"Honestly Mike, if you don't finish these goddamn files in the next 10 minutes, I will feed you to a hungry heard of lions." I tapped my fingers impatiently against my desk as my associate blew out a breath, looking flustered.
"Well if you decided to give me a goddamn hand, instead of looking at last minute Christmas shopping for Donna, than this wouldn't be an issue."
Rolling my eyes, I pushed my chair away from my desk, walking over to the younger man as I snatched one of the files from his pile "Firstly" I started "I was playing Hearts. Secondly, I finished Donna's shopping days ago, and lastly, I'm the boss and you're the associate, when your name is above the door, then I'll consider listening to you."
"You know, I would have thought that during the festive period, you would cheer up, especially this year as you have someone to kiss under the mistletoe, but no, you really are an all year round Grinch." he muttered, under his breath as I shook my head.
It was Christmas Eve, and the desperation around the office had well and truly kicked in, with everyone eager to finish and get home to their loved ones before the usual Christmas Eve panic hit the City, and for the first time in god knows how many years, I wanted to be out that door quicker than anyone else. I wordlessly walked to the cupboard in the corner of my office, knowing that there was probably going to be no better time to do this than the present moment, worried that Mike was about to revert to a 10 year old version of himself, and act like a child throwing a tantrum. Grabbing the large envelope I let out a deep breath "Close your eyes" I stated, rolling mine.
"What, why?" he asked confused as his head shot around to look at me.
"Just do it Mike before I fire your ass."
"Fine" he conceded, folding his arms across his chest as he closed his eyes. I placed the envelope in his hands as his eyes opened slowly, looking at the object as if it were alien. "What is this? Is this my letter of termination? A warrant for my arrest?"
"I wish" I shot back jokingly, "just open it, Mike."
After eyeing up the envelope suspiciously he carefully opened it, pulling out the various documents inside. I remained silent, watching him expectantly as his eyes scanned through the pages, his face scrunching up "What..." he looked up at me, waving the paper in the air "I don't understand."
How could he not understand? The kid had a higher IQ than me, and the information was printed right there in black and white, it couldn't be any more obvious. "I've already cleared it with Jessica. In there are two return first class flights to Paris, hotel accommodation, car hire and a little Christmas bonus so you can at least buy your girlfriend something nice when you're over there."
Mike's jaw dropped, his eyes widening in shock as he just starred at the paper in front of him "B-but these say we depart in a week."
I shrugged "Well I know that, I did book them Mike. Donna said that Paris at New Years is amazing, so I thought why not. As I said, it's all cleared with Jessica."
He blinked several times, shaking his head as he tried to process it all "I mean, thanks... this is incredible but why? A Christmas card would have sufficed"
I looked over at Donna's cubicle noticing she was listening to our conversation through the intercom, pretending to be working. I walked over to my phone, turning off the intercom as her head instantly shot up, her bottom lip poking out into a pout. I did not want any witnesses for what I was about to say. "Look kid" I started "Donna told me that I'm too hard on you, so I'm going to be straight with you here." He shifted in his seat, looking at me expectedly "You're a good kid Mike. You're a pain in my ass a 100% of the time, and I often think about throwing you into the East River, but I appreciate everything you've done for me. You're a hard worker, an excellent lawyer and a good friend. And I guess I'm so hard on you because I look at you, and I see myself 10 years ago. Obviously not as good looking as me, but you cant have everything. So this" I pointed at the pile of papers "Is a thank you for your hard work. Just because I like to work myself into the ground, doesn't mean you have to."
Mike expression faltered, his mouth scrunching up to one side "You really think all that?"
Mike jumped off the seat as he wrapped his arms around me. I looked towards Donna who was looking at the two us with a wide smile on her face, her hands indicating that I should hug him back. I rolled my eyes as I patted his back "Alright, alright, that's enough of that." I decided as Mike pulled away, beaming.
"Well I guess I should give you yours..." he reached for his messenger bag
"You got me a present?" I asked confused, no associate, has ever got me a present...ever.
"Of course" he shrugged as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Here" he pulled out a thin, square package, wrapped in some horrific wrapping paper with animated reindeer on.
I eyed the present up suspiciously, unwrapping it as my mouth fell open a little, I was shocked. "How did you..."
"You once told me that you were one Miles David record off from having the whole collection."
I starred at it, not quite knowing how to react. "But this is a limited edition, there's only like 50 of these in circulation." I would know, I've only been searching for it for the last ten years, unsuccessfully.
"I told you, I listen."
"But how did you find it?"
