"Hiccup! Slowdown!" Astrid and Stormfly were speedy fast but they could never outfly Hiccup and Toothless. Nightfurys are just too fast. But Hiccup didn't want to leave Astrid behind. They were practicing for the flying show. It was the fourth Bork week since they made peace with the dragons and they wanted to do a trick together. Toothless slowed and twisted upside down towards the Nadder. The boys did a couple loops around before Astrid joined in. They twirled in a corkscrew for a couple seconds and slip away.

"So what next?!" The glided next to eachother. Toothless purred and looked to Hiccup. "Skydiving?" Hiccup sub jested. "What's that?!" Hiccup set the tail fin to open and on hooked the rope that kept him from falling off. "Just do what I do!" Hiccup stood up and gestured for Astrid to do the same. She did so hesitantly. Now just jump. Hiccup jumped and did a slight back flip in the air. Astrid though never did those kind of tricks. She was pretty good at flips but in the air in was a lot harder. She tripped off of Stormfly. Stormfly flipped and kept at the same diving angle as Toothless and Hiccup.

"Well this is a first! Usually, I'm the clumsy one." Hiccup was certainly getting a kick out of this. Astrid continued to scream for dear life. "You kind of have to angle yourself!" The dragons backed off to give them more room." I can't angle myself!" Astrid was in total panic mode. He used his imitation dragon fin on his back, which was a working progress, to glide over to Astrid. Her grabbed her arms and helped her into a better position and backed off. Her hood kept flying into her face. They started from very high up so they had been falling for almost a minute.

"See easy! Now we just-" He was cut off. Astrid grabbed onto him and kissed him on the lips. Toothless growled. He hated it when they got all"lovey dovey". Blech! Why couldn't they just get a room? Stormfly squealed with glee. She loved that her baby had a boyfriend. Toothless screeched in fear. They were cutting it a bit close. The two humans broke the kiss and pushed apart. Toothless jumped on Toothless, opened the tail fin again and they glided to the water. Where they quickly turned causing a wave effect to ripple across the water.

"I have to admit, that was pretty cool. Can you show me some more tricks? I could help you with your back flip." Astrid seemed quite exited to learn more. "Sure why not?" The rest of the evening they practiced new tricks and that Bork's week's flight show was definitely awesome.

I see how some of this can be taken the wrong way I'm just going to say now, please don't leave any perverted reviews. This is my first Hiccstrid ones shot and I wondering where she learned that trick she used to steal the sheep from the twins(in the dragon racing clip). Please review.