A/N: Thanks for the reviews! Also, for this story, I need to change Draco's physical size, so he will be shorter and smaller than in the movie, probably about 5'8"

WARNINGS: See Chapter 1.

This is unbeta'd. I will post the beta'd version when I receive it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor do I make any money from the writing of this story.

Chapter 4


It was at midnight that I felt Tom calling his Death Eaters through our Horcrux link.

I grabbed Hermione's hand, and we Apparated to the throne room.

When we arrived, everyone was kneeling before Tom, waiting for their instructions. I led Hermione up to the throne and turned, staring at the Death Eaters and waiting patiently.

Tom finally spoke after a few minutes. "My Death Eaters, the war is over. We have taken the Ministry, many months ago, and now we have Hogwarts. A new regime is begun, with us leading the way from the dark tunnel to the night in the outside world. It is our torch to bear, but it shall wait. For now, you may celebrate our victory, and the return of Tom Riddle!" Then, Tom dropped the glamors I knew he had been hiding under. He looked to be twenty again, as though he were still working in Borgin and Burke's.

The Death Eaters let out a collective sigh of relief when they saw the true features of their old lord return, and they knew that change was coming, for the ranks of the Death Eaters and the Wizarding World.

Tom waved his hand and the room transformed back into the ballroom it had once been. IT was decorated in green and silver, typical of Tom, and tables of refreshments appeared. Some instruments picked themselves up off of the stage and began to play fast tunes, which people quickly paired up to dance to.

The throne Hermione, Tom and I were standing on melted into the floor as Lucius Malfoy approached. "My lord?" he asked.

"Tom, Luc. Lord Voldemort is only to return when needed."

Lucius smiled. A brilliant smile that would have many of both genders swooning. "Tom, then. May I have this dance, Tom?"

Tom nodded and smiled as well. Y got up and made their way to the dance floor, and Lucius took Tom in his arms and led the dance.

It was great for me to see a friend I had gained so recently, but who I knew so well and cared so deeply for, get back into a relationship with the person he had loved before the war got to him. Tom and Lucius had been lovers before Dumbledore sought to make Tom a scapegoat for crimes he himself had committed. When Dumbledore tricked Tom into believing he needed more horcruxes, Lucius had broken off the relationship after seeing how insane Tom had become. I knew that, recently, Tom had been in the process of restoring his soul (which I had helped with, seeing how destroying a horcrux forces the soul piece to return to its owner), and he had, apparently, succeeded in returning himself to the age he was when he had made his first horcrux, then taken an aging potion, which I asked Severus to brew, to gain the years that might close the gap between him and Lucius somewhat.

As I looked over the crowd, I also noticed Severus asking his old partner, Narcissa, to dance as well. She accepted, and they joined the floor next to Lucius and Tom.

Romulus and Remus popped in next to us, along with our mystery man. I nodded at them, and they nodded back. "You may have the rest of the day to yourselves," I told them.

They nodded, before turning to my sister. "Would you care to dance, Miss Potter?"

She looked curious for a second, before I shot a knowing smile at her. Then, she nodded ever so slightly, with a nervous shaking of her hands. The twins smiled as they took her hands and led her to the dance floor.

I then walked out of the throne room after beckoning the mystery guest to follow. We walked silently along until we came to the doors of the dungeons.

"Are you ready to fix his core?" I asked. He nodded.

We walked into the dungeons. They were nondescript, grey stone and small iron cells. One of the cells, near the front, was silver, specially made for the broken hearted. We walked through the maze of cages until we reached the one in the center.

Dumbledore was sitting there waiting for us. He smiled at us, then said, "Hello. I am ever so glad to see you. I assume you are here to cure me, yes? Well, let me just say that I am very grateful."

I nodded. The man next to me did so as well before he raised his hands and began to chant in Latin. It was a spell that I didn't recognize, but I could see that it was working. As he was chanting, I saw Dumbledore begin to lose consciousness. After he was asleep, his aura, a bright white light, became visible. I knew, now that I could see his aura, how he had masked his dark core. It was a ritual that made the aura so blindingly bright that it masked everything about the core. However, as the chant continued, the light visibly cracked, and darkness, like a pure black sludge, came pouring through. As the last shard shattered, a loud crash could be heard throughout the dungeons, and then one of the biggest explosions of black magic could be felt throughout the Manor.

The man fainted as well. I called two House Elves to take them to the suite in my home I had prepared for them, before leaving the dungeons to rejoin the party.

As I walked through the room, I noticed my petite Prince (though he mightn't have known it yet) standing alone, watching the pairs dance with a wistful expression. I remember thinking, 'Soon, my Prince, we will dance. But it is not time yet.'

And so, I kept going around, stopping from time to time to converse with someone, until the sun began to come up over the horizon. As I saw it, I walked over to where I saw Hermione sleeping in the arms of the twins and told them to take her home before midnight. They nodded their acquiescence, and I Apparated back to Ravenclaw Manor.

When I arrived, I went to my room to meditate for a couple of hours. Because of my high magic levels, I could meditate for a couple of hours rather than sleep for eight, and still get the same benefits.

When I awoke, I cast a Tempus to find out that it was just past nine o'clock. I went down to the breakfast table, where I found that the House Elves had set out breakfast enough for three.

Noting that the table was empty, I made my way to the rooms I had had prepared for the man and Dumbledore.

As I walked through their sitting room to the door of their bedroom, I heard moans, pants, graons and other sounds coming from the other side. "FUCK…Oh, Gell…soooo gooooood…don't stop...harder, faster…FUCK Gell!"

I smiled as I realized that my houseguests were getting…reacquainted. "Flipsy!" I called.

"Yes, Master Acheron?" a tiny House Elf squeaked as she popped in next to me.

"Would you please place the two de-aging potions and the note in my study on the bedside table in their room Also, when they are done, please inform them that I expect them to attend dinner tonight, which will be served at seven. Thank you." With that, she popped away and I limped to breakfast, then my study, intent on having a day of relaxing and reading.


A/N: Sorry about the shortness of this chapter, but I thought that this was where I should end it.


Next chapter: The Mysery Man (FINALLY) and the new Dumbles. Maybe some HD interaction as well.