Summary: The aftermath of Marian coming to Storybrooke. Regina is heartbroken at the thought of losing her happy ending yet again. What happens when Robin goes after her

A/N: This is a prompt given to me by Ellen Hunter aka ooncer in our FB group, OUAT Fanfiction and Creations. Very angsty, but I hope you enjoy. It's hard to decide whether to give a warning, so I'm just going to say this: something tragic does happen, but because my character loving heart can't take it, but I still wished to honor the person who prompted me to write this it will be fixed in a companion piece later this week to be entitled Still Looking Up

Disclaimer: Once Upon A Time and all character's and familiar dialogue from the show belong to Disney/ABC and the show's brilliant creators and writers. No profit is being made from this just having fun with my favorite show.


Even When the Skies Get Rough

Regina smiled softly at the tentative woman that stood behind Emma, arms at her sides, but face pensive and cautious. This, apparently, was the woman Emma had chosen to bring back from the past; the one who still saw her as the Evil Queen.

Had Emma been anyone else's child, Regina would've severely questioned her sanity when she told her she brought someone back from the past, but as Emma was indeed a Charming, this development didn't shock her nearly as much as it probably should have. Every member of their sickeningly sweet little family was forever inclined to "do the right thing," helping those in need without a second thought. Ordinarily, this wouldn't have been a problem, because, as much as her parent's black and white views of the world made Regina cringe, she hated to admit that more often than not, their instincts about people were usually right.

Snow had managed to see through her stepmother's tough façade even at her darkest, she'd even offered her a second chance; it was Regina who had been too caught up in her anger and regrets to see the offer for what it was. But now, ever since they had joined together to rescue Henry from that vile degenerate of an adult trapped in a child's body Pan, she was determined to try and be better. In the back of her mind, Regina couldn't help but wonder what affects this woman's presence would have on the residents of Storybrooke, but thus far everything was as it always had been.

Granny's Diner was still the small hole in the wall dump that was only the best because it was also the only restaurant in town, everyone still remembered who they were, and to her knowledge, no lives save this woman's had been severely altered in any way. Given that the woman had only been there a few minutes, that could quite possibly change, but as of now, nothing seemed wrong. So, Regina squared her shoulders and planted a fake smile on her face, preparing to prove once again that she had in fact changed, and she was no longer the Evil Queen this mysterious woman once knew.

Focusing on the dark haired stranger exclusively now, Regina's brows scrunched together in concentration. There was something familiar about her, but Regina couldn't quite put her finger on what exactly it was. A mass of black curls framed her thin, olive skinned face. She had dark eyes and Regina knew from experience that the steely expression in them meant her emotional walls were climbing higher by the minute as she inched closer to the former Queen, keeping an even pace with Emma.

"Regina," Emma smiled, her voice calm and level, "I'd like you to meet-" just then, a gasp sounded from the back of the room. Regina turned to see Robin staring in awe at the ebony haired woman, eyes wide and mouth agape.

"Ma- Marian?" he stammered, the amazement and disbelief clearly evident in his voice. Regina watched, first in confusion, and then with clarity and horror as the woman's eyes locked on the outlaw.

"Robin?" her voice trembled and within seconds they were launching into each other's arms.

"I thought I'd never see you again," he murmured, twining her hair in his long fingers and holding her tightly.

"And I you!" the woman- Marian- breathed happily.

Regina's world spun as she watched the happy reunion. She felt like the floor was being ripped out from underneath her. Her breath came in short, stuttered gasps and she thought she was going to fall over at any moment. She wasn't even able to form a coherent thought. The sounds of the diner became a blurry haze of colors and muffled garble that no longer made any sense. Emotions burned in her chest, so many feeling at once, she didn't even know the name for them all. Tears pooled in her eyes, but she blinked rapidly, refusing to let them fall. Roland ran up to his mother, who swept him up in her arms and held him like there was no tomorrow. The sight nearly shattered Regina's heart, if that was even possible at this point.

Why did this always happen to her?

Rumpelstiltskin had told her once that villains didn't get happy endings, but at the time she refused to believe it. Now, she was wondering if he might be right. First her mother ripped out Daniel's heart, then she got him back only to have to watch him die a second time. She once had a loving son in Henry, but Emma and that damned book had poisoned him against her. She'd worked hard to earn back his trust, only to have Pan poison him further. Then she had a family, only to learn that her sister was an envious bitch who was jealous of a life she knew nothing about. She'd tried to be good, tried to offer her a second chance, like the one Storybrooke had given her, but she'd rejected Regina with a mere flick of her wrist, and almost ruined all of their lives in her selfish desire to change the past.

