One Lonely Mew

Chapter 1- Contact

Jeremy was arguing with a woman. She had just taken down the rain tarp on his bus stop AGAIN, and Jeremy was majorly pissed off. They argued back and forth until the woman pulled a gun on him and started screaming. Jeremy pulled out his own knife, a wickedly serrated blade. He was calm on the outside, but inside he was quaking in his boots. They argued again, and Jeremy won the argument. Then, the woman shot him. Jeremy felt a stab of pain, and then...nothing. Then a cute pink creature floated in the nothingness, a Mew to be exact. What do we have here? It pondered. "Help me," Jeremy said, coughing blood. Alright, but first you have to play with me! Jeremy agreed, because he didn't want to die. There was a bright flash of light, and he got up. It was nighttime, and he was in a bush. He got out, groaning with the pain, and set off to find information about what happened to him. A newspaper blew in his face, and he read it. It said on the headlines, "MURDERER OF YOUNG 14-YEAR-OLD TO BE ON TRIAL TOMORROW. It was dated recently, so Jeremy figured he would show up at this trial. He suddenly felt a stab of pain in his head, and he touched it. When he lifted his hand, it was covered in blood, and he could feel a bullet hole. He waited for the dawn, bandaging himself. When the morning came, he stole a car and headed to the trial room. He stopped at the door, listening to the conversation. "Miss, did you kill this boy while arguing over a tarp?" The lady denied it, and that was when Jeremy burst in. The room gasped. "Oh yeah, she killed me all right. I don't even know how I'm alive at this point (not strictly true, he thought) but she shot me in the head, as you can see. Then she stuffed me in a bush." A rush of people were suddenly asking him questions, like "What's death like?" or "What is the one true religion?" Jeremy smiled at them before answering "Pokemon." Then he felt himself slipping away...

"Aw crap, I left the water on," muttered Jeremy.

Jeremy looked around, perplexed. He was in a white bubble, traveling through colorful currents and ribbons of who knows what. He saw a pink light to the left, and he motioned the bubble that way (which, surprisingly, was very easy to control). He came out, and the bubble popped, leaving him stranded in He had no idea where he was, and he had to find the way to that Mew and find out what was going on.

Jeremy walked around the strange city. It had everything for everyone, every type of restaurant and attraction. He could think of a random thing to do, and it was offered in some store (sometimes in multiple). All the people were Pokemon, but spoke English. He tried asking for directions to Mew, but most just gave him a frightened look, and ran off. One thin Rhydon finally pointed to a rainbow-colored palace. Jeremy looked at it and rolled his eyes. "Great choice of color," he thought to himself.

Jeremy finally entered the palace, expecting Mew to pop out any moment. He knew of Mew's playful nature, and was on his guard for everything. Everything except a random trapdoor. "AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh..." His voice trailed off as he fell hundreds of feet.

As he fell, and fell, and fell some more, he thought about how familiar this was. Then he remembered: There was a legend like this on this one website. He should have paid more attention, but what he did know was that Mew wasn't going to play WITH him, she was going to play with HIM (strange, isn't it?). He also knew that cooperating earned you points, and trying to run away could result in some embarrassing punishment. In the end, he was resolved: He would cooperate, because a) He didn't have much choice in the matter and b) He kinda liked Mew. He had just finished contemplating this when he fell onto the floor, knocking himself unconscious.

Chapter 2 -Argument

Jeremy woke up to see that he was in...a nursery room? Where was his bedroom? He suddenly groaned as the events of last night came rushing back. Sitting up, he looked around. This place looked like a daycare for 2-year-olds, but with some really good toys. Mew was there, too, contentedly playing with a Transformers Optimus Prime toy. A truck? Said Mew. I don't get it. What's so good about a truck? "I could ask you the same thing," said Jeremy, now fully awake. Oh! Jeremy! You're awake! Said Mew, stating the obvious. "Really? I had no idea!" Jeremy replied, sending Mew into a fit of giggles. Great! Now that you're here, I'll explain the rules! You are my play toy... "And let me guess, I have to do whatever you say or risk doing something embarrassing?" interrupted Jeremy. Awww, you ruined the fun...said Mew dejectedly. Then she brightened up. Let's play a game... of Yahtzee! "...That's all?" said Jeremy, astonished. "There's got to be a catch. Aw, ya caught meh, Mew said, grinning. The catch is...If you lose, I get to dress you up! I'll dress you up like a Jynx! I promise I won't cheat! Mew said innocently. "Sure you won't." said Jeremy. They played, and surprisingly he won. However, wanting to make Mew feel better, he dressed up like Jynx anyway (to his inner discomfort). Things continued like this for a while, with Jeremy never complaining, but always humoring Mew even when winning, until one day Mew was fed up. In the middle of a game, Mew threw down her cards, and stormed out of the room. "Mew! What's wrong! Do you wanna play a different game? NO I DON'T WANNA PLAY A DIFFERENT FRICKIN GAME! She snarled. Jeremy was taken aback, and stared speechless. Of all the playmates I've ever had, you are the MOST BORING ONE EVER! You never argue, cheat, or try to run away! "Well, do you know why!" Jeremy yelled back. "I cared about you! I tried to be the best friend that you always wanted! I stuck up for you by disbelieving those legends about the poor people who get to be YOUR STUPID PLAYMATE! I wish you would go away! I wish I had never met you!" Now it was Mew's turn to be taken aback. She had watched Jeremy all his life, and had never seen him this angry. She floated off, crying, while Jeremy ran in a different direction and did the same.

Jeremy woke up the next morning with a MASSIVE HEADACHE. He changed into his everyday clothes(which were already washed in this strange bedroom of his), and looked around again. He was in an elegant bed, with a Mew's face designed in tassels on the sheet. He felt awful for what happened yesterday, and quickly found his way to the breakfast table to apologize. Strangely, Mew wasn't there. Her plate, which was her favorite breakfast of French toast, was untouched. Jeremy wolfed down his own meals, and went to find her. Signs were everywhere, and the corridors of this castle were as big as roads. One sign said "Bedroom Lane," so he went down there. He noticed scratch marks on the walls and floor. "Probably Mew being angry about yesterday," he thought. He found the door marked "My Bedroom" and went inside. He was horrified at what he saw. There were scorch marks on the walls and ceiling, and he saw spots of blood in random places...human blood. He noticed a bloodied letter on her pillow, and tore the envelope apart to read it. It said this:

To anyone who might be interested,

We have taken your precious Mew. We seek to destroy her evil ways by torturing and then killing her. (How blunt, Jeremy thought.) We are located in the underground if anyone wants to ransom for her, but you shouldn't even try.


Anti-Mew Terrorist Organization

"Oh Mew... when I said for you to go away, I never meant this..." Jeremy said, tearing up.

Miles underground, a camera watched Jeremy cry. "All according to plan," a voice said evilly. Mew was tied up just behind, in pain. really do care...