A/N: Chapter 4! Enjoy, Read and Review PLZ! ^-^


Aurora watched the grappling pair quietly, light blue eyes following their every move. After a week of being here, the United Kingdom was quick to learn of Belladonna's unequal speed and strength of her…


The young, female faery often found herself looking for constant sources of entertainment, mostly at the expense of the others. Maleficent once called her an "overgrown youngling that still needed her mother to suckle on," her immaturity making her insufferable at best. In response, Belladonna filled her friend's nest with hundreds of spider eggs, leaving it to be infested with the thousands upon thousands of little dots calling the whole tree their home. The loud squealing of the normally composed guardian that day was certainly something to see. Who would have thought the great Maleficent would have a fear of spiders? Especially considering she lived in the forest no less.

And now, Belladonna, the 'Belle of Mischievousness' as the villagers called her, now set her sights upon an unsuspecting Diaval.

They were in Aurora's quarters, still looking for her dress for the previously postponed Ball, and Belladonna got bored. Again. So to occupy herself, she quietly inched toward the raven-man dozing at the end of her bed, crouching before pouncing on him; sending them both tumbling to the ground with a loud yelp from the man.

And now, they were rolling about the wooden floor, each looking for victory.

The young Queen grinned slightly as she heard her Godmother mumble something about 'younglings' and their 'uncontrollable hormones,' before she turned away again to ignore them in favor of watching the pixies bicker.

Aurora continued to watch, her smile widening as Belladonna managed to wiggle out from beneath Diaval, promptly sitting on his back and knocking the wind out of him.

"And I am victorious!" she mockingly roared as she threw her hands up in show of waving to her adoring fans. She smirked when Diaval grumbled into the carpet beneath, leaning forward to gently pet the black hair.

The young woman had mixed feelings about their apparent growing feelings toward each other. In just a short amount of time, they had managed to become very close, despite Belladonna's overbearing nature to feign disinterest toward the raven. But they all saw past the ruse, even the raven himself, working diligently to push all of her buttons. But as Diaval pushed, Belladonna shoved. She always searched for a way to embarrass him in the biggest of ways. Once, she even managed to snatch his clothes as he was bathing in the showers at the top floor of the castle, cackling as an unrealizing, naked Diaval gave chase around the halls; leaving nothing to the imaginations of the long-time swooning maids. He sought his revenge, however, by in-turn grabbing all her clothing while she slept and dying it a bright pink, with the help of a grinning Maleficent.

Not surprisingly, the forest could not rest for the next few hours as the young faery went ballistic; roaring detailed, vulgar obscenities at the raven-man, and throwing fireballs at him as she hunted him down.

This strange back and forth became the norm for them, greatly complimenting their strange, building relationship.

Silver eyes twinkled as she stood up, stretching herself showingly before plopping herself on the bed, watching the man pick himself off the floor and dusting himself off with an annoyed look to her. She gave a fangly grin, long tongue poking out at him.

Her grin fell with her tongue still sticking out as she felt a gaze stab holes into the side of her head, making her ears twitch. She slowly sucked her tongue back into her mouth, sharply tuning her heard to see Aurora's silent gaze on her. Her wings quivered as she stared back.

The young Queen's eyes widened as she realized she got caught and quickly pushed her gaze to the right, making it as though she was looking past the other woman, not directly at her. Eyebrows arched above bladed eyes as they narrowed thoughtfully.

Belladonna hummed before she shot off of the bed, stretching her arms over her head once more and spreading her wings wide.

"Well," she groaned pleasantly. "Looks like these wings of mine would appreciate the wind of day." She gave the younger female a pointed look with a lopsided grin.

"Mind doing me the honor of a walk around the village, My Queen?" she asked charmingly, bowing low in a mix of mockery and honesty in a way only Belladonna could. Aurora frowned, tensing and looking wearily at her.

"Well…I…" she began uneasily, not knowing how to politely say 'no.' "Do you not prefer a nice, peaceful walk of solitude," she offered slowly. "Alone."

Belladonna crossed her fingers on the back of her head, shrugging carelessly. "Where's the fun in that?"

The pre-adult looked away from the expectant gaze, eyes locking with her Godmother's. Said Godmother was quick on her feet, gently pushing her friend toward the door.

