Where do we go from here?

Teresa Lisbon had asked herself that question about a thousand times in the forty minutes that she'd been sitting in the uncomfortable plastic chair in the holding area outside of the TSA interrogation cell in the Miami International Airport.

Abbott had turned up seconds after Jane had returned unsteadily to his seat to gaze at her goofily. She'd immediately taken her leave from the room for Abbott to take control and deal with the situation.

She was glad that the timing had worked out that way. She wasn't sure that she could handle facing Abbott on that just yet. The man wasn't stupid, she knew that he had figured out what was going on – the water-throwing episode in conjunction with finding her in Jane's cell was definitely enough for him to put it all together. But even so, she wasn't sure she could face him with the reality of the situation.

It wasn't that she was ashamed of Jane – she could never be ashamed of the most flawed and beautiful (both inside and out) person that she'd ever met – no, she was ashamed of herself. How had she let herself mislead a guy who had done nothing but treat her with the utmost respect and kindness? It was mortifying that she'd have to admit her flightiness to everyone she knew – most of whom also knew and liked Marcus.

She could rationalize to herself how the whole thing had started. She knew that it had been her attempt to move on with her life, to find happiness outside of the blonde terror who was now sitting in a TSA holding cell, not thirty feet away. She'd known that she didn't love Marcus. At least, she didn't love him in the all-consuming, can barely breathe but for thinking about it kind of way that her feelings for Jane had taught her was possible.

Knowing that as she did, she should never have agreed to give up her life in Austin – and she definitely should not have agreed to marry him. That was the worst part. Had she truly agreed to marry someone in a fit of anger and humiliation? It was just so terrible that she would probably never forgive herself completely – never mind that if he loved her as much as he claimed he should have known something was wrong. It may be her own fault for expecting people to know what she was thinking without her saying it – Jane had done it so flawlessly that she thought it normal.

But there she'd been in shell shock after his shouts of love and it had taken her all of forty-two seconds to realize that there wasn't even a decision to make. So she did what she always did – she followed him. And told him she loved him (in not so many words). And kissed him. Man did she kiss him.

So now here she was. Now what? Where do we go from here?

They'd gone from zero to sixty in less than a second. They'd gone from her throwing water in his face, accepting a marriage proposal from another man, and saying good-bye forever to kisses and declarations of love in less than twelve hours.

Where do we go from here?

Obviously she wanted to be with him – she wouldn't have gotten off of the plane otherwise. But what did that even mean? Are they just together all of the sudden? Is Jane her…boyfriend? Lisbon couldn't help but feel that that title was all wrong. Boyfriend. They'd been friends for nearly twelve years – best friends for most of those years. They'd been through more together than most people go through in a lifetime. They loved each other and knew it.

She was even sure that the love they shared was the forever kind of love, but she wasn't sure where all of this left them on their path to forever.

It's not like they were going straight to being engaged or getting married tomorrow – the man still wore his dead wife's wedding ring, for crying out loud. So that left them as what? …Dating?

The concept of dating Jane seemed bizarre. You date someone to get to know them and to form a relationship and bond. She already knew Jane better than she'd ever known anyone and they had a relationship that had survived through not only a two year separation, moments of terror, moments of happiness and laughter, even moments of murder.

The more she thought about it, the more her head started to pound. The only conclusion she could come to right now was that she needed to talk to Jane. Since that wasn't really an option right now, she decided to get on with the most undesirable task she had ever faced – calling Marcus.

It's been a really long time since I wrote anything, so I apologize if it's terrible! This story has just been rolling around in my mind because I can't figure out what their reactions to all of this will be, so I thought maybe Lisbon and Jane (mostly Lisbon) may also be feeling some of the turmoil. So this is my attempt...

Though there's no dialogue in this chapter, that will not always be the case, I just wanted it to be more of a prologue-type chapter to kind of get into the flow of Lisbon's mind.