A Pocahontas song
Teague felt the fires of rage rap around his body, making him see red. How dare they disrespect him, the dark prince? His anger filled his core and mixed with the darkness inside of him. The blue sky mixed with the red sunset, mirroring Teague's angry emotions. He felt the monster within him smile coldly. Yes, it whispered. Let it out. And yes, Teague would, no one could get away with disrupting him. Slowly Teague turned around and stared into the woman's eyes. Gradually they clouded in fear as Teague grinned evilly. He raised his hands and let the dark magic flow from his body. Winds picked tossing his hair around, but Teague didn't care, they would pay for what they had done. Criers of distress filled up the air but only fed the monster. Slowly, the winds built up and gathered at one point, directing at the building full of fae. Yes, yes! The monster screamed within. Teague closed his eyes.
All of the sudden everything stopped, the winds stopped blowing and shrieking. The cries stopped crying but then everything quickened. The winds pushed at the building and the earth rumbled beneath Teague's feet. Fear rapped its cold fingers around the necks of the fae. Crash! The building collapsed in a matter of seconds. Everything grew quiet and still. Then the wailing started. There were screaming from all around Teague, somewhere a baby started crying and chaos choked everyone up. But Teague didn't feel any guilt. Hell, it only made him grin and fed the hunger deep in his corrupted heart. Everything quietened again. Teague opened his closed eyes.
What met him was not what he had expected. The building was collapsed and broken, but the people that were supposed to be trapped inside were out here, free and smiling. Smiling at the one thing that saved their poor, pathetic lives. Mina. She stood in front of him, looking angry and pissed off. Teague didn't know how she had saved these people but somehow she had.
The monster growled angrily, disrupted by the fact that his plan had been foiled by a weak human girl. Not only was the darkness within Teague mad, so was he. How dare Mina meddle in his affairs? Somewhere someone started clapping and cheering, setting off everyone else. Soon there was laughing, smiling, clapping, whistling and cheering all around Teague. He scowled as Minas face brightened. Someone was going to pay, and quite frankly it should be the same woman who disrupted Teague in the first place.
Teague turned and searched for the lady with old, withered hazel eyes and a wrinkled disgusting face. Teague clenched his fist. And there she was, holding a boy around the age 6 or 7 grinned from ear to ear. He started walking bristly towards her, while gathering black magic in his raised hand. A hush fell over the crowd as they watched what Teague was about to do.
Before long, Teague was standing over the old woman, who was cowering in fear, on her knees, begging for mercy. No, she would not have it. Not after he had been ridiculed my Mina's magic. Before Teague could make any movement, he felt a tug on his raised arm. Looking down, he saw it was Mina, her eyes filled with pleading. "Teague, please stop, this woman has not done anything wrong." She begged. He felt the rage boil again within him. "Done nothing wrong? DONE NOTHING WRONG? SHE THREW A STONE AT ME, THE DARK PRINCE; SHE WILL HAVE TO PAY THE PRICE IT COSTS TO DISRESPECT A ROYAL!" Teague yelled. Mina winced but didn't back down, instead pleaded, "Only after you endangered her grandson." Teague felt the anger direct itself onto Mina instead. He grabbed her by the shoulders and dug his nails in, trying to inflict as much pain as he could upon the thing that was standing in his way. Mina cringed and tried to pull away but he held fast, not relenting. "Tell me dear Mina, why shouldn't I just end your miserable life and then kill the bitch, you can't stop me, you'll never be as strong as me." Teague stated darkly, lowering his face to make Mina feel even more uncomfortable. Their lips only millimetres apart. Oh how he would have loved just to take her right there. Of course he wouldn't kill Mina, he'd only just keep her with him, but Teague couldn't let Mina know that. Mina took a steading breath and whispered, "Because I have something valuable to tell you." Teague loosened his grip on Mina's shoulders slightly and said, "And what would that be, Sweetness?
Mina broke free from Teague's grasp and started singing, "You think I'm just a lowly human, and you've so many centuries, and I guess it must be so, but still I cannot see, if the lowly one is me. How can there be so much that you don't know? You don't know know…' Mina stared into Teague's enraged eyes; he looked like he was going to blow. If she was going to voice her opinion, she would have to do it fast. Mina took Teague's hand and pulled him with her. She gestured to all the cowering people in front of the collapsed building. "You think you own all the rights of the people, they are nothing but useless space. But I know, everything human, fae and creature, has a life, has a spirit, has a name." The people sat up and listened to Mina's beautiful song, which enraged Teague. She was singing this song only for him and him alone. Before he could comment, Mina continued. "You think you control everything you walk on, everything is a pawn or part of your game. But if you walk the footsteps of a victim, you'll learn things and you never knew, you never knew." Mina tightened her grip on Teague's hand, sending chills up his arm. But she didn't try to do anything romantic; she only pulled him along with her, down the cracked, broken street, deserted and quiet.
