Okay so this idea is not all mine I got it from Busby-Lizzy fanfic called "What the warlock said" and I asked her for her permission to right a short little story about Lion. I will give you a little background Jinx (my oc) is about 7 in this story.
So I own nothing other than Jinx
It was one of the rare times during the year where everyone in the family got together. Magnus had taken his position as the Warlock Reparative which resulted in the three moving to Idris. Jinx had recently started attending an academy in Idris that had been built to train downworlders and Shadowhunter's side-by-side. This was the main reason they stayed because it saved them from giving the clave reports on Jinx and her powers. After struggling the first few months she was excelling in all her classes and just recently they were learning how to ride horses. The little girl talked nonstop to her cousins, CJ and Cecilia, who will be turning two in the summer, about all the animals that were in the world. Simon and Izzy had taken the children to the Zoo earlier in the day while the house was being set up for the dinner party. The little girl had fallen in love with snow tigers as apparent by the toy clutched in her arms.
Izzy watched as Alec tried to get his daughter to stop talking and eat her dinner and she smirked. This would be fun, Izzy waited until their mother left before looking at Alec. "So big brother what animal are you and Magnus. If Jinx is a little here is a snow cub what are you and Magnus?" she smiled at him.
Alec who was not really paying attention as he cleaned his daughter's face off, replied "Magnus is a lion and I'm an antelope" he said.
"Papa doesn't that mean Daddy eats you?" Jinx asked as everyone started laughing as Alec turned bright red.
"Sometime Antelopes fight back as do I!" he said quickly as Magnus was trying hard not to laugh as Alec gave him a glare.
Magnus only waved him off "Oh I know you fight love I'm sure the neighbors can vouch for you fighting back too." He said as he got up to help with the dishes. As he left he heard Izzy and Jace dying of laughter while Clary was at least trying to hold back her laughter and Simon had now taken to follow Magnus' lead to help with dishes. Izzy got her laughter under control as she looked at her brother's red face and hit Jace to get him to help make it redder.
"So Alec tell us how many times does the antelope win in these fights?" Jace ask his brother as the Maryse came in and told them all to stop teasing Alec.
"And Grandmom is a bear because she always protects Papa from when Aunty and Uncle are being mean to him." Jinx whispered to the twins who had no clue what was really going on. The dinner ended resulting in the Lightwood-Bane family to go back to Idris. After tucking Jinx into bed Magnus watched as Alec was still sulking over the dinner events. The Warlock smiled coming up behind Alec on the bed and nipping at his shoulder. "Sometimes the lion wants his Antelope to sleep by his side as an equal" he muttered to him. Alec huffed as Magnus smirked when suddenly Alec flipped them so Magnus was on the bottom.
"And sometimes the Antelope fights dirty to win" he whispered kissing Magnus passionately.