He shrugged, looking slightly guilty "Donna helped me track it down in England and got it shipped over for me." I looked over my shoulder to see her sitting on top of her desk smiling as I mouthed 'thank you' at her.
"Mike this is... this is awesome. Thanks" I gave him a sincere pat on the shoulder as I slipped the record out of its sleeve, placing it on my record player.
"Can I go and tell Rachel about our trip?" he asked excitedly, practically bouncing up and down like a hyperactive puppy.
Donna strolled into the office as Mike left, her left eyebrow arched as she folded her arms across her chest. "So, you finally gave the boy a compliment?"
"And here I was thinking that a holiday to Paris would be enough."
She laughed as she placed a hand on my chest, guiding me towards the wall behind me that was obscured from passersby by the bookcase. I sucked in a breath as my back hit the wall, her hands slipping under my suit jacket. "I think you're getting a bit soft in your old age" she mused, leaning flush against me.
"I most certainly am not" I protested "I have a reputation to uphold."
"I have a reputation to uphold" she repeated, mocking me as she stuck her tongue out at me.
I leant down, pressing my lips against hers to shut her up as I glanced at the clock "Go do some work and stop distracting me, I'll see you at 4."
She sighed, pulling away as she pouted "See you then."
"Ready to go?" I asked as I approached her desk.
"Yes!" she exclaimed, closing the tabs on her Internet window; she was watching cake boss.
"Let's go then m'lady." I extended my hand out towards her as she wrapped happily accepted, smiling as we wordlessly walked down the corridor.
Louis caught sight of us from his office as he saw the two of us approaching, ready to walk to the elevator. He jumped out of his chair, bounding towards us as he called out for her "Donna" we stopped as she smiled, noticing Louis somewhat nervous stature "heading out already?"
I stood quietly by her side, watching the exchange with interest, my head cocked to the side, our hands still interlocked, something he had yet to notice. "Yep" she replied, smiling politely.
He nodded, smiling widely "Heading up to Connecticut then?" I forgot Louis knew everything about Donna.
She shook her head as I just stood with pursed lips, finding the whole situation increasingly amusing with every passing second. "No, we're actually just about to go upstate." Louis eyes narrowed at the world 'we' his eyes flicking between the two of us as he seemed to finally notice my presence besides Donna.
"We?" he echoed "You?" he signalled between Donna and I.
I scoffed out a laugh at his confused expression "Yep." I simply threw in, popping the 'p'. This was too much fun.
"Why?" was all he could ask, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead.
Donna looked at me, opening her mouth ready to speak, waiting for a silent confirmation that her next statement would be okay to say. Yet in true Harvey Specter style, if something needed to be said, I wanted to be the first one to say it. I raised our interlocked hands in the air, a smug grin forming across my lips as Louis jaw practically fell to the floor. I wrapped my arm around Donna's waist, pulling her close.
"You two?" he asked incredulously as he shook his head profusely "No, no. I don't believe you." I nodded in confirmation as his expression of shock changed to one utter disbelief as he moved his gaze to Donna "Oh c'mon!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air "Really? Really? This guy?" He sighed "Donna you beautiful goddess, you could do so much better."
Remind me to thank Louis for this Christmas present, because the show he was putting on was fantastic. To the point where if they had to give an Oscar to someone for the best acting in a soul destroying moment, he would get it. Donna smiled, looking at me briefly before giving Louis a half shrug "What can I say Louis, the heart wants what the heart wants"
Louis look as if we had just skinned a cat in front of him as he spun around, flailing his arms in the air, in the middle of what I could only describe as a mental breakdown "Katrina!" he shouted, looking over his shoulder towards the fifth year associate who was sitting in his office "I need a day."
He stormed past us towards the elevator, mumbling some incoherent shit to himself as we exchanged glances at a bemused Katrina. "You know, I swear he does it for dramatic effect" she shrugged, looking back at her file "Oh" she said, looking back up briefly "Congratulations?" she added, sounding unsure "I thought you guys had been together since the beginning of time, but maybe Mike was right when he says I miss things because I spend too much of my time with my head up my ass."
I laughed, my hand flying to my mouth as I mentally congratulated Mike for what could possibly be the funniest thing he would ever say in his slightly above average life. "Merry Christmas Katrina" I replied, taking Donna by the hand once more as we continued to walk down the corridor.
"So, I guess we're not keeping this a secret anymore?" she asked amused as we entered the elevator.
"I guess not." I mused, focusing my gaze on the metal doors in front of us.
"Louis is going to spread the news like wildfire! Don't you think that you should tell Jessica before he does" I glanced over at Donna who looked somewhat worried as I stuck out my bottom lip in thought.
"She knows" I stated simply, waiting for her reaction.
