"You're hurt."
"Hardly. It will heal."
Diaval sighed, his dark bangs sweeping into his eyes and shadowing his scarred face.
"Must you be so stubborn?"
"You are one to talk." Maleficent sniffed, her eyes glowing iridescently in the dim light. Diaval stepped closer, his fingers flexing experimentally.
"Can't you just let me have a look at it?"
"Mind your own business." Maleficent snapped, cradling her arm against her chest. She turned and strode away from him, her character to proud to show any signs of weakness.
Diaval understood that feeling all too well. He had only been a man for a fortnight, but already the suffocating strain of emotions were taking their toll. Like tar he couldn't escape them. They clung onto him, haunting him both day and night. The scar marring his temple burned unpleasantly as his thoughts turned dark.
Diaval huffed indignantly, hurrying to follow Maleficent. His feet left no mark on the moist forest floor. Maleficent's silhouette was just visible in the dying light. Her smooth horns captured a glimmer of light and her sleek hair fell to her shoulders. Without warning Diaval darted forward, his hands gently grabbing Maleficent's arm.
Maleficent's reaction was was instantaneous. She flinched away from Diaval, her usually perfectly removed expression twisting into a grimace.
"I'm not going to hurt you." Diaval muttered comfortingly, sad at Maleficent's reaction. He had suspected that her story was one of abuse. He could see it in the anguish always present in her eyes. Someone had hurt his mistress. Diaval's shoulders hunched protectively, his lips pressing into a grim line. Gingerly he stepped closer to Maleficent, cradling her arm carefully.
On her forearm a burn raged angrily across her pale skin. The imprint of the flat of an iron blade marred her flesh. Diaval felt a wave of fury come over him as he assessed the damage. Without consciously thinking about it, he found his finger delicately trailing the edge of the burn, much like he did with his own scars.
Maleficent exhaled, her breath catching. Diaval could feel her trembling beside him. His fingers brushed her wrist- her pulse was frantic, though her demeanor was still cold. Diaval swallowed, his protective rage melting into concern.
"I-" His tongue felt thick and useless in his mouth. His mistress was always so distant, so commanding. To see her like this- composed, yet unavoidably hurt, both inside and out- made his chest hurt too. As though he shared her pain. So strange were human emotions. So complex and confusing and illogical. The tide of emotions made him feel as though he were drowning.
"I- I didn't mean to..." Diaval sputtered, his heart aching. Maleficent could strike fear into the bravest hearts of men, yet now... she was fearful. It was the only word that really described it, and the thought sickened him.
"I just wanted to make sure you were all right." Diaval murmured, his breath fogging in the air.
Maleficent stared at Diaval for a moment, her eyes gleaming in the dark like a cat's. Then she looked away, pulling her arm away from him.
"I'm fine." She replied, her voice even. She did not glance back at him as she walked away. After a moment's hesitation, Diaval followed.
In that moment, Diaval vowed he would always follow her.
Until the end of his days.
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