Sonic and Dashie were neck and neck, each going faster than lightning as they raced beside each other.
"Is that all you got, hedgehog?!" Dashie asked cockily.
"Naw, I'm going easy on you, pony." Sonic retorted with a yawn.
Dashie scoffed and focused on the path ahead of her that led to the mountain, which was the finish line.
At th same time, Sonic put on a burst of speed, pulling ahead by a few yards.
Dashie gasped slightly, impressed by her new friend's speed. But knowing she could totally do better, Dashie pulled forward, thus catching up to Sonic.
"Hey Sonic, are ya hungry?" Dashie questioned with a gleam in her eye.
"Hungry?" A confused blue hedgehog replied.
"Yeah, cuz you're about to EAT MY AWESOMENESS!" And with that, the blue pegasus zoomed ahead, leaving a magnificent rainbow trail behind her.
She shifted her wings so that she flew upwards towards the top of the mountian.
Dashie arrivied at the top, and was about to do a victory dance when she saw Sonic already there, resting under the shade of a lone tree.
Dashie was blown away. "W-What?! How?! WHAT?!" She nearly screamed, gesturing wildy with her hooves.
Sonic chuckled and replied, "I told ya, I was going easy on you."
But then he saw his friend stop hovring to land on all four hooves with a downcast expression.
"I hate losing..."
The pegasus felt arms embrace her, and looked up to see that Sonic was hugging her.
That dang spark was back.
Dashie returned the hug, though she wasn't sure why. She had never been much for hugging anyway.
Sonic pulled away and said with a wink, "I hate losing too." They both laughed.
Dashie smirked and said, "Round two, from here to Ponyville. ReadySetGO!"