"Perhaps some fresh air and time alone for you is best," she interrupted, opening the door with her magic and pushing the other foward. "You're becoming as insufferable as ever and Aurora has things to take care of." That said, she shoved the other out the door.

Her friend found her footing quickly, giving her a glare that soon faded into a small frown. She swiftly wiped it from her face as she noticed all eyes on her, instead scoffing haughtily.

"That's fine," she quipped, turning heel. "I'm out of here." She sniffed, shoving her hands in her pockets and walking away.

Aurora felt a little pang of guilt in her stomach as she noticed the discreet sad look in the other's eyes, wings drooping slightly as she stalked away.

'Don't do it…don't do it…DON'T!' her mind scolded her as she struggled with her thoughts. She sighed heavily as she stood up quickly, startling the others.

"Belladonna, wait!" she called to the faery as she ran to the door. Russet hair fell over shocked, silver eyes as she whipped around. Aurora smiled sheepishly.

"I would…be delighted to accompany you."

She watched as the other's twinkled interestingly with a strange emotion before it was hidden by disinterest, as usual. Belladonna shrugged, looking away with a small blush, flustered.


Aurora felt her smile grow. It was almost…cute, how Belladonna could get all shy and awkward with her at times. She stepped forward only to be stopped by a gentle hand at her shoulder. She looked up to see her Godmother look down at her, face tight with worry. It unnerved her…Did she not trust her to be on her own? Or was it Belladonna she really didn't trust? She watched nervously as the two faeries stare at one another over her, a knowing look passing between them.

The Queen gently placed her hand over the guardian's, pulling her from the tense stare-off with the other. "I'll be fine…" she said quietly, leaning up to kiss her softly on the cheek. "I'll be back soon."

She turned, hands clasped behind her back as she walked pass, ignoring the strange look Belladonna was giving her as she passed by. She glanced sideways at her.

"Are you coming?"

The other nodded slowly, causing her to smile before continuing to walk off. Belladonna watched her quietly, turning to give Maleficent one final look before following suit.

Maleficent was frowning deeply, watching their forms disappear from sight as her mind faded to memory…


Emerald eyes tracked the small form crouching in the deep brush of some bushes, russet wings flickering and silver eyes narrowing. They followed the other's focus toward the village…and to the right, the castle beyond the hills.

Predatory eyes followed each and every one of the humans as they continued upon their day without a care in the world…or any sense of danger.

It had been two days since the attack on her Little Beastie and Maleficent tried everything in her power to find any shred of evidence of who committed the ruthless act. She found absolutely nothing, save for the blade the guards found. She only had one thing to go on…and that was Belladonna. Her strange behavior after the attack was unnerving and Maleficent was finding it harder and harder to shake off the coincidence to her friend's sudden appearance.

A frown pulled at ruby red lips, eyes looking on sadly. She didn't want to believe her once best friend would do anything to harm Aurora, especially after knowing how much she meant to her and Diaval. Sure, she was well aware of the other's great dislike for humans, hell, she had felt that way for decades and only a few months prior. Even so, she was finding it hard to believe it to be Belladonna's nature to harm someone so young and vulnerable. She was to become a Seeker of honor, despite her immaturity in age and mind, and Seekers were to fight those of equal strength and qualifications; unless threatened, of course.

But she knew the Elders' expectations to be especially cruel. They had a near perfect reputation for it. You either do as you're told or stay out of their way. And if you must change yourself to accomplish this…then so be it.

With all her heart and soul she was just hoping Belladonna would not lower herself to such contradictory laws…

Maleficent startled as she realized her friend was no longer in her hiding place, heading turning quickly about as she tried to find her once more. But, she was gone…

"Is there a reason you're shadowing me?"

The guardian whipped around, looking up to see Belladonna perched on a branch, glaring at her. Maleficent couldn't help it, she glared back.

"You're not allowed to be involved-!" Belladonna began only to be cut off.

"Unless I feel you are potentially threatening the lives of those I protect!" Maleficent responded back sharply.

Belladonna gaped at her, before her face twisted in fury.

"How dare you insinuate-!"

She was cut off again.

"I'm not," Maleficent stated calmly, jumping to the same branch the other was on, causing her to wince and shuffle away as the branch dipped under their weight. The guardian leaned over her, wings hiked up in a threatening manner. "But much like you, I have a duty to uphold." She continued, giving her a hard look.

