Summer Holiday

Author Note: Sorry for the long delay, I have writers block L It's terrible and I have taken an age to force out this chapter.  It's shorter than my usual chapters, so sorry about that and if it seems ropey.  Please leave comments and suggestions.

To the people who have issues with the Bill and Hermione issue... this takes place after Hogwarts.  But if you still have a problem with it, don't read.

Everyone seems to be asking whether this is going to end up H/Hr, I'm not going to spoil the surprise completely, but I'll let you all know I am a H/Hr shipper although I do really like Bill & Hermione together.  Its probable that H/Hr will be the final pairing, but not set in stone J

Chapter 11. The Despertar

Ginny squinted at the shadowy figure.  It swept into the room and dropped the heavy hood that was concealing its head.

"You." She hissed, recognising the stranger from earlier.  The tall male smiled, his pale curiously coloured eyes flashed.

"My name is Ben.  Nice to see you've woken Virginia." He said silkily.  Ginny ground her teeth together and glared furiously at him.  His eyebrow rose.

"You don't seem comfortable." He considered eyeing her.  He muttered something under his breath and Ginny found herself suddenly in a large, plush armchair.  She frowned, although slightly grateful, the cold floor had been painful and she had been losing feeling in her hands.  She went to examine them and discovered her wrists were pinioned by some invisible force to the worn maroon velvet arms of the chair.  Ben chuckled.

"Sorry, can't have you running off just yet." He said smoothly watching her twist in aggravation.  After a moment of regarding her, his lip curled slightly and he turned on his heel slamming the heavy door behind him.  Ginny stopped moving and swallowed the bitter taste in her mouth, a tear escaping the corner of her eye; she let her chin drop to her chest.  Suddenly she was aware of an odd, tickling sensation on her fingers; she assigned it to pins and needles and ignored it for a few minutes, until it began to register at her elbows.  Glancing at her hands she stifled a scream.  They were writhing with insects.  More were crawling from splits in the seams in the velvet coverings on the chair.  They were spreading further and further up her arms, some falling down onto her laps, scuttling across her knees.  Ginny yelped and wriggled frantically trying to jerk them off.

Hermione sat bolt upright in bed her eyes fixed on the chair in which Sirius was seated and then swept the room again.

"Shit." She repeated breathing heavily.  Sirius frowned in confusion,

"Hermione.  What – ?"

CRASH.  The door to the bedroom burst open and Draco Malfoy entered.

"Malfoy?" Hermione yelled, her wand whipping out instantly and pointing straight at him.  His face was even paler than usual, his slate grey eyes were flashing dangerously.  Sirius brought his arm up quickly and hit the wand from her hand.  Hermione stared in confusion from Sirius to Draco.  Draco swallowed hard, fixing his eyes on Sirius.

"Dumbledore needs to see you two.  Now." He said.  Sirius nodded curtly and stood up.  Hermione however remained rooted to the bed.

"Why the hell is Malfoy here?" She demanded, "Sirius – I need to tell you –," Sirius shot her a look and shook his head.

"Get dressed.  Quickly." He said moving towards the door, "I'll wait outside,"

Before Hermione could speak again he had swept out, pushing Malfoy ahead of him.  Hermione swore under her breath.  She had an increasing feeling of unease about Ben.  She hurriedly pulled on jeans and a deep red sweatshirt, and left the room.

Dumbledore was pacing his study when Sirius, Draco and Hermione entered.  He sank into his chair and faced them across his desk.  Hermione was breathing hard after the run across the castle, and her attempts to express her fears about Ben.

"Professor!" She gasped.  "I have to tell you – I'm so sorry – I thought I knew him – he was tired – ," She panted gesticulating wildly.  Dumbledore spread his arms in a quietening motion.

"Hermione.  I know about Ben.  Sadly, he wasn't who you took him to be.  He isn't a football player.  He isn't even a Muggle." He said slowly.

"Who is he?" Hermione asked, Sirius stared at Dumbledore obviously also keen for the answer, but Draco simply stared blankly at the floor.

  Dumbledore smiled wryly.

