A Cup of Coffee and the Hottest Doctor Known to Man

The damp morning air chilled me to my bones as I walked down the stairs of my five story apartment complex, tugging my black hoodie over my arm and zipping it up, pushing my face down into the collar in an attempt to hide from the freezing fog that laid over the city. I sighed as I began walking down to my favorite coffee shop, a little place tucked away into the dark corner of the street. I pushed the glass door in, setting off the annoying bell that hung above my head.

"Eren?' I heard the owner yell from the back. I heard rustling and a few protests as I walked over the the glass case to gaze at the baked goods piled inside.

"Yeah it's me." I replied. at that, the owner Marco popped out from the back and smiled broadly, wearing a blue half apron.

"The usual?" I nodded, and he turned away to go grab my poppy-seed muffin and to make my mocha. While Marco was busy, I turned and saw Jean glaring at me from the back where Marco had been. I smirked.

"Did i interrupt something shitty horse-face?" jean's eyes widened and red crawled across his face.

"The hell are you talking about?" he mumbled. "Just get your damned coffee and leave." he said as he disappeared into the back again. I chuckled as marco walked over, my coffee and lemon cake in hand. I swiped my credit card, thanked Marco, and left, the annoying bell ringing again on my way out.

I walked down the sidewalk, lemon bread in my mouth, and coffee in hand, when i was grabbed from behind. a knife was pressed to my neck, and my arms were grabbed from either side.

"You're Jaeger's son right kid?" said the man behind me as I silently glared at him.

"Yeah man he's identical to the pic." the guy behind laughed. "Man i wonder what he would pay to get his only son back." one smirked and released my arm to hit me, but i threw my weight to the side, succeeding in getting out of their grasp, but receiving a sickening crack in my other arm as it was pulled. I kicked at the one nearest, and attempted to punch him, but my left arm flopped limply against my side, disregarding how much of a pain in the ass it was being right now. I managed to run down the street, ducking into a building as they ran past. Once i was sure they were gone, I stepped out and regarded my arm.

"Holy fuck that hurts." i cursed as I attempted to move it. I sighed and headed down the familiar path that leads to Trost Clinic, where my doctor, (who I see way too often), was.

A thirty minute walk later, I collapsed into the door of Trost Clinic, where the secretary, Petra, sat. "Again Eren?" she said exasperated at she pulled up my files.

"Hey," I gasped, "It's not my fault people keep trying to kidnap me. Its my damned fathers fault." I complained. The door swung open to reveal the nurse Hanji, grinning when she saw me.

"I had a feeling you would be here today! Lucky~!" She exclaimed as she pulled me into the room. She took my weight, height, the same things as always. She looked at my shoulder.

"Eren, it's just dislocated. You don't even need to see a doctor for that." She frowned. "No fun." she stated, and left the room. Eren sighed. He gazed at the familiar pamphlets and posters, but when he went to look at the business cards, something was off. The door burst open, and I looked up, expecting doctor Smith. Instead, a short grumpy man stormed in. He had fine black hair, with the bottom shaved, narrow beady eyes and a scowl etched onto his face. He regarded me, then snapped out a command.

"Lay down." I blinked


"Are you deaf or stupid? I said lay down."

"Oh." I made no move to lay down.

He sighed, walked over, pushed me down on the table, and grabbed my left hand. I jumped away from him.

"Wh-wha-what are you doing?!" I asked, flustered. He rolled his eyes.

"Fixing your damn shoulder. Now lay down and shut the hell up." I layed back down and let the man grab my arm. he slowly rotated it backwards, until it rolled back into place, I shot up and grabbed my arm.

"AHHH FUCKING DAMMIT THAT HURTS!" I yelled, rubbing my arm. Levi smirked. "what the hell? Are you smiling at my pain? What kind of doctor are you?" Levi's smile vanished.

"The kind that will be treating your sorry ass from now on."

"What? Where the hell did doctor Smith go?"

"He moved to a different branch." I sighed and looked at him. On second thought, he wasn't too bad looking, if you ignored the asshole attitude. The pale skin and the muscle underneath his clothes…

"Oi brat."

"Hmm? Oh uh what did you say?" I said, snapping out of my reverie.

"I said my name is Levi, and could you stop ogling me." He repeated.

"What- I was not ogling you!"

"Uh huh." he said as he left the room. "Go home and put ice on that. I'm gonna grab a sling. Sit tight." He walked out of the room, leaving me there. He reappeared with a black sling. "wear this for a week or so then come back." he said as he approached me. he put my arm in the sling, leaving his head beneath my nose. I could smell his shampoo, and i had the sudden urge to run my fingers through his hair. Before i could, he moved and wrapped his arms around me.


"Shut up I'm trying to get this to clasp together correctly." I stayed silent and breathed in his scent, a mixture of sage, citrus, and sweat. With a small click he pulled away from me. "See you in a week." he said as he left the room. I sighed and trudged out, back onto the street, waving to Petra on my way out. It was too late to go to school, so I went back to my apartment complex. I went to the fifth floor and found the apartment 6E, and walked in, flopped on the couch, and fell asleep.