And then there was Robin. Tinkerbell had said he was her True Love, and that pixie dust never lied. So then why, when she finally got the courage to let him in, finally gave herself a chance to be genuinely happy, did he have to be taken from her to? Why? Why? WHY?

She wouldn't deny her past; she'd certainly done many horrible things in her time as Evil Queen. She'd been corrupted by hate and anger and regret and it had twisted her into someone she hardly recognized as herself. She had been vile and ruthless, killing because it gave her pleasure to see others as miserable as her. But she wasn't that person anymore. She'd desperately tried to make a new life for herself. A happy life like the one she'd always dreamed of having with Daniel, full of love and laughter and joy. But it seemed she was doomed to live in darkness.

"Regina…?" Emma's tentative, pained voice hitched as she called the Queen back to the diner.

Regina's eyes flashed and for an instant, she saw nothing but red, "You!" she breathed. She meant it to come out a snarl, but even to her own ears it sounded raw. She was weak and exposed and didn't have any resolve left to lift her once stiff walls back into place, "You did this," she repeated, attempting to stare daggers at Emma.

The blonde's eyes were wet with tears, and regret was clear on her face, but Regina couldn't bring herself to care, "I…I didn't know…" she stuttered.

"Of course you didn't," Regina scoffed, hating how her voice trembled, "You're just like your mother. Always doing what you think is best, never bothering to consider the consequences."

"I just wanted to save her life." Emma retaliated.

Yes, Regina thought bitterly, and once again, that means you've ruined mine. "You just better hope to hell you didn't bring anything else back," she seethed. And with that she turned on her heel and strode out the door without another word.

Regina drifted aimlessly along Storybrooke's vacant streets in a daze, her mind as foggy as the quiet, mist-covered town. The silence was eerie as Regina's tangled thoughts continued to battle her mind for supremacy. The full moon gleamed brightly overhead, mocking her stormy emotional battle with its brilliant white glow. Unconsciously heading for her Mayoral mansion, Regina tried to make sense of all that had just happened. Once again, it was a single instant that turned her life completely upside down, and, just as with Daniel, there was nothing she could do to reverse it.

It was odd really. Not ten minutes ago, she'd been fuming and furious, ready to cry and scream and kill, all in one swift motion. She'd wanted to wring Marian by the neck and squeeze until all the life drained out of her. In her days as Evil Queen, she would've done so without a second thought. In fact, she probably would've done worse. Ripping Marian's heart out and crushing it for all to see, relishing in the shocked gasps and vile words that would be directed at her while doing so, loving the excruciating pain that would etch itself into every one of Marian's features until at last her body sagged, her life force completely drained away. She would have revelled in the sorrow that would overwhelm her beloved as he watched his first wife die in his arms, and she would've laughed in his face, voice alight with triumph, as he pleaded and begged for a way to bring her back to him. And yet, Regina had done none of that; instead becoming a hollow shell, feeling as though she was watching another's life play out before her eyes, unable to move, room swaying even as her feet were rooted to the carpet.

Why had she sat idly by and let others ruin her happy ending again? Why had she let them run her life, even for that one moment? The old Regina would've smote them where they stood… so why didn't she?

Archie had told her once that it took time to change. That most people wouldn't see it; but that Regina would know when she had finally become the person she so desperately wanted to be.

But how? she remembered pleading. That didn't sound like a guarantee that she would ever change, it just sounded like something a doctor would say when they couldn't do any more to help the person they were treating.

"I don't know Regina. Only you know the answer. Only you know who you truly want to be," he'd replied.

But Regina didn't know who she wanted to be; she never had, not since her mother had crushed Daniel's heart and forced her to live a life that was no longer her own. She'd never wanted what her mother's choices had given her, not until her heart was so corrupt and black that she forgot what it felt like to be loved. She'd thought revenge, the curse, would give her whatever it was in her life that she'd been missing, whatever it was she needed to make her complete. The curse, however, was only a façade, and could never compete with real human interaction.

It wasn't until she met Owen, and later adopted Henry, that she finally allowed love to thaw her once frozen heart. Maybe that was why she hadn't attacked Marian. The way she looked at Robin; she had seen that look many times before, on herself when she looked at Daniel, and on Henry when she was nothing more to him than his mother. She'd ruined enough lives, taken away enough loves, she couldn't, wouldn't do that again. And as much as she wanted to blame Emma, deep in her heart, she knew it was never the girl's intention to hurt anyone. She really had been only trying to do the right thing. Regina's only question now, was where this left her. It was said that if you loved something, you had to set it free, and that if it truly loved you, it would return.