"An associate of Voldemort." He replied, Hermione frowned at his answer and opened her mouth to speak but Sirius beat her to it.

"A deatheater you mean?"

"Not exactly." Dumbledore said vaguely, "I've called you here as there has been a kidnap."

"Kidnap?" Sirius repeated.  Dumbledore nodded sadly his eyes sweeping to the still shadow that was Draco.

"Ginny Weasley was abducted by this Ben, an hour ago."  Hermione felt an icy jolt in her stomach and tried to not consider what affect this development would have on Ron's condition and Bill.

"An hour ago?!" Sirius snapped. 

"An hour."

"Where the hell was he for an hour then?" Sirius said jabbing a finger towards Draco his voice laced with dislike.  Dumbledore took a deep breath and looked imperiously at Sirius for a moment, silently warning him to watch his temper.

"Momentarily after witnessing Miss Weasley's kidnap.  Mr Malfoy was contacted by his father..." Draco twitched and Sirius shifted uncomfortably, he seemed to understand the significance a lot more than Hermione.  Dumbledore turned to face Hermione.

"Miss Granger.  I need to ask you for your help.  Are you willing to do all you can to help us?"

"Of course." Hermione replied immediately.  Dumbledore nodded and regarded her.

"I will ask you and Draco to leave me with Sirius.  Mr Potter is waiting for you in the Gryffindor common room, Draco – if you could explain the situation.  I'd be most grateful."

Draco nodded curtly and swept past Hermione out of the office.  Hermione stared at Dumbledore, then Sirius, Sirius met her eyes and strengthened by the look of trust he gave her she turned and followed.

"What?" Hermione murmured incredulously, half to herself.  Draco rolled his eyes.

"I've told you all I know.  My father..." He spat the word bitterly, "...contacted me, gleeful that he had managed to get the one thing that would hurt me, and he's made it clear that he has no longer any ties with me,"

"You and Ginny?" Hermione said disbelievingly.

"Since my Sixth year."

Hermione goggled at him. 

"But – how did we not even know you were a spy?"

"Dumbledore doesn't share everything with his special trio." Draco said scathingly.  Hermione swallowed.  Some trio, she thought, Harry could hardly look at her, and Ron hadn't spoken or moved since they arrived back at Hogwarts.

"Did you find anything out?"

Draco glared at her.

"As much as I hate it, I am my father's son.  Deceiving people is in my veins." He said shortly.  "Yes.  The night before I was found out I listened to a Deatheater's meeting.  I got the basic outline of their plan.  Father found me, I just managed to get back here, but my cover was blown.  I'm about number three or four on their hit list now, after you and Dumbledore of course." He added snidely to Harry.  Hermione shot a look at Harry who avoided her gaze.

"So?" She demanded to Draco,

"So what?" He snapped.

"What's the basic plan?"

He heaved a sigh,

"Voldemort rose a while ago, he didn't need a resurrection plan, he needed one for maintenance.  Obviously Dumbledore had a lot of the powerful protection magic covered, so they had to dig deep, into ancient magic.  He managed to raise himself a despertar." Draco finished his jaw clenched,

"A what?"

Harry has roused from his silent position in the room.  Draco rolled his eyes again.  Hermione swallowed hard and then spoke.

"A despertar bird." She said quietly, Harry stared at her, "I stumbled across it when I was doing extra research for Binns ages ago," she explained.  "It's an ancient protection method from early Spanish magic.  When something is created or revived, this bird is born with it.  It provides a degree of defence; the thing can only be destroyed if the bird is."

Draco didn't attempt to add to or contradict her explanation so Hermione assumed she had hit the nail pretty much on the head.  Harry, still avoiding eye contact made a noise in his throat.

"How hard can it be to destroy a bird?" He muttered.

"Very." Draco shot at him.  "Despertar's are impossible to kill," 

Harry looked at Hermione who sighed her shoulders raising slightly.

"It's true." She agreed morosely.  They sat in silence for a few minutes until the portrait that led into the common room swung open and a group of people entered.  Sirius was accompanied by Remus, Bill and Jade.