"What do you mean she knows?" she asked, looking alarmed.
"She called me out on my tardiness the other week when we rocked into work 2 hours late. She asked me the right questions Donna, you know I don't lie."
She rolled her eyes as the elevator doors pinged open "Part of me wants to act like I care, but I really don't."
I pouted as I opened the door to Ray's car "What? No verbal assault for telling Jessica? I'm disappointed, I think you're going soft in your old age" I replied smugly, using her own words against her as she narrowed her eyes at me.
She slipped into the back seat with looks that could kill "You take that back, I do not look a day over 25."
"Whatever, babe." I dismissed, shutting the door on her before she could reply as I walked round to the other side, Ray giving me a helpless look from the front seat.
"Ray, will you please tell this pig headed man that I make women in their twenties look like shit."
I rolled my eyes "You don't have to answer her Ray, I know you've got my back." I leant back into the leather chair, smirking.
"Miss Donna is exceptionally beautiful and does look very youthful" he replied as Donna fist pumped the air.
"Yes!" she exclaimed in victory "Thank you Ray, at least someone here speaks sense."
"Ray, remind me to dock your pay."
Ray laughed, pulling away from the curb. "Tis the season to be Jolly Harvey, you're paying me triple.
"Harvey I swear to God if you don't get us to your moms soon, I will eat this car seat, or if that doesn't satisfy my appetite, I'll eat you." I groaned in frustration as I looked out of the window, my stomach rumbling. It was nearly 10 in the evening, and we had left the office at 4, but of course, someone (the man beside me) ran me rugged at work before hand meaning that I had yet to consume any form of food today. And Donna without food, is a Donna to be feared.
"Your threats scare me to my core"
His flippant comeback only angered me further, my irrationality heightening "I will shove your lame comebacks up your ass if I don't have a sandwich in my stomach in twenty minutes."
"Well it's a good thing we're here then." He laughed as we pulled into his mom's drive, her house littered with lights.
"Whoa" I muttered in disbelief, captivated by all the twinkling lights "No way, this is amazing"
He shrugged, unbuckling himself "Did I forget to tell you that my mom kind of goes over board at Christmas?"
I jumped out of the rental car, as I bounded towards the door, spinning around to look at Harvey in awe. This was fucking incredible. Imagine a beautifully decorated gingerbread house, illuminate it with twinkling lights, and this would be what you would see. "Please, please can you take a photo!" I exclaimed as he laughed, digging his phone out of his pocket.
"Smile!" I threw my hands in the air, looking like a starfish as I plastered a grin across my face. "There."
He walked up towards me, our bags in one hand, phone in the other "lemme see!" I peered over his shoulder, trying to look at the photo "Oh, I actually look pretty good in that." I said in approval, loving my Christmas jumper and jeans combo against the pretty background.
"You do." he agreed, setting the photo as his lock screen picture.
"Did you just lock screen me?" I asked, gasping slightly "You're lock screen picture has been the default night sky picture since you got it!"
"Ah" he said, tapping my nose with his index finger as we stood on his mom's doorstep "that's what you think. I have 7 words for you: Christmas Party two-thousand and four."
I screwed my face up in disgust, ready to punch him in the arm as the front door swung open, revealing a very excited looking Ruth Specter. "Donna!" she exclaimed, wrapping her arms tightly around me, squeezing me to death "Merry Christmas!" I laughed as she swayed me side to side, Harvey's mouth open in an 'o' shape.
"Oh don't worry about me mom, I'm only your son." I laughed as Harvey pouted slightly, pushing past us as he dropped our bags in the hallway.
"You're such a child sometimes" she joked as she let go of me, hugging her son. I couldn't help but let out an 'aww' at the image of the two of them, secretly loving the fact that I get to see the side of Harvey that 99.9% of the world wouldn't even dream was real.
"Don't suppose you've got any food knocking out, Donna has been threatening to kill and BBQ me for the last fifty miles"
"Harvey!" I whined, not wanting to give Ruth a bad impression of me. But... food!
"Of course dear, come on through, I have a whole fridge full of food"
"Ruth Specter, I love you!"
I fidgeted as I starred at the alarm clock resting on the nightstand, as Donna flicked through the latest issue of Vogue, completely unaware of my current state of 'freaking the fuck out'.
I jumped off of the bed, racing towards my bag as Donna put down the magazine, staring at me as if I had just grown a second head. "Harvey?" I ignored her, rummaging through the bag as I pulled out two rectangular boxes wrapped in gold paper. I turned around slowly, smiling nervously as I approached her.
