Sam walked over to Mercedes to make sure she was ok. "Are you ok?"
"I will be once they leave." Mercedes wiped her eyes and looked at everyone in that room.
"I am happy and I love this man right here. If any of you have a problem with that you can leave too. I don't want nor do I need that hate around us."
Mercedes looked at her friends and waited as they glanced at one another. Matt stood there like he was waiting for someone to come to his rescue and felt relieved when Mile stood.
"Matt you are my boy and everything but Mercedes asked you to leave. Now I need you to respect her wishes and leave."
Matt glanced at his friend angrily. "SO that's how it is?"
Blaine sighed. "Matt you need to go."
Matt shook his head and glanced back at Mercedes. "Forget you and all of this. But don't come running back to me when this fool leaves you for something smaller and better."
Sam turned towards Matt and lunged at him but Mercedes pulled him back. "Sam it's not worth it. He is not worth it."
Matt scoffed as he walked out the door. Vivian took one last look at Mercedes and angrily shook her head.
"Why are you so stupid? This is your family and you are choosing some guy?"
"I am choosing the man I love, the father of my soon to be son or daughter."
Vivian's jaw dropped as Sam stared at her. "You are pregnant?"
Mercedes turned towards Sam and bit her lip. "Um I didn't want to tell you like this. I had the sonogram wrapped up and everything."
She stared at Sam as he smiled down to her. "You're pregnant? With my son or daughter?"
Mercedes nodded. "Are you mad?"
Sam exhaled as he walked over to the tree. He picked up a small box and walked over to her. "I have been carrying this around since our six month anniversary. I wanted to give it to you for Christmas."
Mercedes lifted her hand to her mouth as Sam extended the gift to her. She took it gently tearing the paper away and her heart stopped as she saw the velvet box. She stared down to it and Kurt stood.
"Oh my Gaga."
He looked over to Mercedes and he and Santana screamed at her. "Open it!"
Mercedes hands shook as she opened the box. Tears feel from her eyes as she saw the 2.4 Carat white diamond engagement ring in the box. Sam took the ring from the boy and Got down on one knee.
"Mercedes you came into my life when I was not looking for anyone. From the moment I looked into your beautiful brown eyes I knew that you were the one for me. Even though you were married I felt it in my soul and I couldn't understand why. Why I was being tortured with such a smart and beautiful woman who I couldn't have. But thank God your ex had no idea how wonderful you were because that opened the gates for me to be the man you needed and the man you deserved. He had the most beautiful and purest diamond but he was too busy running around chasing coal to see it. I love you so much so please do me the honor of being my wife?"
Mercedes was full blown crying. She didn't even need to look up to see Kurt was bawling almost as hard. Santana and Quinn were grinning from ear to ear as Tina dabbed her eyes. As she opened her mouth to speak she bit her bottom lip.
"I know everyone would say I am crazy, but I am glad things happened the way they did. If it wasn't for Matt being a complete and utter fool, I would have never found you. You are the brightest part of my life you showed me what a real man is. You showed me what true love is and I am grateful for that. I am blessed to have you. I can't think of any other answer than yes. Yes Sam I will marry you."
Her mother pushed Matt forward. "You just gonna sit there and let them talk about you like that? Like you are nothing?"
Mercedes pulled Sam into her arms and kissed him as Matt moved forward.
"Hell no. there is no way you are marrying this dude."
Mercedes went to move forward but was shocked when Kurt stood in front of her and Sam.
"That is enough!" His voice was deeper and firmer than they had ever heard him.
"You know what. Enough. You screwed her over by screwing everything that walks. You verbally abused her and it wouldn't surprise me if you hit her too. Mercedes is too good for you and I thank God she realized it so she can finally be happy. I never saw how unhappy she was because I thought you loved her, I thought you wanted what was best for her but all you wanted was her money. And you took the one thing away from her that you knew she needed. You took her music away and made her feel worthless."
Kurt turned to Mercedes. "I am sorry I didn't see it Diva. I was so caught up in my life and my marriage that I didn't see you suffering silently. Please forgive me. And as for you." He said turning towards matt.
"You need to get your non reformed ass out of this house you are not wanted or needed here." He turned away but stopped.
"And Blaine, it's not that I don't believe you when you say that you and Sebastian were just talking. It hurt because I used to be the one you talked to, the one you confided in and I miss that. I miss us being us. I wish that you could see how sorry I am for not telling you that I appreciate you. You stayed home with the kids and I never got how hard that was for you. I love you Blaine, I just want my family back. I just want my husband back."
Blaine moved closer to Kurt and smiled through his tears. "All you had to do was ask Kurt."
Matt scoffed. "Who does your flamboyant ass think you are? Go sequin something Kurt and stay the-"
Matt never finished that sentence. Blaine sent a punch flying towards Matt and knocked him out cold onto the ground.
"Someone get this trash out of here."
Mercedes looked towards her mother. "Even though you seemed hell bent on destroying my life you are my mother and I love you but if you cannot respect my house and the man I love you can leave. You are not wanted here."
"I just want what is best for you."
"Sam is what is best for me if you can't see that well tough."
Her mother shook her head. "I can't I am sorry."
Mercedes sighed. "Not as sorry as I am. You can leave now."
Her mother wiped her tears from her eyes. "Ok. Can you guys put Matt in my car?"
She walked out the room as Puck and Mike helped a groggy Matt out of the house and to the car. Santana walked over to Mercedes. "Cedes you are better off. IF you mother can't see what we see. That you are happy and so very in love with this man then screw her. You deserve better than her. And she knows it."
Quinn came up and hugged her tight. "Exactly. Now show us that beautiful ring."
Mercedes wiped her eyes and held her hand up. She smiled turning her hand towards Kurt but seeing him and Blaine in the corner making out. She turned towards Sam with a bright smile. "I love you so much."
"I love you too." He kissed her and then turned towards that guys. "Ok guys now that all the drama and crazy people are gone, who wants to start our Christmas celebration?"