I would like to start out by apologizing for the lateness of this chapter. I got stuck with some writers block, which finally cleared up, so I was all set to have it up last week, but my niece had to be taken to the hospital so everything got hectic and I couldn't finish it. But I'm still here and still writing. And if anyone was worried, my niece is fine now, just a broken arm and staples in her head.

Secondly, I'd like to apologize for the shortness of this chapter, but I felt like it was a good place to end as it sets up the next chapter which I have already written more than half of. So be expecting that within the week.

And lastly, I promise never to be this late again! I swear!

Now, here's Clarke guys. I know you guys were wondering about her!

"Please Anya," Clarke begged. "This has gone on long enough, don't you think?"

They had been walking the forest for about a half hour when she'd decided to speak up. They had turned around and started back for the grounder's camp about five minutes ago. The only times she was allowed out of the camp was when she could convince the new leader that she needed to scout for medical supplies and her hands were always kept bound behind her back to lessen the likelihood of an escape attempt. They didn't do anything about her mouth though, so she always tries to convince Anya to let her go every time they leave camp. This time was no different.

"You know I do," she agreed. "But I don't have the power to call a truce anymore. I was relieved of my duties when the rest of your people came down, remember?"

"How could I forget?" She thinks about them all the time. The people she'd left behind. Many times, she had tried to escape. She'd even succeeded once, but she had ended up dangling from a tree only to be caught again a few hours later.

She'd been surprised when she wasn't punished for trying to escape. Looking back on it now, it had probably been something Anya had made sure of. That had been another surprise, her friendship with the grounder leader, former grounder leader, anyway. She'd been relieved of her duties, though Clarke wasn't exactly a hundred percent sure why. She expected it had something to do with Anya's tactics used against the hundred. She now realized how peaceful Anya seemed compared to her bosses. The one's she took orders from. Now they were a scary bunch. Clarke had only met them once on the rare occasions that they came into Anya's camp which were now being led by her brother, Niche, who was by far more ruthless than her. She had overheard them talking one night when she was planning an escape. She had heard their plan to storm the hundreds camp and had turned around and went straight back to her prison. Tonight was not a good night to be caught escaping. Not with those… monsters there. She shuddered to think about what would happen to her if she'd gotten caught.

It was a year since that night and the men had been back only once and Clarke had been on her best behavior, except, of course, when she'd snuck out to eavesdrop on their conversation. She had to make sure her friends were still alive. Somehow, the hundred had managed to hold them back. She was ashamed to say it, but she hadn't thought they'd had it in them. No, she knew they didn't have it in them. She had found Anya after that, demanding to know what had happened, that there had to be something she wasn't telling her. Anya wasn't even the least bit surprised that her prisoner had come marching into her living courters. How many times had she caught her escaping or in the middle of attempting an escape? She wasn't that worried at the moment because she knew Clarke knew better than to attempt an escape with the higher ups in town.

She herself wouldn't have minded letting the kid go, but she was her last piece of leverage here. Without her, she'd have no reason to be around. It was her job to guard Clarke after she had been released from her position as leader, her methods proving too soft for the others to understand.

Clarke had been beyond furious when she discovered that she had kept the fact that more people from the sky had come down. She hadn't been allowed outside at the time when it had happened. Being allowed outside her prison had only been permitted in the last two years and even then, only at night. After that night Anya had taken to watching the sky people's camp more closely when she was out on hunting trips, just to have stuff to report back to her captive. They only talked about the sky people when they were alone, because she knew that the others would not support her friendship with their prisoner. They would think of it as a betrayal and she guessed it sort of was in many ways.

"Do you have any news about them?" Clarke asked, breaking Anya out of her thoughts.

"There is a rebellion being formed," Anya smiled slightly at the thought. She had watched their meeting from afar. The kids were just as reckless as they had been when they'd arrived on the ground. She found it refreshing in a way.

"A what," Clarke stopped walking and turned to her, confusion marring her face. "I thought you said everyone was happy. Bellamy, Octavia, Finn, Jasper, Monty, Raven…"

"I said," Anya interrupted. "For the most part they were happy. The one you call Bellamy is in charge of it from what I saw."

Clarke smiled, "Of course he is."

Anya glanced at her from the corner of her eye, "You feel something for him?"

"What?" Clarke laughed. "Alright, I'll forgive you for that statement because you didn't see me with him back home. Me and Bellamy?" she continued to laugh at the idea.

"This Bellamy person, you were with him during your stay at your camp?"

"No, not like that," Clarke blushed. "He's obnoxious, rude, and way too overprotective of the people he cares about."

"Yes," Anya stated as if she was beginning to understand. "That last part would get on my nerves too."

Clarke smiled. Of course that would be the worst thing out of that sentence for Anya. She was surrounded by rude and obnoxious people all the time, but no one dared to be protective over her lest they get a spear through the leg. In all honesty, Clarke would have loved to have been on the receiving end of his overprotectiveness every now and again. But like she'd said, Bellamy only got over protective about the people he cared about. And that didn't include her. Besides, she could take care of herself. She didn't need a man to do that for her. But still, it would've been nice to have someone who cared about her, besides Wells those first few days on the ground. She'd had Finn for a while, but even that had been severed with the news of a secret girlfriend. Bellamy though, he wasn't the type to let anyone get in his way.

"If you don't have feelings for him, why do you smile when his name is brought up?" Anya asked.

"I don't," Clarke denied.

"Yes, you do," Anya argued. "In fact you just did."

"No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did."

"No, I…" Clarke sighed in frustration. "Look, Bellamy was my partner, and yeah, he was a good leader and had a tendency to be sweet after he got over that whole, wanting to kill me thing."


"Long story."

Anya nodded, though she wasn't sure if she understood. If someone had tried to kill her they would no longer be alive, but this boy was obviously still walking around. She'd offer to kill him herself, but she didn't think Clarke would agree for her to kill her boyfriend. Speaking of, was she still talking about him?

"Then there's his anger issues, don't even get me started on that. Do you know how many people I had to treat because he'd gotten mad and punched them in the face?" she asked rhetorically before continuing with her ramble. "Less than I have to here, but still, it was a lot for one guy. And even if he is hot and I may have had a dream or two…" she cut herself off, realizing she'd said too much.

Anya turned her head and gave her a smirk.

"Shut up."