Peter's/Spiderman's P.O.V

Chapter 13

'Of my execution, of the disappointment of my friends but most importantly; what Carden will do to me tomorrow?'


It's your friendly neighbourhood – ah you get the point. So, we're off to meet the wizard. Sorcerer Supreme to be precise. And the worst part is; I have to miss school. We supposed to have an algebra test.

Ava is not as bummed as I am because Coulson said we can take the test after the rescue mission, in our on time. Can you believe it?

My team and I stand in front of the abandoned warehouse with boarded windows and decaying walls.

"Dr Strange lives here?" White Tiger says in high disbelief.

"Yeah. Last time I was here, the place turned into a spooky mansion in a blink of an eye," I say. "When I was here with… Iron Fist."

"Well, I don't see a mansion!" Nova whines floating over to the boarded door. "OW! Who put that gargoyle there?"

Gargoyle? The spooky mansion stands before us instead of that run-down warehouse. How does he do that?

"OK, there's your spooky house! What now?" Powerman says, not impressed by Dr Strange's awesomeness.

"Now… we go in."

I march in through the door followed by my remaining teammates. I find myself in a hall full of antiques on pedestals on either side of the velvet carpet.

"What's this?" Nova opens an antique box on a pedestal before I can tell him not to.

Violet tentacle arms burst out like last time. We all pitch in to try and stuff it back in the tiny box. It's faster and easier with Powerman here.

"No touchy-touchy. Understand," White Tiger says, even though I'm the team leader and I was about to say that.

"I agree with Miss Ayala." A calm voice from behind makes us jump and get into fighting positions.

False alarm. Just Dr Strange.

"What's up Doc?" I say. "Listen we need your-

"You need my help because your comrade, Iron Fist, has been taken into custody and you need me to help you find him," he explains.

"Yeah," I say startled. "H-how did you know that?"

He sighs and turns his back to me.

"I warned him not look in the Amethyst Gem," he says as he steps into another room.

We quickly chase after him, walking into a room with magic stuff and stuff.

"The Amethyst Gem. Tongue twister," I joke.

"Is that the same gem that was found in Iron Fist's incense?" White Tiger whispers to me.

"Maybe," I whisper back. "What's the Amethyst Gem?" I ask Dr Strange.

He sprinkles a white powder in a bowl full of water on a table. As soon as it makes contact, it burst into a vertical sea green flame. The Amethyst Gem appears faintly in the centre.

"The Amethyst Gem, when burned, allows the user to –

"Let me guess," I interrupt. "It allows the user to see into the future."


"What? Come on," I whinge.

"It allows the user to pre-live a life-scarring moment," he corrects me.

"I was close, though," I say.

"Anyways, we were doing some work, last Thursday," he continues. "I showed him the gemstone and it reacted with his presence violently. The furthest of a fate it reaches is a week. He wanted to see his future so that he would be prepared for when it does happen. I try to warn him but he wouldn't listen.

"He took it back with him on the Tri-carrier. After he saw his future, he was scared to death. He told me everything, about the Kingdom of Crowt, about his crime two years ago and about his old friend, Kadisha. Everything. He said he saw himself being kicked to death. I tried to help him as much as I could even though; I knew my efforts were in vain. I even got in contact with his friend, Kadisha. But there's no changing the future.

"Although, I was not informed that the gem had reacted with him again, last Sunday. I'm not even sure Kadisha knew about it. He didn't interact with me on what he saw. But I knew it was bad. After all, Nick Fury told me about you leaving footsteps of his… regurgitatings all over the Strata-Carrier."

"That's a nice story," I say, quickly. "But that's not the reason why we're here."

"Oh, yes. You want to get to the Kingdom of Crowt," he says. "The Kingdom of Crowt is similar to K'un L'un. It's quite sacred so it doesn't appear on any maps. You have to travel by the air. I will send Director Fury the coordinates."

"Thanks Doc," Powerman says. "Anything we need to know when we're in the city."

"I do have a few friends in the city that helped me locate Kadisha Ling. They can help you sneak into the dungeon that Danny is possibly being held in."

"What do they look like?" Nova asks.

"The leader's name is John. He works at a butcher shop and is missing two fingers on his right hand and three on his left."

I cringe behind my mask.

"Yikes!" I comment.

"Any more questions?" Doc asks.

"One more thing;" I say, "How come you can't just transport us there with magic abracadabra instead of spending half a day in a hovercraft?"

"I won't be able to transport all of you at once because my power is to unfamiliar with the spiritual fields of the city."

I did not get that at all.

"Really?" I say. "That Carden guy made a portal with the tip of his finger."

"He is powerful mage of the shadows. He is better at transport than I am," Doc admits. "Too powerful for his own power."