We don't have to be ordinary
Make your best mistakes
'Cause we don't have the time to be sorry
So baby be the life of the party
I'm telling you to take your shot it might be scary
Hearts are gonna break
'Cause we don't have the time to be sorry
So baby be the life of the party

- Life of the party (Shawn Mendes)


I thought I had imagined it. That night with Felix was the last time I saw 'Peter' I convinced my self it wasn't real…Peter Pan was dead. And it wasn't until I realized that I never saw him, how much that statement hurt. And I don't know which I hated him more for, all the pain he caused everyone, or because I missed him. Everyone seemed to forget Peter as soon as he was gone, but it wasn't that hard I guess because as soon as one threat was gone, another arose stupid Zelena. Then as soon as she was dead and Mr. Gold returned some Ice queen showed up and as soon as that one died and Elsa and Anna left (I had to explain to Anna numerous times we were not connected and my name was Anastasia not Ana or Anna or anything of the sort) Mr. Gold decided to go rogue (I sooo called that) then all these Disney villains showed up and ruined my already horrid childhood.

I stood in Mr. Gold's shop with my dad, Emma, Felix the whole gang plus some old guy that just popped out of a hat oh and a dying Mr. Gold on the floor. Gotta love them family reunions. The old guy took out Mr. Gold heart which was now black as a piece of coal, and I don't know I guess the easiest way to put it was removed the darkness, the evil from Gold, but I seemed to guess what was coming next before anyone else, it was like Peter taught me, all magic comes with a price, and all that magic had to go somewhere maybe it was like science, energy cannot be created nor destroyed only converted or something like that, I shrugged Felix's arm off my shoulders, "Don't do it!" I yelled but it was to late, the darkness started to consume the old man, but I guess got rejected from his body because the black inky cloud that was the dark one's magic smashed out of the pawn shop in search of a better host, and I chased after it along with a few others including Felix, pieces slowly started falling together in my head Gold had been a powerful host body, the darkness wanted another who would be just as strong if not stronger, it needed an Evil Queen. "We need to find Regina!" I called to Charming who had decided to run with m, he had started to warm up to me but we weren't exactly besties.

We found Regina…in the town square. "Regina!" I called out she was enveloped in the darkness, it was weaving around her, suffocating her, it was painful to watch, Regina had accepted me after we came back home, she knew what it was like to be an outsider in this crazy town she was the friend I never had.

Emma suddenly appeared by our side along with the others, then I saw it, the thing everyone had missed among the craziness, the figure, the silhouette.

Wait what was going on?

Emma was going up to the black tornado and, "Oh my god…" I whispered I only had to look at dads distraught face to know what was happening, Emma was sacrificing herself.

After the darkness surrounded Emma she disappeared along with the dark magic, but some thing, someone was left behind. Some one in the fetal position dressed in green I would recognize anywhere. I ran like a bat out of hell and fell to the ground next to him skidding a bit at scratching my knees against the wet asphalt "Ana!" my father yelled but I ignored him, I picked up the boys dirty blonde head and placed it in my lap and his body uncurled, revealing in his hands a jagged dagger, that had the name Emma Swan, "Peter…" I murmured and people finally started to come towards us, his beautiful grey eyes slowly opened, "What…what is it those hero types always say?" He said slowly, "I…will always find you?" I laughed and placed my forehead on his, "And Peter Pan never fails." I said back.

"Anastasia, get away from him!" Felix screeched running towards us, closely followed by my dad and David.

"Ana!" Screamed Felix again as he very roughly pulled me away from Peter and I hit the ground, Regina bound Peter with magic, "Regina stop!" I said trying to think how I should plan out this next conversation so I don't sound like a traitor, "Regina!" I demanded, standing up ignoring my knees that felt like they were on fire, "Regina, look at him, he's powerless or else he would've attacked by now!" I said hoping Peter would catch my drift and play defenseless even if he wasn't. Ok no one was reacting, plan b, "He came from the magic he might know what happened to Emma!" Dad's eyes widened and he looked pained when he said, "Reina, release the boy, Anastasia has a point." Regina reluctantly let him go, But Felix's hardened glare at Peter never lessened, "Ana!" Peter growled, "Let me talk to Ana and I'll tell you everything."

"You're not getting anywhere near her" Felix said moving to stand in front of me protectively.

"Felix stop!" I yelled, Felix turned to face me looking at me like I was stupid. "If he knows something about Emma I need to find out." I amended, "Five minutes that's all, give me five minutes and I'll find out what I can." I turned to Hook, "Savvy?"

Dad nodded his head, "Aye. Five minutes then we throw him into the brig."

"Jail." David provided, "same difference." Dad retorted and I scoffed, "Common Lost Boy, you got some explaining to do I said harshly to Peter, "Coming Love." He replied smirking and I led Peter to the Sheriffs office and had him sit in a rolley chair and I sat on the desk, "How are you alive?" I asked sternly, "You can drop the act now love."

"What act Pan? Am I glad to see you? Yes but am I still pissed at you?" I leaned in close so our noses were almost touching "Hell yes." Before I could back away, Peter stole a peck, "I missed you to my lost girl."

"How. Are. You. Here?" I asked slowly, Peter sighed, what was he expecting? For me to say that I felt more passion in that small peck then in my whole relationship with Felix! Pfft, no! Well, maybe…

His smirk lost it's edge in that millisecond, "The dagger dearie, it absorbed me when Rumple stabbed me, and now that the magic was dragged out of Rumple its like it was momentarily dragged out of the dagger, think of it like this rubber band," He said brandishing one in front of me that he made appear with magic, "You can stretch it and stretch it and stretch it, but once you stretch it to far," the band snapped, "It snaps."

"Wait.." the fear was creeping into my voice, "But in order to become the dark one, you have to stab the dark one at the time with the dagger…"

Peters smirk reappeared, "You've got it love, the dagger never kills any one, only absorbs, so all the other previous dark ones are out there somewhere milling about, I just happened to be dumped there thanks to the fact I was the last person to be absorbed." Peter got up from his rolley chair, "And now that I have answered your questions, how about you show me how much you really missed me?"

Then before I could blink he was on top of me and kissing me passionately, and I think I showed great self-control, which is why it was him that knocked everything on the desk to the floor including the poor uninsured computer and pinned me on my back. And this continued for our remaining four minutes.

"Peter?" I said weakly, god I had missed him, but we only had a little while left before my dad burst in here and I don't think he'd appreciate this scene of me and Peter making out on his girlfriends desk, "Hmm?" He responded still attached to my neck, "Emma." Was all I managed to choke out. His face then loomed over mine, and his grin appeared and he bent over so his lips were touching my ear, "Where would you like me to start?"

A/N: Ok SUPRISE in honor of The Dark Swan tonight I thought Why the hell not!I've been playing with this for a while so boom! five months of procrastinating, a computer crash and a half hour of speed typing later, this was born! BTWi have created a playlist that I think represents this story well and just represents certain aspects of it, no not a lot of the songs from the chapters will be in it these are ones that I either listened to post writing and thought hey! or ones I've picked up along the way, so if you want the playlist PM me or leave a review and I'll send you the song titles, or if you have a spotify I already have it made up cuz I'm lazy and am assuming a lot of people are and wouldn't want to search up all the songs yada yada so yea, hope you enjoyed this epilogue 2.0!