Everything is dark.

Every direction he looked it was dark, there was no sound. Was he trapped inside a room? or was he in middle of nowhere? He couldn't tell, as far as he knew he was alone in this darkness but, for some reason he felt a presence all around him. That's when suddenly lights flashed bright light blinding him for a moment. When he was able to adjust his eyes to the light, he saw a path lit by the light leading him down this strip to a barred wall. The wall had prison like bars running along it, almost like a cage and it looked as if there was a chair in middle.

As he approached slowly, he was able to make out a figure slumped down within the chair. Their head was down but, he could tell that they were chained to the legs and arms of the chair. The closer he got, he realized the person was a boy; he didn't seem to be conscious; he kept his distance from the bars due to the sinister feeling that was surrounding the cage. There was a dark air around the boy chained, almost like pure hate and anger. He tried to get a closer look at the boy, his wrist were strained and his ankles were cut deeply, probably from struggling to get out of the chains. Where is he?

Then suddenly, a familiar voice erupted from the chained boy. "Let me out…" He whispered in an almost nonexistent breath.

"I don't know how…" The boy responded from the other side of the cage, he wanted to help but, he didn't know what to do. The wall was completely barred with what seemed like steel.

"I said, LET ME OUT!" The boy screamed and began rattling and shaking his chains violently. That's when he got a good look at the boy's face when he looked up, in anger.

It was him…

How was that possible? He was on the other side, who is that? "What…" He breathed backing away from the cage.

Then, the boy stopped shaking and went limp in his chair. He started laughing sinisterly, he didn't even sound human anymore. "You need to let me out. Let me help you."

"Who are you?"

"I'm you." The boy smirked at him. The dangerous aura the boy emitting was anything but human, there was no way they were the same. "I'm the one that makes you strong."

No. That isn't true. He got strong all on his own; he didn't rely on this person. He needed to get away from here, he turned and started running back down the strip of light he walked through but as his steps quickened the lights began the shut off one by one. Soon he was running in nothing but darkness, what direction was he going? How far away is he? Where the hell was he going? All these questions raced through his mind as the sound of his echoing footsteps bounced through the emptiness. He heard the voice again, "you can't run from me."

He shook his head and kept running if he kept running he would get somewhere eventually, right? But, the longer he ran the more it dawned on him that he wasn't anywhere. He was in a void, trapped forever in darkness. "Let me go!" He screamed into the black but, all he got in return was a laugh. "Please!" He begged, falling to his knees from exhaustion. Exactly how far did he run? A mile? Five? Or maybe even more?

He panted trying to catch his breath but, it felt more oxygen leaving his body then coming in. It was hard to breathe, and his body was tired, he wanted out but, where could he go? "Please… someone… anyone… help me…" He whimpered as he fell to his side, curling into the fetal position; he felt a single tear drop from his eye and onto the black floor. "I don't want to be here." He choked out.

He closed his eyes and suddenly there was a touch to his back that felt warm and inviting. He turned to see who was there, and that was when he saw a light in the distance that wasn't there before. His eyes lit up; there was a way out of here!

He stood up and began running towards the far away light. As soon as he reached the light, his eyes snapped open.

Luffy looked around frantically, letting out a deep sigh of relief when he realized that he was in the cave he had gone to sleep in with the others. So, it was just a dream? It felt real.

He stared out into the desert listening to the crackling fire and night life outside the cave. As he took a deep breath that was when he realized there was a warm palm pressed against his back.

"What are you doing?" He questioned, not bothering to turn to see who it was.

He heard the whisper of Law behind him. "I don't know, actually."

"Can you stop it?" He asked, too tired to protest against him, and not really wanting to anyway.

As soon as the word left his mouth, Luffy was certain that would get Law to stop right away. "I don't think I want too." Luffy's eyes grew wide at the response, but nonetheless he growled in annoyance at Law's persistence to want to piss him off.

"You know I'm not leaving you again, right?" Law asked with a genuinely curious tone. But, Luffy couldn't help the blush slowly forming on his cheeks.

"What are you talking about?" He couldn't think of a better response, why would Law bring that up now of all times?

"That's why you were so worked up when you found me, isn't it? You thought I left you?"

He was mocking him; at least that's what the raven was trying to make himself believe. He scoffed, "no I was just worried something killed you before I got the chance." Again, he knew that was a lie.

But, instead of Law removing his hand to leave him alone like he had been expecting, Law pressed his palm firmly against his back, sending a wave of electric up Luffy's spine. "I'm not going to leave you this time."

Don't say that you idiot. Luffy thought, closing his eyes for a while. When finally after several long moments, believing Law to have fallen back asleep, he decided to respond honestly for once. "You better not." He whispered, his eyes fluttering close.

~Ace and Smoker: The next day: 10:00 AM~

"Can you believe that he doesn't remember me? That asshole!" Ace grunts as he walks next to his partner.

Smoker sighed, "Yes, I can now because all you've been doing is complaining since you found out he has selective amnesia or whatever it is."

Ace turned around and began walking backwards. "How can he just forget his older brother like that?" He questioned, grabbing onto Smokers hands within his own, his eyes began to look distant most likely thinking about the time at the orphanage.

"Hey," Smoker shook their arms a bit to get his beloved raven's attention. "Don't think about it too much, I'm sure he'll remember you." He tried to offer a comforting smile and gave his partners hands a gentle squeeze.

"Mhm," Ace hummed in response, giving a small smile of his own to let Smoker know he was listening and for the most part he was right. He shouldn't worry about it too much and hopefully when he got too see Luffy again, maybe he would remember him just a little.

"Come on," Smoker suddenly pulled Ace to the side and began walking to the east instead of going north.

"What are we doing, this isn't the way to sector 49?" Ace questioned, slightly jogging behind his partners fast pace.

Smoker turned and gave Ace a hard look before turning back to face the fields. "We're taking a detour through sector 43."

Ace's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "But, isn't that…"

Before he could respond, Smoker spoke up again. "Yes, I'm taking you see your brother so hopefully they don't leave that sector before we get there but, we have to hurry. You can come up with an excuse as to how we went that way later."

Ace stayed silent for a moment, before he smiled intently at Smoker's back. It was in moments like this where he felt that he was truly loved and cared for by his partner and he could never fathom into words just how lucky he was to have someone like Smoker in his life.

A/N: We're getting into the good parts of this story now. I honestly cannot wait for luffy and ace to meet again. Well, it's been about a month since I updated this story I'm sorry, for the wait but, I'm here now! Also, if you guys read the one piece manga HOLY SHIT CORAZON NO AND LAW OMG and doflamingo can burn in the deepest pits of hell