"I will only ask this only once and ONLY once," she continued slowly, green eyes capturing silver ones. "Does your trial have anything to do with Aurora?"

Belladonna remained silent, eyes glaring back into her friend's.

"Belladonna…" Maleficent hissed in warning, fangs clenching. Belladonna studied her quietly before finally answering.

"No harm is going to befall Aurora…You have my word on that."

Maleficent looked back in shock before her brows furrowed in frustration.

"That's not what I asked…"

Belladonna shook her head, looking away. Maleficent leaned forward further in an attempt to recapture her gaze. Her friend frowned, looking off at the sunset in the distance.

"Just…Trust me on this…"


Maleficent sighed as she folded up the dress in her hands. Belladonna had yet to give her a reason to not trust her. Not before, nor now. But…there was something there. She didn't know what, but she intended to find out. She might have love for Belladonna, but her love for Aurora supersedes that. She will protect her at all costs, including losing her greatest friend in the whole world.

She shook her head discreetly. She shouldn't think that way yet. There was no physical proof against Belladonna. So if or until there is some, she shouldn't let these feelings affect her relationship with her…or her relationship with-


The midnight-black haired man looked up.

"Yes, Mistress?"

"I need you to follow them," she answered, walking up to the window. The pair could be seen walking across the bridge in silence.

Diaval frowned deeply, joining her at the window. "You don't honestly believe that Belladonna would do anything to harm Aurora?" he asked, feeling breathless with anxiety. Maleficent shook her head.

"Honestly? No…" she hesitated, looking down at her hands. "But that does not change the fact that something out there is after Aurora." She looked back up at her companion. "And I need you to watch over her in case Belladonna can't" –or won't- "protect her."

Diaval nodded, jumping on the window sill before transforming into a raven and flying off. Maleficent watched him go.

'Please, Sol…Keep your word…For your sake…and your father's.'


Aurora walked beside Belladonna, the silence an unwelcomed guess. She should have known better to accept the offer, especially considering that her Godmother managed to get her out of it. But…the young faery looked so sad when she refused. And the kind heart inside her couldn't turn her away like that…Despite everything.

'What, "everything?"' she thought looking down the dirt path heading to the Moors. Just a bunch of coincidences and speculations on her part? Did she have any proof that Belladonna did anything?

"Humans have a nasty knack of getting rid of things they don't want or need."

Well, there's that.

The young Queen sighed, looking down at her clasped hands. This was too complicated…She had Queenly duties that didn't require nearly as much thinking and worry. Saving her Godmother from her own father was easier!

She winced as she thought about it. Okay, perhaps not as bad as that. But this was very closely up there. And now she made it worse by accepting to walk with Belladonna and suffer through this silent,-

"I'm sorry."

-tense situation that wasn't looking to get any better and…wait, what?

"What?" she asked, snapping her head up to look at the faery. Belladonna rubbed her neck frustratingly, moving forward to block Aurora's path. The girl tensed.

Lips pursed and eyes narrowed.

"I said I'm sorry…" the faery blew out awkwardly, looking down at her feet and shuffling them. After a few minutes of no response she looked back up to see the younger woman staring blankly at her.

"For the other day!" she snapped, the awkward tenseness getting to her. "I'm sorry for saying all those horrible things to you, alright?!"

Aurora blinked before nodding slowly, her mind trying to grasp acceptance of who was in fact apologizing to her. All the while Belladonna was glaring at her, waiting. When she was to slow for her liking, she snapped again.

"Forget I said anything." She sneered, turning to stomp away. Humans were more irritating than she thought…

"Wait a minute!" she was stopped as a hand tugged at her sleeve. She groaned, grudgingly turning back around. She looked as if she was pained from the whole situation.

Aurora hesitated before grasping the other's hand firmly but gently. "I accept your apology…I- thank you."

Belladonna looked even more uncomfortable, if that was even possible at this point, as she gently tried to tug her hand away. But Aurora was persistent. The faery gave a small whine, like a wounded puppy before shaking it off and growling.

"Fine, fine, your welcome." She groused, yanking her arm away. "Now stop touching me."

Aurora giggled, feeling the great weight that had been hanging over her for what seemed like forever slowly dissipate. The logical part of her tried to reason that a simple apology shouldn't change things. But her heart…her hear t knew everything was going to be ok. Difficult, everything is, but things were going to work out in the end. She just knew it would.

