As always DISCLAIMER: I have no ownership of Once Upon A Time or any of the music/songs mentioned herein...I just have fun with it.

The Return

Emma still felt his arms around her and his lips on hers as the smoke cleared and she heard her mother say,

"We're back." Emma opened her eyes to see Killian's eyes shut tight as he broke their kiss and put his forehead to hers.

"Gods Emma, tell me it's real. Tell me we're home and you are in my arms."

"Open your eyes and look." He opened them slowly, looking at her first and then all around them. "See? We've made it, all of us." Her mother and father were hugging as they made sure baby Neal was okay, Robin was hugging Regina as Henry chased Roland around the clearing they were in, Tink and Blue were back to their Faerie selves, Archie was a cricket again and standing on Leroy's shoulder and having given up his Dark Power, Rumple no longer resembled the crocodile Captain Hook once called him.

Emma also realized everyone was wearing their Enchanted Forest clothes, so she looked down at herself and gasped: She was wearing black leather pants (similar in style to the ones Killian always wore), a billowy white shirt covered by leather corset-like vest the same shade as the red leather jacket she often wore, with black leather boots to the knee, topped off with a dark brown belt around her waist that now held a shiny cutlass. Her shirt was unbuttoned almost as low as his and around her neck was silver necklace with two charms: a small ship's wheel and a swan.

"Emma!" she heard Snow call to her and with a big grin at Killian she ran over to hug her mother. As she and Snow talked, David, who was dressed in deep burgundy red and had his fur cape around his shoulders, made his way over to Killian and clapped him on the shoulder.

"Are you happy to be home?" he asked.

"More than anything", he said, still staring at Emma. "How about you, Your Majesty?" David smiled,

"Just David, all that's not official yet." Killian watched as Emma made her rounds of everyone in the clearing and finally picked up Henry (who was dressed similarly to the way Baelfire was when they came back the year before) and he realized he wanted to be with her forever.

"David…" he said.

"What is it?" David asked as he followed Killian's gaze,

"When things settle, and everyone is where they should be, I would like to request an audience of sorts with you and the Princess Snow."

"I know what you want to ask, just do it now."

"No. I want it to be…special and I pray you don't mention it until we've spoken."

"Of course not mate." David went off to converse with everyone and Emma came back to Killian,

"You look lovely darling, just like a pirate."

"Aye", she said with a small giggle that warmed his heart, "But I'm a princess now."

"You've always been a princess." He kissed her deeply, but just then David called for attention,

"Everyone! Can I have everyone's attention? Prince Phillip has something to say." He nodded at Phillip to speak.

"I know you all want to return to your homes as soon as possible, but Aurora and I would like to invite you to stay in our castle for a spell before setting off. We have more than enough room." Everyone gathered whatever had come with them and set off.


After a few days at Phillip and Aurora's place, the former residents of Storybrooke began to disperse. Finally, those left were the Charmings, Henry, Killian, Regina, Robin and his Men, Rumple, Belle, and Elsa. They were all gathered at a long table in Phillip's study.

"We will send what troops we can to aid in the war against Hans in Arendelle", Phillip was saying when Emma walked in that morning. "Once we've gathered them that is. People are still appearing all over the place. We'll also send word to the other villages not affected by the Second Curse that soldiers are needed."

"Thanks to the bird Elsa sent to Arendelle, we now know that her sister is alive and it is also believed that Hans has no idea we've returned", said David. Emma sat down next to Killian, who kissed her hand lightly but didn't let it go, and turned her gaze back to her father.

"What have I missed?" she asked Killian in a whisper.

"We're discussing the retaking of Arendelle", he replied.

"As soon as we have returned to our kingdom", David continued, "We will start gathering troops and building up the navy as well, with a new Commander at the helm. Once we have enough cavalry and ships, we'll begin our assault."

"In that case, we've done all we can from here and I believe it's time to make our way home", said David as he stood from his chair.

"No problem, I'll have our men ready some ships to take you all on your journeys", said Phillip and he took off to find his men. David went around the table and hugged Emma,


"Hey dad", she said with a smile. "So we're going home?"