Hermione jumped to her feet, her eyes running over Bill.  He looked thinner, his tanned skin still had its unhealthy grey tone, he systematically avoided her probing gaze.  She gritted her teeth; there were an increasing number of people doing that.  Blinking back tears of a mixture of sadness and frustration she looked expectantly at Sirius.  His dark eyes caught hers for a minute, then slid to his godson.  Clearing his throat he addressed the room.

"Dumbledore has asked me to request something of you." He began.  "I trust Malfoy has explained the sketchy idea we have of Voldemort's plan." Hermione and Harry nodded mutely.  Sirius looked in anticipation at Hermione so she repeated her earlier speech.  Sirius nodded.

"Correct.  We are reasonably certain he has his own despertar... however," he cautioned eyeing the crestfallen looks. "There is a complex potion which can destroy despertars." Hermione's head snapped up.

"The fidéicommis potion, created with the essential and pivotal ingredient... the feleshi berry." 

Remus stepped forward.

"There is only one berry for every despertar created; they grow on a single bush in a remote part of Thailand." He paused, "Dumbledore needs a group of us to go and retrieve the berry so that Severus can begin the potion as soon as possible."

Harry sat up straight,

"I'll go."

"Me too." Hermione said not looking at him.  Remus smiled, and a distinctly proud look flashed across Sirius' face.

"Thank you.  You two will be joined by Bill and Jade." Remus said gesturing to the two silent figures beside him.  Draco shifted slightly in his seat and Sirius shot him a look. 

"Hermione, you've met Jade Kington.  Harry – ," Remus stood aside and Harry shook Jade's hand lightly.

"You both know Bill," Remus said, Hermione felt her stomach lurch, there was no movement between the three of them and after a moment filled of tension, Remus glanced at Sirius then ploughed on.

"Dumbledore has explained to Bill and Jade the logistics of the mission, but in honesty, there isn't much to grasp.  Getting the berry is all that needs to be done.  He had arranged a portkey for you..." He said digging in his robes and pulling out a mouldy looking wooden goblet.  He brushed aside some old chocolate frog cards obviously left by the last students to inhabit the common room, and set the cup on the small round table.  Jade and Bill immediately stepped up to the edge of the table.  Harry was drawn aside by Sirius, they muttered a brief conversation, Sirius pulled him into a quick embrace then Harry joined them at the table.  Remus' arms curved around Hermione, he kissed the top of her head, and murmured into her ear,

"Be strong.  I trust you." He drew away and squeezed her arm encouragingly.  Sirius grasped her in a tight hug; he pulled away and kissed her cheek.  He didn't say anything but the faith and affection that reverberated from his eyes said everything.  Hermione managed a weak smile and even a look to Draco before she felt Sirius spin her around to her place in the circle.  Just before she dropped her hand to the cup she looked up and into Bill's eyes.

"Wake up Virginia!" A sharp, mocking voice rang across the room.  Ginny's head snapped up.  She stared at the man in front of her, it wasn't Ben.  But she didn't need to ask this man's name.

"You!" She spat in disgust.  Lucius Malfoy rose one silvery eyebrow, a motion that reminded her forcefully of Draco but the shivers that Lucius sent up her spine were a million miles away from the one's Draco gave her. 

"Why, that was rather rude.  My name is Lucius Malfoy." He said softly.  Ginny flinched.  "I'll have to think of some way to teach you a little more respect..." Lucius mused idly, twirling his wand between his thin fingertips.

"You didn't like those insects did you?" He asked maliciously.  Ginny clenched her teeth together, refusing to answer.  Malfoy smirked cruelly.

"You seem like a common girl." He spat, "I don't appreciate your wench like wiles that you've utilised in ensnaring my son.  I know he is weak, but that doesn't mean I forgive calculating whores like you."  He flicked his wand, and Ginny let out a cry of pain.  Long, sharp nails had started to press outwards from the chair to which she was pinioned.  She felt them jabbing agonizingly into her, then one by one, she felt the acute pain as they punctured her skin.