The soon-to-be Seeker stared at her as if she grew a new appendage as she continued to giggle. She grasped her shoulder and turned her round, pushing her back toward the castle.

"W-where are w-we going?" Aurora asked through her near frantic giggles.

"I'm taking you back to Maleficent," she answered, giving her a look. "I think I broke you."

Aurora blew out some more chuckles, shaking her head and sliding the other's hand off. "You didn't. I'm just glad."

Belladonna looked confused. "Glad about what?"

"That you no longer hate me…"

Silver eyes winced before looking down at the dirt. "Ah…Look…" she hesitantly placed her hand on the others shoulder in an attempted comfort gesture. "I…never…hated you…I just…it's just… look what I'm trying to say is…"

Aurora stopped her by placing her hand over the other's. Belladonna watched her, looking exhausted.

"It's okay…"

The mystical creature nodded, sheepishly scratching her horns.

"Good, good…"

Aurora grinned, pulling her arm and walking toward the Moors.


A large, midnight black raven watched them quietly from his perch. His black eyes twinkled and he cooed in happiness as he watched the pair a few feet away. They were talking animatedly as they gently petted the grey wind dragons, drawing purrs from them.

He was ecstatic that they were finally getting along, even if it might not last long. From the apology earlier, Diaval could tell Belladonna was at least trying to make an effort in getting along with Aurora. And honestly, that is all he could ask for. He understood how hard it was for creatures as themselves to get along with humans.

Not to misunderstand him, he absolutely loved and adored Aurora, but there were just some humans that were hard to associate with. They seem to have forevermore standardized a hatred for mystical creatures, and nothing could change their minds about them.

Even so, it would be wrong to judge all by only a few…And yet…

The raven sighed, his brain couldn't handle all this thinking. But he couldn't help it…Belladonna confused the life out of him. He could swear he was losing feathers with all the stress she was putting him under. And it was not the constant pranks or sarcastic quips thrown his way. That actually proved to be quite charming to him, surprisingly enough. It was all the mumblings lately…

He was no fool, though he may act as though he hasn't a clue of certain things. He heard some suspicions around the kingdom, that Belladonna was the one who attacked Aurora. But that is exactly what kept him from believing them. They were only suspicions. Until he had some hard proof, he wasn't about to believe some gossip spread around like seedlings to the earth.

But then…what if it was too late then?

He shook his head furiously, cawing in anew frustration. Nothing was pointing to the fact that it was Belladonna!

So what the attack just happened to occur within days of her arrival? So what she just happen to not like humans? So what she was a warrior in training looking to finish her trial which absolutely no one knew what it was about? That didn't mean anything….

Bloody hell.

He groaned. He didn't want to believe she had anything to do with it. He knew he would never be able to forgive her if she caused anything to befall Aurora. But, he couldn't help being attracted to her. In what way…he wasn't so sure.

She was beautiful, that was for sure; her name fit her perfectly. The way she flew… with all the grace of Maleficent herself and yet the fiery attitude that was all her own. Those eyes…they made him shiver. Whether mad, annoyed or happy…they always made his body tremble.

He shook his head again. He had to be watching over them, not indulging in the thoughts of a hopeless romantic. He huffed, but he couldn't help it. She ruffled his feathers in so many ways he couldn't decide if he absolutely loved it or was looking for the first sign to get it to stop.

The female was the most confusing person in the world…and he thought Maleficent was bad!

He whined pitifully as he slumped on the branch. Perhaps no thinking time would be best. He focused his eyes back toward the ledge of the cliff, only to see his charge and his new friend were gone. He squawked in panic, swiveling his head from side to side. Oh, he was an idiot! How could he lose them so easily?!

He missed the rustle of leaves behind him in his panic.


The raven screeched in surprise, jumping so high that he fell off his perch and landed in the muddy leaves below; groaning. He tilted his feathery head up to see Aurora and Belladonna cackling down at him. Aurora was…cackling. Just like Belladonna…

He groaned again, thumping his head back to the ground. Maybe they shouldn't be friends if the faery was going to be this much of a bad influence.


A/N: oh, Belladonna…you're becoming a big pain in the butt aren't ya?

Hope you liked this chapter, until next time! Review please! :D