"Yes, finally", Snow chimed in.

"You're not going to have me sleep in that room that as supposed to be my nursery, are you?" Emma asked as she, her parents, and Killian left the study and headed outside to the gardens for a walk.

"Of course not, that room is specifically a nursery and will be Neal's now. You will have a much bigger room and with a big closet to hold beautiful dresses and gowns", said Snow as she took Emma's arm.

"Dresses? Gowns? I'm more of a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl mom."

"But you looked gorgeous in that ball gown darling", said Killian.

"It's hazy, but I remember seeing 'Princess Leia' at that ball and I have to agree with 'Prince Charles' here, she looked beautiful", replied David.

"As long as I can wear pants once in a while, when we don't have to do fancy stuff, I'll wear the dresses and the gowns." Snow gave a small squeal and Emma rolled her eyes.

"This is going to be so much fun!"


The next day, Killian and David stood at the docks with Robin and Regina while waiting for Snow and Emma.

"Bloody hell, what is taking that woman so long?" said Killian to no one in particular. He was itching to get on the ship since he hadn't seen his beloved Jolly Roger since they'd gone through the time portal and that didn't even count because the ship had been docked the entire time.

"Snow was trying to get Emma to wear a dress, but Emma protested that it wouldn't be the best thing to wear on a ship", said David, "You know how it is…" Killian laughed with David when he looked up and saw Snow and Emma descending stone steps to the docks, with Henry and baby Neal. Emma was wearing her black leather pants and knee high boots again, but this time she wore a shoulder baring white shirt, black button up vest with silver clasps, and a long red leather coat and she'd pulled her long blonde tresses into a side braid.

"Well Swan, if this princess thing doesn't work out, maybe you and me can go pirating", said Killian as she walked up to him. "Take what we want, give nothing back."

"Very funny, Commander", said David as he escorted Snow and the baby onto the ship taking them to their castle.

"The style suits you Lady Swan", said Robin.

"I agree", said Regina, "Although, I will admit you looked pretty okay in that gown at the ball."

"Thanks? Anyways, why is everybody on my case about what I'm wearing?" Emma asked.

"Because you're the only one of us here that's never worn the clothes of the realm love", Killian said. Emma raised an eyebrow at him, "Except for when we went through he time portal, but that doesn't count."

"You look real nice mom", Henry chimed in.

"How about you kid?" she asked him, "How are you liking being without your normal stuff?"

"It's awesome! Look at my cape!"

"That's a cloak honey", said Regina.

"Whatever, it's still awesome. I already have a green one like Robin's and a red one that matches your old jacket! And the best part is I have a sword and bows and arrows."

"We've got to get you trained prince", said Robin. "We can't have you getting hurt."

"Can you train me?" Henry asked Robin.

"Of course, when you stay with Regina, I will train you in archery and your grandfather can train you in sword skills when you stay with Emma."

"That's actually a real good idea", said Regina, "If it's okay with you Emma." Emma nodded.

"So who do I go to stay with first?" Henry asked, looking at his mother's.

"Your grandmother says you have to come with us first until the coronation in a few weeks and then you're free to go Regina's for however long you want", said Emma.

Just then the call was made for everyone to get on their respective ships: Regina, Robin, Roland, and the Merry Men one with David, Snow, Emma, Henry, and Killian on another. Elsa would travel with Regina so that Regina could teach her better ways at controlling her powers. The third ship would be taking Rumple and Belle to the port closest so that they could reach Belle's family home. The voyage would take two days for the crossing.

The night before they arrived at the castle, Killian was sleeping in the crew quarters when he heard footsteps and opened his eyes to see Emma walk past the door with a bundle in her arms. She was still wearing the outfit from the previous day (minus the coat) and it was his favorite she'd worn so far. Leaving his own jacket behind, he followed her path and emerged onto the deck where she threw down the bundle in her arms and it turned out it was blankets and a couple of pillows. She sat down on the blankets, putting her arms behind her and leaned back to look up at the sky. He emerged from where he'd been watching and went to join next to her.

