her head slightly to try and wake herself up, to no avail. It was barely midday and she only wanted sleep.
A messenger boy approached the servant with a large bouquet of white flowers.
"For the Lady Morgana." He said as he handed the bouquet to her, and he began to walk away but Gwen's confused voice made him stop.
"Who sent these? If my Lady asks, I need a response." The boy simply shrugged.
"I don't know, the man was wearing a cloak." He ran off toward the city and Gwen sighed.
Gwen continued toward Morgana's chambers, knowing that Merlin should be there for Morgana's lessons. As she walked into the chambers she smirked when she saw neither of them notice her, they were too engrossed in conversation.
Gwen quietly placed the flowers on the table and began to strip Morgana's bed to change the sheets when she heard Morgana's surprised voice.
"Gwen! Who are these beautiful flowers from?" Gwen turned and shrugged. Neither of them saw Merlin's eyes narrow, but the did notice when he approached the flowers and his eyes flashed gold.
"What's wrong?" Gwen asked as Merlin frown deepened and he looked at them.
"Something is not right. I feel magic in these but I can't find why." Morgana backed away from the flowers and frowned.
"Maybe it was cast to preserve the flowers? We can't assume all magic users are bad. If we did, we would be the same as Uther." Morgana reasoned, Merlin slightly nodded, but his frown showed he was not convinced.
Merlin collected his books, still fowning, and he waved goodbye to the ladies who waved back. After Merlin left her chambers, Morgana frowned at the flowers.
"Who were these delivered by?" Morgana asked her maid as she approached the flowers cautiously. Gwen sighed.
"A messenger boy said that he was given the flowers by a man in a cloak. He didn't know who he was." Morgana sighed.
"I need to listen to my own words." Morgana smelled the flowers and smiled.
"They are beautiful, and not all who practice magic mean harm." Gwen smiled at her Lady and they continued their day as usual.
The sun went down, the bell sounded, and Gwen finished preparing Morgana for bed.
"See you in the morning." Gwen spoke softly and Morgana waved goodbye. The candle was extinguished and Morgana took her drought and fell into a restless sleep.
The sun rose and with it, the servants of the castle. Gwen smiled as she approached the chambers of her friend, "Good morning My Lady." She placed Morgana's breakfast on the table, but frowned when she turned and the woman in the bed did not move. Gwen reached for Morgana's shoulder and shook her lightly, beginning to get worried when Morgana's eyes didn't open. She shook harder and harder, screaming her name but the woman did not move. Gwen ran out the door straight to the Physicians Chambers.
"GAIUS! It's Morgana!" She yelled as she swung the door open.
Gaius rushed out of the room as fast as he could, grabbing his emergency bag as he went. Gwen quickly followed him. Morgana's status had not changed in the minutes Gwen was gone, Gaius quickly evaluated her.
"Gwen, go get Merlin. I need his help." Gwen ran out the room and straight to Arthur's chambers, she knocked on the door but no one answered. She hoped that Merlin was in there and she opened the door. She sighed with relief when she saw Merlin and Arthur were sitting at the table with a book in between them. Arthur looked up surprised.
"Guinevere?" He rose to his feet and Merlin turned toward the door to see what the prince was looking at. He quickly stood up and raised his eyebrow. Gwen ran forward and grabbed Merlin's sleeve and began to pull him out the door. Merlin followed, and waved his arm at Arthur to follow.
Fear gripped Merlin's heart as he was led in the directions of Morgana's room; he broke away from Gwen, sprinted down the hallways and up the stairs, and burst into Morgana's room. The sight of one of his best friends laying motionless on a bed knocked the wind out of him and he let out a strangled cry. Arthur walked in behind his friend and stopped dead in this tracks at the sight of Morgana's still body.
Gaius turned and said quickly, "Can you heal her before Uther finds out?" Merlin ran to her side, sat on the bed, and gently touched her hand, but reeled back slightly at the magic that was radiating off her.
