Yay super long authors note coming up!

First, let me just say, I'M SORRY. A few of you suspected Whisperheart was gonna die (Heck no he has a whole story arc to come after this) - so instead I threw Icefire at you! Which is maybe even crueler because she was most of your guys' favorite character. Also...Braveheart. *Sniff* Those were the hardest deaths to write. But we also lost Aspen, a few of Niko's Fela, and a few pack members. And a whole lotta Shane's gang.

Bet you all thought Niko was gonna flip sides their for a moment, didn't ya? NOPE. Don't forget Niko would never trust the word of a tom cat.

Anyways this story has been a heck of an adventure, with several month hiatuses and days were I couldn't stop writing. It's been real, it's been fun, but it hasn't been real fun. Maybe I should've focused more on school that writing a 65k word story about some cats, but ya know, priorities.

I'm not gonna do review shout outs, simply because there are too many reviewers! As alwasy I have my faithful and loyal supporters, whom I am very grateful for. And I saw a lot of new faces on this story, which was exciting. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. See you in awhile for the next installment: Sol's Revenge and Whisper's Path.

I'm sure you all have a ton of questions about Whisper and Echo - all which will be revealed int eh next book. Things look confusing now but if you stick around I promise things will clear up, until of course I add more plot twists and make it even more confusing.

Anyways, thank you for reading, reviewing, PMing, and supporting my weird fanfiction hobbies!

Peace Out, Briza