"That was awesome!" Lilo said as she and Stitch left the arcade. "Thanks, Remmy!"

"Ih! Takka!" Said Stitch.

"Ok," Lilo began, "Which one is next?" Lilo and Stitch were going to their favorite places on the island. It was their one year anniversary from defeating Leroy.

"Oh!" Stitch said, "Isa Phantasmo!"

"Oh yeah!" Lilo exclaimed, "Phantasmo's one true place is one of my favorite favorites!"

"Race Youga there!" Stitch said. Lilo and Stitch both started to run as fast as they could to get to Macki Macaw's before the other did.

"Hey, what's that!" Lilo said curiously."

"Gaba?" Stitch said. He looked at where Lilo was pointing, and when he turned his head, he ran right into a palm tree.

"Yes!" Said Lilo, "I won!"

"Naga fair!" Stitch argued, "Youga cheated!"

"Maybe..." Lilo said, "but you were the one who fell for it!"

Before the two got into the restaurant, something small flew out of it-right into Lilo and Stitch.

"Hey!" Stitch said, "Gaba ika tasoopa?"

"Lilo noticed the thing dropped something. When he saw Lilo see it, he grabbed it and flew away.

"Gaba was that?" Stitch said.

"I don't know," replied Lilo, "but did you see what he dropped?"


"It was a small, round thing with the number '375' on it." Lilo said, "Isn't that Phantasmo's number?

They both went to Jumba's ship after that, hoping he could help. The two got there, and saw that, thankfully, Jumba was there. After explaining everything to Jumba, he was still as confused as they were.

"Did you see this person's face?" Jumba asked.

"No." Said Lilo, "He was too quick for that."

"Well, we are needing to be getting going if we are going to be saving three seven five!"

Right when he said that, the entire ship starting rocking back and forth. "WHERE IS IT?!" Said a voice.

"Gaba isa happening?!" Stitch said worriedly.

"Oh no, I was afraid of this," Jumba said.

"Afraid of what?!" Cried Lilo.

The spaceship's ceiling suddenly collapsed, and the person Lilo and Stitch saw at Macki Macaw's was there. He took out a container with six objects in it. "You will now tell me where the experiment pod is!" He yelled at Jumba.

"What pod?" Jumba said, "little earth girl and six two six have activated them all. There is being none left!"

"Nonsense!" He the mysterious alien said, "I know you're lying Jumba." He opened the lid to the container he was holding.

"Now, my minions!" He said to the objects, "Find the experiment pod!" He threw them at a glass of water on the table, and Jumba, Lilo, and Stitch realized what they were before they touched the glass.

"Cousins!" Stitch said. Right before they touched the water, Stitch tried to grab the pods, only successfully catching two of them. "Richter and Hammerhead!" He said.

The other experiment pods made it to the glass of water, and one by one Lilo named the ones that were there. "Sparky, Phantasmo, Precious, and PJ?" She said, "But they're all black."

"Ah, yes!" said the alien who threw them, "I contaminated them with a dark substance, and now they will listen to me! Experiment 400!" Precious looked at him, alert. "Make experiment 626 hold down the other two!"

"Ih!" Precious said, but in a dark, menacing voice. Stitch suddenly cried out in pain as the now evil experiment took him over.

"Stitch!" Lilo said, running over to him.

"Little girl!" Jumba said, "come over here, quickly! I am having something very important to tell you! Also: remember how experiments aren't affected by experiments before their creation? 400 is being an exception!"

"But... Stitch..." Lilo said as the experiment's power took effect.

"We can return for six two six later, just-" Jumba was cut off as the experiment kidnapper alien knocked him out.

"You were getting annoying, you weird scientist," he said.

While this was happening, Stitch was revealing his antennae, spikes, and extra arms. "Stitch!" Lilo said as he pinned her against the wall.

"Now, with them out of the way, I can find that pod!" He then saw something out of the corner of his eye. Something that said 'DO NOT TOUCH'. "This is probably it!" He said.

"No!" Said Lilo, "I wouldn't do that if I were you!"

"Look, girl." He said, "I am looking for an experiment pod, you know that. The only place it would be is in there."

Lilo realized that his ignorance could free her, but with a terrible price.

"You're right, it is in there. But I really don't recommended activating it."

"You can't tell me what to do! 221, 375, open up that locked door!"

Sparky then went into the spaceship, turning off all locks that had to to with something electronic. Then, Phantasmo took over the door itself to unlock and open it.

"There!" The small, spheroid alien said, satisfied. "Now, let's activated this thing!"

He put the experiment pod in the glass of water, and watched as it got bigger, with yellow flashing lights. The pod finally exploded and a reddish experiment materialized.

"New dummy head!" Lilo said, meet Evile, experiment 627. Evile, meet the new dummy head.

"Meega nala kweesta!" Said Evile. He starting going on a rampage, destroying everything on the ship.

"That wasn't the pod I was talking about! Experiment minions, stop 627!" He was too late to talk. Evile had already shot plasma balls at the experiments, wiping away the mind control substance.

Wings then materialized on his back, and he flew into the air. "This won't be the last time you see me!" He shouted as he flew off.

"Okay," Lilo said, "Sparky, give power back to the ship. Precious, take the spell off of Stitch so he will stop holding me to the wall. Phantasmo, take Hammerhead and Richter's pods back to their one true places and get them wet. PJ, do funny stuff to get Evile laughing and dehydrate him.

Once everything was done, Jumba had awoken. Ah, little girl!" He said, "I knew you were being capable of defeating him!"

"Actualy, it was Evile who drove him off."

"You mean six two seven?" Jumba said, confused. "But he is being incapable of being changed to good!"

"Well, he's the reason the whole ship is trashed."

"Oh. I see." Jumba replied. "Well, then how about we all go to my room? I am having something very important to be telling you."

As the group walked to Jumba's room, Stitch apologized to Lilo for what he did to her.

"Meega soka, Lilo." He said

"Oh, it's ok Stitch," she reassured him, "You were under Precious's control.

When the three got to Jumba's ship, Lilo and Stitch saw the experiment pod container and Jumba's experiment container.

"What?" said Lilo, "why do you have these out?"

"Ih," said Stitch, "Cousins all in one true place."

"Well, that is why you're here." Jumba said reluctantly. "There is still being one more 'cousin' left. You see, that's why that one alien was here. He wanted to take it."

Jumba then proceeded to explain all that had happened with 628, from the requester, to Sparky, Poxy, and Glitch messing with it, to him rediscovering it while making 627.

"Wow." Lilo said. "Now I see why that guy wanted it so badly. But we can't let them get it, no matter what he will do you, us, or the other experiments."

"Ih, ohana!" Stitch agreed.

"I was afraid you two would say that. Well, here he is, Experiment six two eight!"

Jumba then found yet another random yet convenient glass of water. He quickly typed something into the experiment pod container, and it said "experiment six-two-eight selected." The mini door on it opened, and the pod came out of it.

Jumba took the pod and dropped it in the water, wishing his experiment hadn't failed.

As the pod grew bigger, glowed, and turned yellow/transparent, Lilo and Stitch couldn't help but wonder what the experiment looked like or what its powers were.

Finally, as the experiment materialized, all three hoped for the best.

Le Author's Note:

I'm sorry that 628 will be revealed in just the third chapter. I didn't really know how to build up to it, and besides, 628 is a very main part of the story. I hope you enjoyed!