"Enjoying the view darling?" he asked. She smiled warmly at him and kissed him lightly as he sat down next her and snaked an arm around her waist.

"The stars are so beautiful here. I don't remember seeing it this way when we were here last year", she said.

"You were too busy trying to get back to your boy, you didn't have a real chance to look." He leaned over and kissed her bare shoulder lightly.

"Do you miss it?"

"Miss what love?" he asked, continuing his kisses on her shoulder.

"The Jolly." He rested his chin on her shoulder,

"She was my home for 300 years, so I suppose a part of me will always miss her. But what I got in return was a thousand times better: you. And with you, I've gained a new home in your heart and a new family, which is something I've not had in a very long time."

"Can you tell me a story?" Emma asked him.

"What kind of story my Swan?"

"Tell me when you fell in love with me."

"Of course love", he replied. They both lay back on the blankets and pillows, Emma resting her head on his chest. "At first, I thought it happened in Neverland, but your mother insists it happened on the beanstalk. When I thought about it some more, I figured out that Neverland was when I realized I was in love with you. I think I started falling for you from the moment you realized I was lying after you tied me to the tree."

"You fell in love with me after I fingered you for a liar and tied you to a tree?" she asked, surprised.

"Yes love. You have to realize that you were the first woman to not immediately fall for my charms. I'd relied on my pretty face for a long time and everyone believed every word I said. You were the first to call my bluff."

"I always thought it was Neverland too."

"It's your turn to tell me your story darling." He put his good hand over hers and tangled their fingers together.

"For me, it was harder to pinpoint. Like I told you that night of the party, I realized how much I loved you when you told me that not one day would go by that you wouldn't think of me." She felt Killian shudder at hearing those words, "But fell in love with you? I'm pretty sure it's when I went to see you in the hospital after you were hit by Greg Mendell. I watched as you slept and you looked so helpless…" She started to fall asleep on his shoulder,

"I think it's time we take you back to your quarters…"

"No, I want to see it."

"As you wish." Emma smiled to herself, thinking she should have never let him watch The Princess Bride.

"Will you sing to me?" she asked.

"Of course darling." She felt him pull her tighter to him and he started singing and immediately thanked the gods she'd had him watch The Sound of Music.

Perhaps I had a wicked childhood

Perhaps I had a miserable youth

But somewhere in my wicked, miserable past

There must have been a moment of truth

For here you are standing there, loving me

Whether or not you should

So somewhere in my youth or childhood

I must have done something good.

Nothing comes from nothing

Nothing ever could

So somewhere in my youth or childhood

I must have done something good…

She fell asleep as he finished singing. When he heard her light snores, he kissed her hair and shut his eyes.


Killian woke up just as dawn was breaking and when he turned to his side, he saw Emma was gone. He sat up immediately, looking around for her when he heard her laughing and he looked up: Emma had climbed up the mast and was standing in the lookout nest, her long blonde hair flowing behind her. He got up and climbed up to her,

"Good morning love, enjoying yourself?" he called over the wind as he pulled her to him for a kiss. When she pulled away, she turned back to the bow.

"This is amazing! I really do feel like I'm flying. I guess Titanic wasn't just messing with us, were they?"

"What's a Titanic?"

"I'll tell you another time." The sailors below started ringing a bell causing Killian and Emma to look down and saw the men were pointing to something on the horizon so they looked over and saw, framed by snowcapped mountains, The White Castle.

"Let's get down to the deck love", said Killian.

"Ugh, it's going to take forever to climb down."

"I know a few tricks you know." He pulled her to him, holding her tightly around the waist with his left arm. "Hold on tight Swan!" He reached out and grabbed a loose rope and swung down, hitting the deck just as Henry, David, and Snow (with Neal in her arms) made it topside.

"So cool!" said Henry, "Can you do that with me?!"

"No!" cried Emma, Snow, and David at the same time.

"Your highnesses!" called a sailor as the ship drew closer to the castle, "Welcome home!"