"Some type of magic." His eyes flashed gold and he focused on the woman in front of him.
"It's in her head…" Merlin tried to focus more but was pulled out his concentration by Gaius pulling him away from the bed and Arthur pushing him toward the other side of the rom. Merlin cut his magic off and closed his eyes until he felt his magic begin to recede inside of his chest once more. He turned and saw Uther sitting at the place he just vacated. Merlin saw Arthur on the other side, looking between Morgana and Merlin with fear in his eyes.
"What is wrong with her physician?" Uther asked, Gwen's shaking hands interpreted for Merlin.
"I dont' know, Sire. I need to complete my asssesment and do some tests. I hopefully will have answers by tonight." Gaius looked at Merlin whose eyes widened and he set his shoulders.
"I need space to work." Gaius pointedly looked at Uther and Arthur. Arthur nodded, squeezed Morgana's hand, and left the room. Uther was slower to leave, he kissed Morgana's forehead and then left.
"I expect answers soon, Gaius." Uther said as he left. Gwen took the spot Arthur vacated and Merlin rushed forward to resume sitting by Morgana's side. He gently placed his hands on her head,ignoring how the other magic made him feel nauseous, and focused his magic on her once more.
His magic gently searched Morgana's mind, trying to find the source of the magic inside of her. He growled in frustration when his magic could not focus on the dark magic and he stopped his concentration and slowly lowered his hands.
"It's magic. Dark magic. It is originations somewhere in her head, I can't locate it!" He started to panic and stood up to pace, Gwen looked at Gaius with fear in her eyes.
"I cannot tell Uther it's magic or he will create a manhunt!" Gaius said sadly, Gwen nodded and began to gather the pillows around Morgnaa to help her be more comfortable.
Merlin stopped pacing and looked at the flowers on the table. He ran over to them and searched them for the magic he had noticed yesterday, but there was none. He looked between Morgana and the flowers, dread filling his stomach. Gwen's eyes widened as she noticed Merlin's shocked look.
"Whatever was in the flowers is gone now! I can go to the dragon and ask what to do." Gaius shook his head.
"No, we will figure this out ourselves. Go to your books, they will help you. I will speak to Arthur about needing you until Morgana is healed." Merlin nodded, looked down at Mrogana one last time with worry in his eyes and he bolted out the door. Gaius sighed and began to focus on Morgana's head, to find the cause of this magic and the cause for her slumber.
Hours passed, and nothing. Nothing from Merlin's quick scan of the library and nothing from Gaius' evaluation. Merlin entered Arthur's chambers with his supper and Arthur looked worse than he did earlier.
"Anything?" Arthur asked, hope in his eyes. Merlin shook his head.
"Nothing. Maybe I was searching too specifically. I need to broaden my search." Arthur sighed.
"So it is magic?" Merlin nodded. "Morgana had flower's given to her yesterday from a man in a cloak. I felt magic in them, but Morgana told me not to worry about it. Now, she lays there, not waking and the same magic that was in the flowers are now in her mind."
Arthur rubbed his face, sorrow filling his expression as he lowered his hands.
"I promise, I will heal her." Merlin finished getting Arthur's chambers ready for bed and he waved gooodbye to his friend. He walked quickly to Morgana's chambers, and sighed sadly when he saw there was no change. Gwen looked up at the door opening and sent a small smile his way.
"Did Gaius find anything?" Merlin asked hopefully, Gwen shook her head.
"Did you find anything?" Merlin shook his head.
"Nothing that can help." He sat on the bed and grabbed Morgana's hand, slowly rubbing his thumb across the back of her hand. He tried again to see if he could find the origin of the problem, but was frustrated when it only led to Morgana's head again and nothing else. It was like there was a barrier blocking his magic from identifying whatever was hurting her.
"I promised Arthur I would heal her." He stood up, kissed Morgana's forehead, then left the room abruptly.
