"A mysterious figure was standing on a roof top looking over the city, the figure spotted 4 rogue cops transporting a fugitive out of the police station, the figure jumped of the building and glided to the transportation truck, the figure landed undetected and listened on their conversation."Ok were taking a big risk here no one can know about this got it?" said the rogue cop."Yeah yeah all we gotta do is drive this guy out of here and we get paid." said another rogue cop."Yes and most importantly watch out for the Shadow freak, every cop has been trying to catch him but never could, he fights crime wearing that creepy helmet the dude looks like he was crying." said the first rogue cop."The loonatics will be too busy on the Shadow freak to take suspicion on us." said another rogue cop."Ok enough chit chat let's get out of here." said the first rogue cop clearly the one in charge. Shadow pounced on the the rogue cop then putting his fists together then slamming them into the rogue cops face knocking him out, then the second rouge cop pulled out his taser gun aimed for Shadow, he threw a small piece of metal on his belt knocking the taser gun out of the rouge cops hand, then he grabbed the rouge cops arm and leg then spinned him around then throwing him into the third rouge cop, the 4th rouge cop had a metal pipe with him Shadow only slapped it out of his hands, then he grabbed his hand pulling towards him then slammed his fist into the rouge cops shoulder breaking his entire arm, the cop screamed in pain then Shadow slammed his head into the side of the transportation truck, then he opened the back of the truck and saw the fugitive, he threw the fugitive out of the truck then grabbing him by the throat choking him, then he said."Who arranged for your escape?" Shadow said in a scary voice. Shadow has a voice changer so he will sound scary."I i c can't te tel tell you." said the fugitive gasping for air."A little more pressure then I can break-." "Ok ok." said the fugitive in defeat."It was the the cheif of police." said the fugitive."Your lying to me." said Shadow. "I'm n n not after I was susposed to be transported, he told m me t meet him at th th the park please that's all I know." said the fugitive. Shadow threw his fist into the fugitives face knocking him out, then throwing him on the floor, then Shadow brought up his wrist and spoke."Alan contact the A.P.D. send them the tape I recorded and the evidence I'm sending you." Shadow said."Yes I will andddddd done ok get out of their there are a few cops near your location." Alan said. Shadow heard police sirens then he pressed a button on his wrist then a tank like car came out of a ally racing towards Shadow at amazing speed, Shadow waited till the car was within 5 feet then jumped then landing in the car with ease, 2 police cars were in pursuit of Shadow, Shadow pressed a button then a few small balls came out when the police cars touched the balls they electrocuted the cars rendering them disabled, then 2 zoomatrixes came up next to him on each side, 1 was pink and the other was green."Well I didn't think I would see you again tonight." Lexi said. "Pull over and stop this-." "Mayroong 4 na roge cops pabalik A.P.D. precinct." Shadow said. Then he stomped on the gas pedal making the car go faster, then up ahead there was a road block with Duck standing there."Ok moron." Duck said. "You think your a better hero then me? I'm more good looking then you under that creepy helmet, now pull over or I will-." The car started going fast as a racing car, Duck quacked out of the way Shadow drove through the road block, having no effect then in the car a screen with a figure on it appeared."Turn off the lights" Shadow said. Then the screen turned off then within a few seconds Shadow turned of the lights on his car, then all the lights within the district suddenly turned off the car disappeared in the darkness, then in 6 seconds the lights came back on Shadow was gone, Lexi and Tech landed then Duck quacked over to them."Great another failed attempt to cath him again." Duck said."How he does keep doing that?" Tech asked."Where does Shadow get this much technology?" Tech asked in amazement of Shadows capablitites."Let's head back to HQ." Lexi said. they all went back to their head quarters.

Over with Shadow.

Shadow was driving into an alley then he pressed a button opening a secret passage, he drove into the passage then closing the entrance ten a few seconds a underground command center was visible, Shadow parked the car in a circle then got out then walking to the computer the car was going down into it's slot, Shadow walked over to his computer then typed in chief of police, then it showed a picture of a male human, Name: Marcus Kennington. Age: Early 30's. relationship's: Single. Status: Chief of Acmetropolis police department. Shadow kept scrolling the info about the chief of police, then a male bunny came up."Ace why don't you take a reak for a little bit?" Asked the bunny."Not now grandpa maybe some other time." Ace said as he removed his helmet "Ok I'm just looking out for my grandson." Alan said as he walked away. Ace kept searching for evidence for what the fugitive told him, Ace got some evidence but not enough for a arrest, Ace was going to have to catch the chief of police in the act, Ace turned off the computer then changed his cloths he put on blue jeans and grey sneakers, with a white yellow and blue mix t-shirt then Ace walked over to a elevator that went up it passed 8 levels before a ding was heard, the doors opened up to a very big house Ace went over to the couch and turned on the tv and switched it to the news."This just in a shocking crime took place right in the A.P.D. police department." said a female news reporter."4 police officers were arrested for transporting a fugitive out of the country, a witness called this in another witness said he saw the first so called hero of Acmetropolis, take down the cops then holding the fugitive in 1 arm then knocking him out with his free arm, here is what a few people say about the Shadow, Holding a guy like that? with one arm in the air? wow he must must be a strong man, I would love to feel those muscles." said a female wolf. "Shadow is awesome I would love to see him in person!" said a small bunny boy. "I wonder how his lips tastes like" said a female bunny. "I don't like him we should leave the crime fighting business to the cops and the loonatics." said a cop. "There you have it folks." said the news reporter."It looks like more positive responses from people about the Shadow some people are even making up stories to throw the cops off of his trail, what next will this Shadow do when will he do it?" then Ace turned off the TV and walked upstairs and got into his bed and slept