Sad, Beautiful, Tragic

Disclaimer: all characters and copyright belong to Stephanie Meyer.


Bella let out a distressed cry as she fell on her knees next to Jacob. Her hands hovered over him as she tried to find somewhere she could touch his skin which wasn't covered in blood. He was groaning in pain; his dark eyes filling with unshed tears as he looked at her.

"Bella." He whispered.

"Oh god, Jake." She leaned forward and pressed a kiss on his forehead. It was covered in perspiration as his body tried to heal itself. She twisted and stared up at the other members of the pack. "Help him, someone help him." She cried out.

Sam stepped forward and knelt beside her. "You have to remain calm, Bella." He said in his usual stoical manner, although Bella could see the fear in his eyes. He was as worried as she was. Jacob's injuries were severe. The deep cuts in his side were leaking blood, nothing they did was able to stem the tide. He was getting weaker every second. He had also sustained several broken bones, including his leg and some ribs.

"What are we going to do?" Bella begged Sam.

"We'll take him back home, that's all we can do for now." Sam sighed as he got back to his feet and motioned for the others to assist him.

Bella kissed Jacob's forehead again. He was in too much agony to form words. "I love you, Jake. Hang on." She whispered as she stood back and let his brothers begin to lift him. She had to shut her eyes as he screamed in unbearable pain.

"We have to move as swiftly as possible." Sam commanded. "Embry do your best to keep the cloth pressed to the worst cuts to stem the blood."

Embry nodded. His face was solemn. The other's faces were equally as grim. Bella stayed closed as they all began to march as fast as they could back to the Black's house. Even though they did their best not to jolt Jacob as they carried him, it wasn't that simple. He bit down on his lip, drawing more blood as he tried to stop himself screaming again. Mercifully halfway there he lost consciousness.

Sue Clearwater slipped quietly out of Jacob's room. She swallowed thickly as she was met with several pairs of worried eyes as she emerged into the lounge. The tears coating her cheeks gave them all the information they needed to know. Billy sagged in his chair, his eyes showing his disbelief. Leah and Seth went over to join their mother as she sank into one of the spare chairs.

"I can't help him." Sue whispered sadly. "I've set up a drip and pumped him full of painkillers to ease the pain but he's losing so much blood. His body can't heal up fast enough."

"You just can't give up on him." Embry said angrily. "Jake's a fighter."

"Yeah." Quil echoed him.

Sue put her head in her hands, avoiding looking at anyone. "I'm a nurse not a doctor. There's nothing more I can do."

Leah sat next to her mother and hugged her. Tears were coating her own cheeks, when she looked at Seth he was crying too. "Where's Bella?" She asked.

"She's lying next to him, refusing to move." Sue wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

"There must be something we can do." Seth begged. "Billy?" He turned to Jacob's father.

Billy looked at the young boy with the sadness of the world shining in his eyes. "All we can do is pray." He dropped his head into his hands and began to weep. Sam came up beside him and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Remember the first time you told me you loved me?" Bella twined her fingers with Jacob's. His hand was lifeless as he had slipped into unconsciousness again. "We had just taken our first ride on the bikes and I fell off like an idiot. You came running to my rescue and whipped off your t-shirt to stop the blood pouring from my head. I felt really dizzy but it wasn't from the head wound, it was from your beauty. I told you that you were sorta beautiful and you blurted out that you loved me."

Bella gazed at him anxiously when he made a small moaning sound. "Jake? Can you hear me?" She pleaded. He didn't respond. She rested her ear on his chest to listen to his heart. It was beating sluggishly. "Oh, please wake up, please, please..."

Still nothing. Bella raised her head and reached out to touch his face. Instead of being hot as it usually was, his skin was cool to her touch. She knew instinctively this was bad, very bad. "Jake, baby please wake up." She begged again.

Her only reply was the sound of his ragged breathing. She slid off the bed and hovered over him, her arms wrapping around her middle as she tried to hold herself together. She couldn't lose him, she couldn't. "Wake up." She cried out. "Wake up."

Jacob's body jerked slightly and his head lolled to the side as a soft sigh escaped his lips. Bella stared at him, frozen for a second, before she rested her head back on his chest to listen for his heart beat. It was silent.

"Nooo..." She screamed. "Don't you dare." She began to pump on his chest with her hands. "HELP ME...HELP ME."

Sam and some of the others burst into the room. He quickly ran over to the bed and pushed Bella out of the way as he took over from her. Embry joined him as he began to perform CPR. Leah took hold of Bella in her strong arms and held her back as she kept screaming out Jacob's name over and over and over...

A/N-thanks for reading!