Two days passed, two long stressful days. Merlin couldn't think straight, Gaius had been giving weak excuses to the King about his ward's health, and Arthur's room was a disaster.
Merlin snuck into Morgana's chambers after Uther's daily morning visit, and once again tried another spell. Nothing. Morgana was becoming paler and paler throughout the days, and Merlin yelled out in frustration once again. He looked around the room for Gwen, and he did not see her. He leaned down and kissed Morgana on the forehead once again and left the room.
He walked into Arthur's chambers to see his friend staring at the courtyard below him. Merlin nudged him with magic and the Prince looked over at him.
"Anything?" Merlin shook his head and sat down at the table. Arthur joined him.
"There was a man, earlier, he said that he could heal Morgana. That he has a remedy to cure all ills." Merlin raised his eyebrow.
"So, he possibly has magic? He could be the one who cast the spell on those flowers in the first place!" Merlin stood up angrily, Arthur sighed and rubbed his face.
"If he can heal her, maybe you can figure out how. And, if he was the one who hurt Morgana in the first place, we can ask why. Maybe he can be saved." Arthur reasoned, Merlin sighed heavily and nodded.
"Ok, if you can get your father to listen, then I will keep my eye out for this man." Arthur stood and walked out of the room, Merlin looked around the chambers and shook his head in disbelief. He had been gone less than three days and the room looked like a Griffin had been rampaging through. Merlin looked at the door, locked it with his magic, then waved his hand and watched as the mess began to clean itself. As Merlin watching his magic work, he thought about this man. He promised he would heal Morgana. But he couldn't. Arthur had to turn to someone else. Merlin began pacing again, thinking of how to spy on this man and figure out what how he was going to heal Morgana.
Merlin waited until his magic was done cleaning the chambers of the prince, then he walked in a stupor to Morgana's chambers, where he hoped that his father would be.
He walked into the chambers and saw Gaius giving Morgana a tincture of some kind. He approached him and relayed he information that Arthur had given him.
"So, this man believes he can heal Morgana?" Merlin nodded, "And Arthur wants me to figure out how he does it. I have no idea how I can do that. I may need to have Gwen help me. Be my ears." Gaius sighed , "Arthur should be bringing his father here soon, then we can figure out how to heal Morgana." They waited until Uther stormed in, frustration evident on his face. Arthur walked in behind his father.
"Gaius, any news?" Gaius sighed. Merlin began to look busy as he tried to read their lips. That was never his strong suite, so he just stepped back and lowered his head in a subdued way; but was still able to watch the interactions of the others in the room.
"I cannot preserve her life for much longer. She has hours, maybe less." Arthur stepped forward, anxiously.
"We cannot let her die!"
"Arthur, please." Uther tried to calm his son.
"There's a man, he came to the castle yesterday. He claims he can cure her." Uther looked shocked at his sons outburst.
"That's ridiculous. He doesn't know what's wrong with her." Uther scoffed at his son.
"He says he has a remedy that can cure all ills." Arthur tried to convince his father.
"Impossible." Gaius said, playing his role perfectly.
"Well, for Morgana's sake, surely we should at least hear him out. I mean, what've we got to lose? Please, Father." Arthur begged, lowering his pride for the woman who was like his sister so she could be healed.
"Probably some charlatan hoping for a quick shilling." Gaius mumbled.
"I don't care! If she's about to die, what harm can it do? Give him his shilling! If there's one chance in a million he can save her, then why not?" Arthur knew it had worked when he saw his fathers demeanor change.
"Send for him." Uther left the chambers and Arthur grinned at Gaius and Merlin.
"It worked! I will summon this man, this Edwin. Merlin, you keep your eye on him."
Merlin nodded, "I am going to ask Gwen to help. She will be my ears." Arthur nodded his consent and the three continued on with the pan to heal Morgana.
Ok, there it is! My interpretation of the beginning of this episode :) Love it? Hate it? Let me know!