"Margret Rogers! Get your butt out of bed!" My Dad, Steve Rogers creates his own bugle call from the kitchen. "You will be late on your first day!"

"I'm coming!" I yell back.

I know you're thinking, isn't Steve Rogers Captain America? And isn't Margret is first girlfriend? Well, reader. We all have our blonde moments. Yes my Dad is Captain America. No comments needed.

Anyway, I rolled out of bed and hit the floor in a crouch, are you wondering why a sixteen year can roll out of bed and hit the floor in a crouch? Years of training my friends, years of training. So I walked into my closet and grabbed a long sleeve shirt with with my Dad's shield on it, black leggings and blue sparkly UGG boots.

I walk into the kitchen to see my Dad putting cereal on the table, he checks his watch. "Two minutes, new record." He kisses my cheek. "Good morning, Sweetie."
I hug him. "Good morning Dad." I sit down infront of my cereal.

"So, are you ready for your first day?" He flips open the newspaper.

I dip my spoon into my bowl. "Yes sir."

His eyes scan the page. "Do you have your shield?"

"Yes sir."

"Back pack?"

"Yes sir."


"Yes sir."

He looks over at me. "Do not tell anyone who your father is, that's an order."

I put my bowl in the sink and glance out the window to see my boyfriend, Jake Stark fly in. "Yes sir." I smile.

He gets up and kisses my forehead. "And have a good day."

I hug him. "Thanks Dad. What are you doing today?" I grab my bag off the counter.

"Nick called us in for a meeting." He scratches his chin.

"Kay, love you!" I step out the door right as Jake steps out of his suit.

You may know this already, but Jake is the son of Iron Man. He has made me a suit but I didn't take it, I like fighting with my shield. Now reader, you're wondering why I didn't accept a suit like Iron man's, I am not Iron man's daughter, I am Captain America's.

"Hey Sweetie." I hop down the steps to kiss him on the cheek.

"Hey Babe." He hugs me. "Are you ready for school?" He says sarcasticly.

"Sure, why not." I grab his hand and start walking toward school.

"Who's your homeroom?" He whips out his schedual.

"Langdon." A:N/ yes, Dan Brown Refrence. I frown. "World History? What's your elective?"

"Shop, what's yours?" He looks over at me with his baby blue eyes- whoops, getting distracted.

I shake out of my day dream. "Art- Where's Sophie and Lucas?" We stop infront of their house.

"Mom! Lucas took my bow!" I hear Sophie scream from somewhere in the house.

"Lucas! Give your sister back her bow!" I hear my Aunt Natasha scream.

"But Mom-" I hear somthing that sounded a lot like a judo flip and Sophie comes rushing out of the house.

"Hey guys!" She brushes her velvet hair out of her face, not even bothered to comb it.

I let go of Jake's hand long enough to hug her. "Sophie! I can't believe we're going to school!" I squeeze her.

"I know! I can't wait to join the archary club, and the karate club-" She counts on her fingers.

Lucas comes up beside her with a big red mark on his face. "And the boring as heck club." He laughs at his own joke.

"Shut up!" We start walking again after a small sibbling fight.

I grab Jake's hand again. "Sophie, what do you have as an elective?" I swing our arms.

"Archary, duh." She smiles. "What do you have?"

"Art, where's Anna?" I say once we stop outside Thor and Jane's house.

"I think she's walking with Skaar." Jake checks his phone.

Reader, let me explain. Skaar is the son of the Hulk, Anna is the daughter of Thor and Jane. A year ago they started dating and they walked to school together I guess.

"They didn't wait for us?" I guess I sounded like I was crying because Jake patted me on the back.

"No, so. Peggy, since you're the leader, what's the plan for today?" Lucas looks over at me.

I'm startled. "Who elected me the leader?"

Skaar and Anna walk up and raise their hands along with everyone else. "We did."

I sigh. "How about just act normal?" I push open the front doors.

Jake snorts. "Like that's possible."

I punch him in the shoulder and locate Mr. Langdon's classroom.

We walk in with a complaining Jake and we sit down in a pod of desks.

"Good morning class, I'm Mr. Langdon. This trimester, we will be learning about a group called the Avengers." All of us snap to attention.

A girl raises her hand. "Mr. Langdon, what does this have to do with world history?"

Mr. Langdon smiles. "Ah yes, Padma. The Avengers faught a war, can anyone name who they fought in the war?"

All of us raise our hands. He calls on me. "Margret?"

"It's Peggy, the Chatauri, Loki's army." I folded my hands in my lap.

Mr. Langdon looks suprized. "Yes, yes. I would've just accepted Loki's army. But, the chatauri it okay. Can you name an Avenger?" He looks around the room. His eyes stop on me. "Peggy."

"Captain America." I feel myself smirk.






"The Hulk.


"Black Widow."



"Thank you, um. So this week we will be learning about Captain America because he was the leader of course." Mr. Langdon goes on. "So, for homework you will write a two page essay on his life before Captain America. It's due

The whole class groans, but I smile. Jake pokes me in the shoulder.

"Hey Peggy, could you help me with this?" He whispers with his signature smile.

I couldn't refuse. "Sure but you've got to help me with Ironman." I smile and whisper.

He squeezes my hand. "Of course."

I know what you're thinking, aren't Captain America and Ironman enimes? Well when Loki was tearing them apart from the inside out, they fought a little. But now they are good friends but have a little spew once and a while, it's pretty funny on family gatherings about the food or the lighting. I guess you're also wondering how me and Jake are dating huh? Well, we have know eachother for forever and finally admitted our feelings for each other two years ago. Mr. Langdon snapped me out of my day dream.

"Ms. Rogers! What is the answer to this question?"

All eyes turned to me.