Regina suddenly felt another set of tears pool in her eyes, but this time she let them fall. She was sure Robin wouldn't come back for her; he'd found his first love, and their family was reunited. Regina was right back where she started; a broken, lonely, confused girl who only sought a way to make herself happy. But what did that mean? She was evil. She was broken and tainted by the darkest deeds of any realm. Who would ever love her as she was? Regina sank against the side of a building, letting the grief and loneliness consume her, weeping for what she once had, and all she had done to lose it. She was alone again, and she had only herself to blame.

Back at the diner, Tinkerbelle watched in dismay as everyone milled around, enjoying the celebratory vanquishing of the Wicked Witch Zelena, not even bothering to notice the utter despair on both Emma and Regina's faces before the former Queen stormed out the door. The Hood family huddled happily around one another, in their own little world, rejoicing at the unexpected reunion. It made the former fairy want to punch a wall. How was this happening? Robin was Regina's True Love! Only a few days ago, Regina's face had glowed with the happiness of hope renewed, and Tinkerbelle had faith that everything was going to work out and Regina would finally have the happy ending she denied herself so long ago.

But this? This was not supposed to happen. Marian had died in the past for a reason. She was the beginning of Robin's happy ending, but Regina was the Emerald City at the end of the long journey on the Yellow Brick Road…or that's what Tink had always thought. Fairy Dust never lied, and the Fairy Dust had led them to Robin.

Tink knew that changing the past in any small way could have many dangerous repercussions, so she had no idea what it meant for the time stream that Emma had inadvertently resurrected the dead. Still, she wouldn't allow herself to believe that any altercation to time could truly change the desires of ones heart.

Snow and Charming had a saying- that they would always find each other. No matter what hurdles were thrown in their paths, their hearts always knew the way back home. That was all Tink had ever wanted for Regina, a love so deep and pure that no amount of darkness could snuff it out. Robin was supposed to be that beacon of light for her, and yet he had shattered her heart to pieces, turning away from what could've been and into what he'd always thought he wanted.

Letting out a long breath, Tink squared her shoulders. She had half a mind to rush after Regina herself, but companionship was not what she needed right now. She needed love. She needed reassurance that no matter what happened, someone was always on her side, not just as a friend, but in their heart as well. And in order to get that for her, Tink needed to knock some sense into that two timing outlaw; she only hoped she could do so without actually having to deck him.

Just before she could open her mouth though, Emma latched onto her arm, "Tink, wait."

"What do you want?" she snarled, wrenching her hand from Emma's vice grip as she whirled around to face her.

Emma shrank back a bit, but managed to hold her ground, "Look Tink, I know you're angry, and I don't blame you. I truly never meant to do this to Regina, but two wrongs won't make what I did right." Tink wanted to interject, but Emma plowed ahead, "I saved a woman's life. I thought I was doing the right thing. I…I was just trying to protect an innocent woman," her voice broke on the last word, and the fairy's resolve softened a bit.

"I know you were Emma, and truly, I don't blame you. But the truth of the matter is, good intentions or not, by bringing Marian back, by saving her, you have altered all of their fates…most of all Regina's."

Emma hung her head, "I know…but look at them Tink," she implored, gesturing to the happy family behind them, Roland smiling gaily as his mother hugged him, "Are you really going to tell me that giving someone a family was the wrong thing to do?"

"No," Tink admitted, "They all deserve a family, but it wasn't supposed to be this family that made them happy again."

"What do you mean?" Emma scrunched her brow.

Tink sighed and led Emma over to a booth where they both sat down, "Have you ever heard the saying, 'Everything happens for a reason'?"

Emma nodded, unsure where Tink was going with this, "But then, isn't there a reason for me bringing Marian back?" she countered.

"Of course there is but- If you're parent's hadn't given you up, you would've had a very different life, yes?"

"Don't remind me."

"But if that life meant never having Henry, never knowing Neal, would you take it?"

"Well I…No. Henry is the best thing I have."

"Exactly. But by giving Marian a different life than the one the Fates laid out for her, that is what you've done for everyone involved; you've taken away their chances at finding their own Neals and Hooks and Henrys.

Emma's eyes widened, "But I wasn't trying, I mean I only meant to…"

"I know you did. You saw an innocent woman who was supposed to be sentenced to death, of course you would try and save her," Tink smiled kindly, "But sometimes, even the worst things must happen if everything is to remain in balance."