"Merry Christmas!" I exclaimed, shuffling myself onto the bed, sitting cross-legged in front of her. Her gaze flickered from the boxes in my hand to my face, her face lighting up in excitement as she clutched her chest.
I raised an eyebrow "Well, duh. Here I want you to open this one first" I handed her the smaller box as she gently fingered the paper, carefully unwrapping the corners, savoring every moment as my stomach flipped uneasily. She pulled out the long aqua box, her jaw dropping as she looked at me in horror.
"Just open the goddamn box"
She opened the box carefully as a gasp escaped her lips, her hand flying to her mouth in shock as she starred at what was inside. She placed the box down on the mattress, carefully picking up the delicate item, her expression still shell-shocked. "Well?" I prompted, desperate for a response.
"Harvey, this is...oh my god, this is beautiful."
I smiled, feeling proud as she admired the diamond and emerald bracelet, set in platinum, a one of a kind piece from Tiffany's that I had spent hours upon hours choosing.
"This is... Harvey" she shook her head, unable to formulate coherent responses "this is too much, this must have cost a years worth of rent for the average person."
I rolled my eyes "Donna, will you not think about the money and just enjoy your present. You deserve it."
She pursed her lips, unable to hide her smile as she placed the bracelet back in the box, carefully putting it on the nightstand. She pounced towards me, throwing her arms around my neck as I fell against the mattress "Thank you" she kissed my lips "thank you" she kissed my cheek "thank you" and finally my nose.
"There's still one more present" I muttered in between kisses, amused at how giddy she was. She stopped, pulling away as she looked at me seriously.
"Harvey, no, that was enough. What ever is in there, take it back."
I gulped "Yeah, cant do that, it's non-refundable." I slid the other box towards her, my stomach erupting with pure fear, this was the gift I was most terrified about giving, and with good reason.
She sighed "You're a bad man Harvey Specter"
I ran my tongue over my lips, as I tried to control my breathing, each breath coming out more and more shallow, pushing me ever closer to the inevitable panic attack I was about to experience. "Hurry up!" I blurted out, cursing myself for sounding like a maniac.
"Okay... weirdo" she mumbled quietly, tearing the paper off the box. Her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the black box opening it as a laugh escaped her lips. "Really Specter?"
My expression fell, this was not the reaction I was expecting. "Will you look at it properly" I pushed, getting impatient.
"Oh my god." she muttered, barely audibly as she gulped harshly, looking up at me with teary eyes. Oh god, I've done the wrong thing.
"I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how and I thought it would be a cute sentiment, I'm sorry. You can run if you want, I won't blame you" I said hurriedly, the words shooting out my mouth like verbal diarrhea.
She picked up the solid silver can opener, her finger lightly grazing over the engraving, her eyes fixated on the letter. "Y-you, you love me?" she stuttered, biting her lip.
Well that's what the can opener says. I nodded slowly "I do."
After brain storming with Mike for hours and hours, the idea finally hit me. For someone that gets paid millions and millions of dollars a year for using their words, I find it incredibly hard to verbalize my emotions, and telling Donna that I loved her, would be no exception. After all, how the hell do you tell someone that has been in your life for over twelve years, that you've finally realized that you're madly in love with them? It's not really a topic of conversation that comes up that often, and what sort of conversational icebreaker do you use before then?
So I choose something that truly represented the unspoken complexities and quirks of our relationship- the can opener, knowing that she wouldn't expect it in a million years.
"You love me?" she repeated, still not believing me.
"Donna" I grabbed her wrist slowly, trying to get her attention "I love you. I am in love with you."
She covered her face with her hands as she fell back against the mattress, letting out a squeal "Finally!"
"What?" I asked, confused.
She peaked through her fingers "I've only been waiting twelve years to hear that"
"Donna, I pictured the 198 reactions you could have possibly given me, and this is not one of them." I replied pretending to sound unimpressed.
She sat up, throwing the can opener on the pillow as she grabbed the collar of my t-shirt pulling me on top of her "Will you stop your whining." she muttered against my lips "it's not attractive"
I pulled away slightly, giving her a pointed look "how the fuck do you expect me to react when I tell you I love you and you cover your face with your hands!?"
"Technically, the can opener told me."
"Donna!" I exclaimed "Will you put me out of my goddamn misery"
Her expression went completely blank before a smile slowly crept onto her face, her gaze boring into mine "I love you."
I grinned as I covered her face with my hands "Finally"
She grabbed my wrists, pulling my hands to the sides of her face as if she were playing 'peek a boo'
"So... can I have my present now please?" I asked, batting my eyelids
"Nope, you can wait."
"Donna!" I whined, "That's so unfair."
