Castiel sat sitting on the porch steps waiting for his ride to school. Michael and Gabriel were still getting ready as usual.

His brother's friend pulled into the driveway in his fancy black car, hood down even though it was freezing out. Yet the alpha inside the car didn't look it. Lucifer Devil, named purposely so that the Christians would hate him. "Hey Cas," Lucifer calls. "Your brothers ready yet?"

"No," Castiel replies getting up and getting in the back seat. He actually used the doors which was more than the alphas did when they just hopped in.

"When are they ever, one of these days we are going to leave without them." The older boy winked at him.

Castiel scowled at him. "Yeah maybe someday." He watched the door until his older brothers came out pushing each other as they raced for the front seat. Michael was much faster, probably because he wasn't constantly eating candy. It really was a wonder Gabriel didn't weigh three hundred pounds.

Michael jumped gracefully into the front seat. "Better luck next time."

Gabriel stuck his tongue out at the other alpha before getting into the backseat.

Castiel instantly took notice to the fact that he was once again the only one wearing a seatbelt.

Gabriel swung an arm over his shoulder. "I guess Cassie and I will just have to have fun in the back."

The ride was filled with Lucifer and Gabriel singing along to whatever was on the radio and Michael telling them to shut up, which only made them louder. Castiel as usual stayed quiet.

As they pulled in Castiel felt the need to get out right away because Lucifer was an asshole driver and he always felt embarrassed driving in the school parking lot with him. He actually had the audacity to cut someone off and then bitch them out. Castiel ducked his head and was grateful when he found a parking spot.

Castiel opened the door and quickly thanked Lucifer before heading towards school. He was hoping to be able to spend some time alone this morning and study for his geometry test but his friends had other plans.

"Hey Cassie," Balthazar calls before swinging an arm around his shoulder.

"Don't call him that," Anna scolds. "You know he hates it."

"He hasn't yelled at me for it in like a year," the alpha rebuttals.

"That's because he's sick of yelling at you," the omega responds.

"Guy's I really have to study."

"No you don't you just want us to leave you alone." Balthazar glared at him. "What happened to adorable Cassie, who followed us around like a little puppy dog?"

It was true and Castiel hated to admit it. He was a year younger than his two friends. In seventh grade he always followed them around. They never yelled at him for it, actually they encouraged it. Balthazar thought he was adorable and Anna just liked him. When he was in eighth grade, he spent most of it alone because he didn't get along well with others. Finally when he became a freshman he had his friends back and was happy for it but now as a sophomore he felt himself pulling away from them.

Castiel shrugged and finally ducked away from his arm. "I'll see you guy's later." He waved and turned only to run right into someone chest. "Sorry," he mutters, not looking to see who it was just knowing it was an alpha as he scurried away to first period.

His first hour was torcher, gym. Michael and Lucifer had it with him with made it even worse. The class was open to all ranks and this was the last gym class they could take being seniors who had taken every other one. For some reason they found gym to be fun and took the hard classes first but still wanted to have one their senior year. Castiel himself had no friends in that class though so he usually stuck next to his brother.

Lucifer and Michael were actually doing to the whole workout thing while Castiel stood next them, arms crossed, foot tapping on the ground.

Lucifer ruffled Castiel's hair with a smirk. "Come on try to do something."

"I have no interest in this."

"I bet I can lift more than can."

"That's not even in debate," Castiel responds rolling his eyes.

"Cas just do something so the teacher doesn't yell at you," Michael orders.

"I don't want to."

"I didn't ask if you wanted to. I said do it." The alpha sent him a solid glare before moving on to something else.

"Ooh you pissed off big brother," Lucifer calls following Michael.

Castiel glared after them and decided that today he didn't want to be by his big brother. Instead he grabbed one of the weighted balls, set it on the ground, and kicked it back and forth with his foot.

"That's not how you use those," someone tells him as if it wasn't obvious that he knew that.

When Castiel looked up to say something to the person he froze. He was not aware Dean had this hour. Instead of telling him that, he simply said, "Oh."

Dean grinned at him. "You're Michael's brother right?"

"I'd rather not be identified as so but yes I am."

"I'm Dean," the alpha held out his hand to him.

Castiel looked down at it for a few seconds before awkwardly reaching forward and shaking it. "Castiel."

"Cool name." Dean was actually talking to him, how could that possibly be.

"Thanks," he really wanted something interesting to say so he didn't go away.

"Dean," Dean's friend Ash, also an alpha, calls. Castiel slowly came to realize he was in a big sea of alphas.

"What?" Dean calls back but kept his eyes on the omega.

"We should get back to running laps."

"Oh yeah probably." Dean groaned though. "See you later Cas." When he walked past him he briefly stopped. "You know you should wear the required gym clothes, I bet you'd look cute in shorts."

Cas blushed a deep shade of red and tried to hide his face.

"I think Dean was flirting with me today," Castiel says randomly during lunch.

Whatever Anna and Balthazar had been discussing was instantly dropped and they both turned to him.

"Dean Winchester? As in the hottest piece of ass in this school?" Balthazar stared at him incredulously. "I'm not even an omega and I want a piece of that."


"What did he say?" Both of his friends leaned in close.

"That I would look cute in gym shorts." Castiel picked at the potatoes on his plate with a fork. "That is considered flirting right?"

"Hell yes." Balthazar clapped him on the shoulder. "You have to get some of that." He received a smack in the back of the head from the female omega for that one.

"I've decided to seduce Castiel Novak," Dean declares, slamming his tray down at the table.

"Good luck with that, even if you got him to talk to you, his brother would kick your ass." Jo was always being so logical.

"He's definitely a cutie," Elliot adds in. "You get him and I will tip my hat to you."

"Is that why you were talking to him when we had to walk through the exercise room?" Ash was tipping back in his chair and Dean kind of hoped at that moment he'd fall.

"Yes and you had to go and cock block me." Dean glared daggers at the other alpha.

"Did you see the look Michael was giving you? I wanted to get you out of there before he killed you. That is one crazy alpha." Ash raised his arms to placate him his chair falling back forward in the process.

"Doesn't Lucifer have like dibs on him or something," Benny asks finally chiming in on the conversation.

"That was when we were in grade school, he's never made a move on Castiel that I know of therefore he lost his chance. He doesn't even hang out with us anymore." Dean shrugged simply. He scanned the lunch trying to figure out if Castiel had this hour of lunch. There he was with his friends, smiling and having a good time.

"What even brought this on?" Jo asks.

"He ran into me this morning and I was like wow he's really adorable."