"Eren Jaeger you unlock this door right now!" I woke up to the musical sound of my sister Mikasa screaming at me to get up. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, and walked over to the door and swung it open to find my sister still in her school uniform. Her eyes widened when she saw my sling.

"Again?" She asked, no longer yelling. I nodded and turned to flop back down on the couch. "What did the doctor say?" she asked

"It was just dislocated. A week in this and i should be fine." Mikasa nodded. "Are you still going to the bar?" she asked, her eyebrows knitting together in a way that made me think she most definitely did not want me to go.

"Yeah…" Mikasa sighed.

"Whatever Eren. Just be careful." She walked over and began making coffee in my kitchen. "No fighting in the sling." I sighed.

"Mikasa I don't try to get into trouble!"

"Eren." She said, silencing me. After she had finished making her coffee in silence, she sat down next to me. "Need a ride?" I nodded.

"Yeah I gotta go get dressed first." I went upstairs, grabbed black skinny jeans, and an old hoodie. I fussed with my hair, gave up, then ran back down the stairs. "Ready!" I said proudly. Mikasa rolled her eyes and we hopped into her Toyota and drove down to our frequent hangout, Wall Maria. I jumped out of the car, and walked in. Seeing my friends all by the counter I rushed over. I found Armin, along with Annie, Betholdt, Reinier, Sasha, Connie, and Christa. I took a moment to say hi to everyone then settled into a spot next to Sasha and Armin.

"What do you mean, I have to pay for those french fries?" Sasha moaned. "He just kept bringing them over!"

"Well duh, you don't get 13 baskets of french fries for free." Connie replied. Sasha shook her head sadly.

"What has this world come to?" Sasha said as she laid her head on the table.

"First world problems." Reinier said.

"White girl problems." Ymir said as she came up behind the counter to take our orders for drinks. Sasha cried because she didn't have more money after the fries, but the rest of us just got on-tap beers. I looked around the room, seeing the usuals. I glanced at the end of the bar and I almost dropped my beer when I saw Levi. Gone was the long white doctor jacket, replaced by skin tight white jeans, black combat boots, red graphic tee with some band logo, a black hoodie, and to top it all off, he had a cuff on his left ear that lead down to a stud, connected by a chain.

Holy fuck it's Heaven on earth. Clothes like that should be illegal.. I could literally feel myself drooling. He was exactly my type.

Levi turned his head and looked directly at me, and I thought I had a heart attack.

"Hey." he mouthed. I felt my hoodie get dragged forward. I snapped out of whatever trance i was in, and I looked up to see Jean's ugly ass mug in front of mine.

"Gayger I was talking to you, could you stop looking for a dick and listen?" He sneered.

"That's fucking priceless coming from you." I spat back. Jean stammered for a response. "I don't even know how you even got someone like Marco, he's a freckled Jesus and you are just a horse-faced asshole." Jean brought his hand back and punched me. I kicked at him, and he punched me, but the group converged upon us, pulling us apart. I rubbed my jaw, and Marco hauled Jean away, apologizing for him.

"All praise our lord and savior, freckled Jesus." Sasha commented, raising her hands in the air. With that, the tension melted away. I went to reach for my beer, but i felt an agonizing pain in my left shoulder. I winced, and sat down. I chugged my beer, and once again observed as the alcohol settled in. I looked over, and suddenly Levi materialized a few seats away. He motioned for me and walked in the direction of the bathroom. I blindly followed the beacon of hotness, and I walked to the bathroom where i saw Levi leaning on the wall.

"How many times can Eren get his round little ass into trouble in one day?" Levi said, as he sashayed over.

"How many outfit changes an Levi go through in one day?" I mocked. He frowned.

"Not cute." he said. "Take off your hoodie and shirt."

"Levi what the fuck no." I said, turning red.

"Jesus dont be a horny fuck I need to look at your shoulder. It hurts right?" he asked. i nodded. I slipped out of the sling and handed it to him. I took off my hoodie and shirt and stood still, looking at Levi expectantly. Levi just looked at me for a while, not moving or speaking.

"L-Levi?" I asked.

"Hmm? Oh yeah what's up?"

"...are you going to look at my shoulder?"

"Wha- Oh yeah of course." he walked over to my left shoulder, running his hands over my shoulder. He ran his hands gently down my arm, making my heart beat faster and my face turn red. He grabbed my arm and rotated it. Suddenly he pulled back on my arm sharply.

"LEVI!" I yelped. "That fucking hurt! Besides, you're fucking smiling at my pain you sadist!" Levi looked un-amused.

"It feel better, does it not?" he asked. I moved my arm around. I grinned.

"You're right! It's perfect." I looked at Levi and smiled. "Thank you."

Levi stared at me, then whipped out his phone and snapped a picture.


"See you soon shitty brat." He said as he walked out of the door of the restroom. I gaped after him, and began laughing. What an interesting guy.