"Oh god" she rolled her eyes "I'm in love with a child."
I scoffed, towering over "I'm all man, there is nothing child like about me."
"Hmm, sounds like you're over compensating to me. You're gonna have to prove it"
"That sounds like a challenge?" I liked challenges, I never lose. She raised an eyebrow as her response. "Challenge accepted."
"Harvey stop it" I whined, fidgeting on the floor as his fingers poked my sides "Harvey!" I squealed "Stop it, I'm so full I may explode. Just let me fall into a food coma, please"
He laughed as he let me go, my body going limp on the carpet, my stomach aching from the sheer amount of home cooked food that I had consumed at Christmas Dinner. He gently grabbed my shoulders, pulling me up into a sitting position as I leant against him, my head falling on his chest as he absentmindedly played with my hair.
"You two are so cute!" My face flushed red as his mother walked into the living room, camera in hand, clicking away happily.
"Mom" Harvey exclaimed, hiding his face as I buried mine into his sweatshirt "Mom, you're so embarrassing."
"What?" she asked innocently "I just want to have photographic evidence to show my future grandchildren of their parents first Christmas together."
"Mom, 12 Christmases have passed in the time that Donna and I have known one another."
"Harvey, stop being facetious, you know what I mean. So just smile for the camera."
I laughed as Harvey fell quiet, his mother still able to put him in his place as we smiled politely in the direction of the camera.
"Perfect!" she exclaimed, looking at the photo she had just taken. "You are such a handsome couple, just you wait until I send the neighbors a picture of this, they are going to be so envious that their family isn't as good looking as mine."
Harvey shook his head embarrassed as I snuggled closer to him "Your mom is only pointing out a simple fact Harvey, we are hot."
"Uncle Harvey, Uncle Harvey, Uncle Harvey!" Our moment was ruined as two small children bounded into the room, followed by Harvey's brother and his wife. I crawled out of his grasp as his niece jumped into his arms, knocking the wind out of him. "Uncle Harvey, can you play dolls house with me, pweaseeee?"
I sat on the sofa, watching his expression melt as he let the toddler drag him across the floor towards the newly opened dolls house, excitedly handing him a red haired doll "Uncle Harvey you can pretend its Donna!"
He looked at me as he held the doll, raising his eyebrow "She's not as pretty as Donna though is she?" he asked the little girl as she shook her head.
"No she's very, very pretty. Like a princess!"
As I starred at the man sitting on the floor in the corner of the room, playing happily with his three year old niece my heart swelled, a lump forming in my throat as I simply couldn't hide the smile that had found its way onto my lips. After twelve years of ups and downs, I would have never imagined myself in this moment right now in with love for a man that finally felt the same (took him bloody long enough). Many would say I had the patience of a saint (and I would agree), or that I was just as scared as he was, but I would always knew my acting would take me far in life, even if it weren't in the most conventional of ways. Take me back three months and I would still call Harvey bat shit crazy as he suggested I faked it with him to impress his mother, but truth was, were we ever not faking it?
For years we hid how we felt and acted as if nothing was wrong, it was only when we started 'pretending' that we realized this was how things were supposed to be. Well, minus the parts where Harvey Specter was just a complete and utter asshole.
Let's be real here, I'm never going to wake up next to the perfect man who is in touch with his emotions and will sit and hold my hand as I cry along to Ps. I love you. And I'm pretty sure he's never going to stop pushing me to the limits of my patience and sanity, but I can say without a doubt that Harvey's the one for me.
Will I miss the lonely nights where I would wake up in a cold sweat after having an explicit dream about my boss? Will I miss dating a string of good for nothing losers who don't know what a good thing is if it hit them in a face? Will I miss the daily emotional torture I'd put myself through where I would cry into a margarita at 10am?
So... I guess I've only got one thing left to say; screw boundaries.
Well guy's that's it. It's been a journey! Here's what you should do next...
1)read and review, as it's the final chapter, it would be awesome if you all could give me a final thought/if you want one shots! Oh and favorite ( if you liked it)
2)Follow me, so you'll know when I've posted one shot's linked to CTBOP
3)check out my other stories and one shots I've posted.
4)Follow my life on insta. 'leftmyheartinsanfrancisco'
5)tell me what you thought about the can opener bit, i was quite proud of it, i wont lieee!
Thank you so, so much for reading, reviewing, everything. You have all been amazing. As I post this, this story had over 40,000 reads and nearly 500 reviews. I cannot express how much I appreciate it. Your reviews/favourites have been motivation for me to not only write this but my other things and I hope you stick by my side for future fics.
Adios Amigos!