She pulled him along until they reached a small little house with a single window, with a cheery bright light glowing from inside. Peering in, they saw a woman with her back to the window, cradling what looked like, a baby. She sang a beautiful lullaby, which could only be heard through the kindness and love of a heart. "Have you ever listened carefully to a mothers tune? Or asked her why she sings? Can you listen through your heart and hear the strain? Can you let go of your hatred and pain?" she sang quietly, eyes fixed onto the beautiful scene.
Before Teague could object, Mina pulled him down another broken street which led to a fountain. The fountain was dusty and dirty, looking old. Teague's lips formed into a disgusted sneer. Sitting on the fountain, a young girl was weeping relentlessly, her back arched down, shoulders shaking non stop. Mina let go of Teague's hand leaving it cold and him feeling disappointed. She reached down and softly patted the girl on the shoulder. Mina looked over her shoulder at Teague, who stuffed his hands in his pocket, looking uncomfortable. She motioned for him to come over. Once Teague was beside Mina again, she began to sing again standing up. "Come help the ones who are at their lowest, come let your love have its birth. Come running through all the kindness all around you, and never once wonder in which tale they'll unearth." Teague keep his eyes glued on Mina and the girl. A change started to take place with the broken girl. Before, she had been sobbing for all she was worth, but now she had a huge goofy smile plastered on her face. It was like the sadness was never there. She turned and hugged mina, before releasing her and walking away.
Mina smiled at Teague's gaping face, then grabbed his hand again and started running towards the end of the street, where a forest resided. When she reached the forest, she let go of Teague's hand but kept on running, continuing her song. It was so mesmerising, that Teague had to follow. Mina's hair whipped behind her like a flag, her cheeks turned pink and rosy. She smiled and her eyes sparkled with happiness. 'Brody and Nix are my brothers. The fae and humans are my friends. And we are all connected to each other, through a circle, through a hoop that never ends." They stopped at the edge of a cliff, but Mina never ceased singing. "How big can your love grow? If you cut it off, then you'll never know. And you'll never hear a mother sing her tune. Or know if a person is a pawn or friend. You need to listen to your heart beat and let your love commence." Teague wanted Mina to stop, the darkness in his heart and mind, stabbing at him, begging for release. But whenever Teague was around Mina, the monster would subside. He grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her around to face him, but she didn't stop singing. "Yu can play your games, until your realise that they're only games. You can release the love the love inside you or destroy the monster that lives." She stopped abruptly, staring into Teague's electric blue eyes. There was an inner battle going on through his entire body. He had to choose between either the monster or Mina. His grip on her shoulders tightened and mina felt a chill run down her spine. Teague couldn't take it anymore, bent his bent his head and kissed Mina.
You think I'm just a lowly human,
And you've lived so many centuries,
I guess it must be so,
But still I cannot see,
If the lowly one is me,
How can there be so much that you don't know?
You don't know…
You think you own all the rights of the people; they are nothing but useless space,
But I know that every human, fae and creature,
Has a life,
Has a sprit,
Has a name,
You think you control everything you walk on,
Everything is a pawn or part of your game,
But if you walk the footsteps of a victim,
You'll learn things that you never knew,
You never knew,
Have you ever listened carefully to a mothers tune,
Or asked her why she sings,
Can you listen to your heart and hear the strain,
Can you let go of your hatred and pain,
Come help the ones who are at their lowest,
Comes let your love have its birth,
Come running through all the kindness all around you,
And never once wonder,
What tale they'll unearth,
Brody and Nix are my brothers,
The fae and humans are my friends,
And were all connected to each other,
Through a circle,
Through a hoop that never ends,
How big can your love grow,
If you cut it off,
Then you'll never know,
And you'll never hear a mother sing her tune,
Or know if a person is a pawn or friend,
You need to listen to your heartbeat and let your love commence,
You can play your games,
Until you realise that they are only games,
Or you can release the love inside you and destroy the monster that lives…