"But what do we do now? I've changed time. I can't just, I'm not, just going to send her back to the past to die, but I can't stand to know that I ruined Regina's happiness by giving Marian another chance."

"I know. And we won't send her back. Like you said, there is a reason you chose to bring her here, she must have another happy ending."

"But what about Regina?"

"That, Emma, is what we're going to straighten out right now."

Tink got up from the booth and made her way over to Robin once more, "Mr. Hood? I hate to break up you're little reunion but-"

"Tink! What can I do for you?' he asked, one arm laced around Marian's waist.

"Well I-"

"Daddy," Roland cut in suddenly, looking around the diner as though searching for someone, "where's 'Gina?'

Tink smirked proudly at the little boy as she watched Robin's eyes widen in realization.

"Oh my God," he gasped, "she must've ran off when you…" he stuttered, glancing frantically back and forth between the fairy and his first wife. "I have to go find her! I have to…" he rushed toward the diner door and pulled on his jacket.

"Robin?!" Marian asked incredulously as his arm slipped from around her, "Where are you going?" But the outlaw didn't bother answering before he swung open the door and bolted out into the night.

Robin ran for miles, calling her name desperately, but each time eliciting no response. Just when he was about to give up, he saw her, curled up in a little ball, head in her lap, back leaning against the cold brick of the pawnshop. Regina?" he asked tenderly.

The brunette lifted her head at the sound and it tore at Robin's heart to see the steady flow of tears streaming down her cheeks, "R-Robin?" she stuttered, not quite believing what she was seeing.

Robin knelt on the ground and went to gather her in his arms, "Yes Gina, it's me."

But she pulled away instinctively as her walls climbed higher against him, "What are you doing here?" she hissed, her voice suddenly cold as ice, but not quite devoid of pain,

Robin winced. "Why did you leave? I looked up and you were just gone," he said lamely, not really knowing what to say. He'd been so overwhelmed by Marian's miraculous return that he'd completely forgotten about the woman that had become so much a part of his life. He crouched down next to her and leaned a shoulder against the wall to hold his balance.

Regina just stared at him. Was he really so dense? "Why did I leave?" she repeated, hastily wiping her eyes as the steady stream of tears began to lessen, morphing into red hot anger, "Why do you think, Robin?! You found your first wife, your long dead True Love," she said sarcastically. "What was I supposed to do? Just wait for you to come running back after the shock wore off?" she scoffed, "I'm not that stupid."

He reached out to brush away a tear from her ashen cheek only to have her slap his hand away. She didn't think she could bear to have him touch her just then. "Leave me alone." she scowled, "Go back to your real family." She started to get up, but Robin gripped her arm.

"Regina, please, we need to talk about this. What we have is not going to go away just because Marian has been returned to us. My feelings for you were, are, very real and I can't just pretend that I don't care for you."

"But you care for Marian more." she leveled her gaze with his, daring him to deny it. "She didn't come back to us, Robin; she came back to you and Roland. You're her family, her husband. And I've denied enough people their happiness, I won't deny you yours too."

Pain clouded his features as he stared at her incredulously. She had changed more in their short acquaintance than he had realized, no longer the vain malicious woman who had struck terror into the hearts of men in the Enchanted Forest, but rather just a woman who had had her heart broken. "I do care for you, Regina, but I care for Marian as well. I just don't know if I feel the same for her. After knowing you...loving you...I can't just let you walk away from me," he said, taking her hand in his.

"We don't have a choice, Robin. You're MARRIED!" She said, letting all the pain, the anguish and the heart rending sickness of love lost spill from her lips. "I can't!"

She jerked free of his grasp, wrenching away. She felt trapped, Desperate to get away, she bolted into the street….Just as a car was speeding recklessly around the corner.

It was all a blur after that. Regina felt something hit her, something cool and metallic, but she was knocked to the pavement before she could make sense of what it was. She heard the screech of rubber on asphalt and felt a sharp pain in her skull as her head banged against the ground. She collapsed in a heap, her body falling limp and the world around her a bleary haze of colors. A tall figure crouched over her, and she heard someone calling her name, but before she could utter a syllable, everything went black.

A/N 2 IMPORTANT: Because my EvilRegal heart was shattering as I wrote that ending, there will be a sequel piece entitled Even When the Skies Get Rough to be posted by Saturday, hopefully sooner! So fear not fellow Regals!