A/N: Hey guys. Been a while since I posted up anything A:tLA related, huh? There was my first story, "Together" which actually got pretty popular. I had to take it down, though. People were posting it up as their own on different sites. I was fine with it at first, I really didn't mind. I just loved to write. But after a while it got annoying and it started bothering me that people were taking credit for someone elses work. It wasn't fair to everyone else. So I asked them to take their copy of it down. They just kept posting it up on different sites though, so I ended up deleting "Together" so no copy of it would be available for people to steal. "Together" was originally a Kataang one-shot that I got carried away with and made it into a long thirty-chaptered story. Now, this story is different. This is a story for the lovely ship Zutara. There are some things I should probably warn you about before you start reading. First, Zuko did not attend the war meeting when he was younger and was never banished; never got the scar on his face. The second thing is that Aang was never found, he's still in the iceberg, sadly. You guys probably skipped over this Author's Note, but that's fine. I sometimes do it too with the stories I read. I hope you enjoy!

Aang: Wait, what?! I'm not.. in the.. story? *voice cracks as his eyes gather tears*

Lunar: Oh, Aang.. I'm sorry.. It's just, you were too cute for this story. I'm sorry darling. I promise to make it up to you with a Kataang one-shot.

Katara: Lunar, that's exhausting for me! Just choose which ship you want to write about, for Yue's sake!

Lunar: I can't darling! It's too hard. Zutara, the forbidden love between fire and water. The two elements that can never be together.. It's so exciting! Then there's Kataang, the sweet, adorable thing that can brighten your day no matter how bad it was.

Zuko: I'm not complaining with this idea at all. My face is scar free, and I get Katara warming my bed every night.

Katara: Pig. *hits the back of Zuko's head with a water-whip*

Zuko: Ouch!

Toph: Hey wait a second, Lu-Ser. Will I be in this story?

Lunar: Maybe. Let's just get on with it before the readers switch tabs!

Sokka: Enjoy the story-.. Wait, of course you will. I'm the one starting it off.

*everyone groans while Sokka stands with his chest puffed*

Sokka's PoV:

I pulled my spear back, eyeing the glimmering fish under the icy cold water. "It's not getting away from me this time," I say, still watching the fish dance underwater. It's eyes met mine for a second, but it didn't swim away from me. It was as if it was mocking me, daring me to catch it, teasing me like I wouldn't be able to catch one stupid fish. "Watch and learn, Katara. This is how you catch a fish." I boast to my younger sister, who just rolls her eyes and watched the water with fascination and a gleam in her eyes. I went back to focusing on catching that damn fish.

I raised my spear and-.. SPLASH! Water splashed all over me. "Katara!" I yelled as the cold water dripped down my shirt. I spotted the fish swim away. Damn fish, I thought to myself, I'll get you next time. "I'm wet!"

"Well if you watched where you were raising your spear-" She started, but then fire flew past us and his the iceberg behind us. Chunks of the iceberg splashed in the water and rocked out boat, making us hold on to each other so we could have some balance.

"Don't move, or we'll shoot!" Yelled someone from behind the ice. Out of the corner of my eyes I spotted the armour of the Fire Nation. No.. I thought to myself. They'll take Katara away..

"I'll distract them, you run.'' I whispered to her, holding her tightly one last time as my promise to my father echoed in my head. "Or.. swim.. whatever.." I reached back for my boomerang, but the soldier shot another fireball our way and hit our small boat, breaking it in half. Katara's side of the boat separated from mine and started to drift away, closer to the soldiers while the water pushed me away from them. "Katara!" I screamed, putting my hands in the water and trying to paddle my way to her. My knees started to get soaked with water and I realized that my half of the boat was sinking into the sold, deep southern waters.

My fathers voce kept echoing in my head and so did my promise. My heart dropped as I watched the fire nation soldiers drag my sister across the ice. I reached for my spear and threw it towards them, hitting one of them behind the head of their armour and knocking them down.

Katara's scream was what urged me to jump into the freezing cold water and try to swim my way towards her. "Katara, fight! Fight! Fight!"

"Stay where you are, or I'll kill her on the spot!" The other soldier yelled, pulling my sister up and holding his fist by her face. His golden eyes glanced down towards his unconscious partner who was starting to wake up and groan. I climbed over an iceberg and tried to stand, but my lungs burned as the cold wind hit me and my soaking clothes.

"Let my sister go, she's done nothing wrong!" My teeth chattered as I tried to warm myself up and watched as the soldier pulled at my sisters braid.

"If you follow us, we will kill her, then we will kill you. So stay where you are, boy. Don't be foolish." The fire nation man kicked his partner gently, telling him to get up. Once the weak soldier was on his feet again, he started to punch the direction towards me until fire flew out from his fists and came toward me at an alarming speed. I had time to duck and cover my face, but when I looked up I heard Katara scream as the first soldiers elbow hit her head, knocking her unconscious.

I yelled her name as another round of fire came towards me. I saw that her body went limb in front of me before my world went black and the fire scorched parts of my skin.

A/N: It's a really short chapter, mostly because I just wanted to introduce you all to the new idea and the AU.

Sokka: Make sure to review and tell me how great I was!

Lunar: Or review to let me know if I should continue this story! I'd like to know what my readers think!

Zuko: How about.. Review or no shirtless Zuko in the next few chapters?

Toph: Who'd wanna see you shirtless?

Lunar: *drools and slowly raises her hand* This writer right here.

Katara: Thanks for reading! Make sure to review to keep the writer and the characters happy!