Disclaimer: I do not own Glee or Why Did I Get Married. I am doing this fan fiction because it was requested.

Quinn Frabray-Puckerman, glanced out into the some smiling, some confused faces in the high school glee club she was looking at. She promised Mr. Shue she would come and talk to them about dreams. Award winning dreams that is. Quinn was a published author known for her brutal honesty. Her latest work "Couple's Blues" was top of the national best sellers list. It was a self-help book for couples. She used her friends (with their Permission of Course) to show that even the oddest couples could make it work.

"So I want to thank you all for allowing me to come and share my words of wisdom to you all. I know that a lot of you are wondering what a Doctorate owner and National best list seller has to do with Glee club. Well it was here that I realized I was more than just a prom queen. Glee club allowed me to find out who I really was without judgment from my friends."

Someone raised their hands and Quinn smiled. "Yes you. Um?"


"Ok yes Ryder."

"Mr. Shue was telling us that you wrote your book using fellow Glee club members. Can you tell me how you convinced them to air their dirty laundry?"

"Well um I thought I would be talking to you about goals and dreams but we can detour for a bit. My friends agreed to do it because they knew I would never put them I a bad position. We all have issues and I was just glad they allowed me to focus and help them."

Someone else raised their hands and Quinn smiled brightly. "Yes."

"Unique. That's my name. I have two questions and I will just ask them both now. In your book." Someone mumbled under their breath and unique shook her head. "Yes Fools I read it. The Diva Ms. Jones-Rutherford and My Idol Mr. Kurt Hummel-Anderson were in it of course I read it. Anyways. I found it odd that The Diva stayed with Matt even though he is a nice way of putting it a jerk to her. And as for Kurt and his sexy boy toy Blaine I wonder if gay marriage is really as hard as they make or made it."

Quinn nodded taking in what she was saying and sat on the stool in front of the class. "Mercedes and Matt are in what I like to call the "Rut Phase." They had not only been married for 8 years but have known each other since high school. Not to mention there is the issue of Mercedes being a Platinum Recording Artist and Matt being her Manager. They see each other all the time. What I had them do was an exercise where they try walking a mile in each other's shoe. It seem to work for them. Now Kurt and Blaine are kind of in the same Predicament. Kurt is one of the top designers to wear. I mean he is right up there with Alexander McQueen and Dolce and Gabbana. And Blaine well he is the doting house husband. That can be tiring when your husband is gone all day and when he comes home you don't have time to spend with each other but it works for them."

Someone else raised their hand and Quinn pointed to her. "Yes."

"I am Kitty. I was wondering how hard it is being friends with Santana. I mean she is a nightmare. And can we really call Mercedes a Diva she hasn't had a good single in like two years."

Unique rolled her eyes. "First of all Kitty you are one to talk seeing how we wonder the same thing about you and second don't you dare talk about my Diva that way it's just disrespectful."

The class snickered and Quinn folded her hands. "First off Mercedes has been busy working on her studio and upcoming artist. And as for Santana, well most people look at as wild but we look at her as brutally honest. That is why she is the best lawyer I know. She and her Husband Artie have a very complicated marriage. But Artie hangs in there because they love each other."

Quinn looked at her watch. "Ok I have time for one more person." Quinn pointed to the smiling brunette.

"Hi I am Marley. I think we all read your book because you sat where we once did. So the question well questions I have for you are. IS your Marriage and the Chang's the only one without major issues and do you still do you annual glee couples retreat?"

Quinn stood smiling as the door opened and Mr. Shue walked in with Puck. "Well Tina and Mike have one of the most well-functioning marriages I have ever seen. They just get each other in a way that makes it work for them. As for me and my handsome husband. Well we are off to Nashville, Tennessee to meet our friends for our annual Glee Couples Retreat so that is how we doing. And that answers both of your questions. And thank you for your time. I just want you guys to take all of this in, take in being young and friends because you only get to do it once. Life is short. Enjoy it and be kind to one another.

So that was my preview of why did gleeks get married? I wanted to tell you behind my reasoning's for pairings. It took me a while to figure out who would be paired with who and who I wanted in this story. I didn't want to go with the obvious choice of Puck being with Santana. I know you guys have guessed if you have seen the movie that she is Angela. I thought for Puck for both Marcus and Mike but thought against it when I finally figured out where I wanted to go with this story. I will have a lot of similarities to the movie but I will be putting my own spin on it. So I hope you enjoyed the little preview, please comment and tell me if I should continue or not.