Last chapter! Here we go:
It was like Sherlock had saved up all the unused passion from the first kiss to put it into this one. Molly couldn't help but moan, as she felt his fingers tightening around the hair at the nape of her neck, gently pulling her head back. Mimicking his actions, she started playing with his hair, as well – something that she had been wanting to do since the day she met him.
They didn't break apart until the need for air forced them to.
"Wow...that was..."
"If you say weird..."
"No! Not weird, definitely not weird," A big smile spread over Molly's face. "I wish you would have done this years ago."
"No you don't..." Sherlock replied, squeezing her hand a little tighter than before.
"Would have spared me a lot of heartbreak."
"Wrong again, if I had taken you home with me the day we met, and believe me the thought did cross my mind at the time, we wouldn't be here right now – and I don't mean on this island."
Molly responded with another kiss.
"What was that for?" Sherlock asked.
Now it was Sherlock's time to kiss her.
"And that?" She gave him a curious look.
"Being so bloody stubborn! Anyone else would have moved on years ago," he explained, laughing.
"I tried to!"
"I was dead, that didn't count."
"I knew you weren't dead."
"Details," he shrugged.
"So are we going to spend of the rest of our first date discussing my stubbornness?"
"Well, originally we were going to have dinner, followed by a walk on the beach, and hopefully end the night in the hot tub."
"Why the hot tub when the ocean is right over there?" Molly had no idea what had come over her, maybe it was the lingering adrenalin from the kiss they just shared, maybe a side effect of the champagne, but for some reason she felt the need to do something bold.
"Dr. Hooper, are you suggesting that we...?" he asked with a sly smile.
"Well, why don't you help me with this zipper and make a deduction…"
"I can't believe we just did that," Molly leaned into Sherlock's side as they made their way back to the bungalow. She was carrying her shoes in her hand, while her dress clung to her wet body. Sherlock didn't look much better though, although Molly certainly wasn't about to complain that he hadn't bothered to close more than one button on his shirt.
"I can't believe you just did that…" Sherlock replied laughing.
"I do things!" Molly defended herself.
"Yes, I just didn't think you'd do them on the first date."
"We've had a 100 dates."
"If you count every time we stood over a corpse together..."
"You go on a date to spend time with someone you like. That's what we did," she explained.
"Still I´m glad we waited until now."
"Because going skinny dipping in the Thames sounds like a horrible idea, Molly," he responded, nudging her.
"You're unbelievable," Molly stopped and went up on her tiptoes to kiss him when…
"Look at the two of you…" Greg interrupted them.
"You're all here..." Sherlock noted. Greg, John and Mary were gathered by the pool, trying their best to appear casual, but it was obvious that they had been waiting for the couple.
"Was there a rainstorm on the other side of the island?" John teased, addressing their drenched appearance.
"We went for a little swim," Molly explained blushing.
"Needed to cool off, mate?" Greg commented, winking at Sherlock.
"Are you done?" Sherlock huffed.
"Not quite," Mary said before getting up to hug Molly and then Sherlock, whispering something into his ear before she let go.
"John would kill you," the Detective replied.
"Yes, but first he'd help me," Mary replied, before she went back to her husband. "Come on, I think Lily's crying."
"Yes, I think I hear it, too. Good night guys."
"I should go, too. See if they need help with their sleeping baby," Greg excused himself.
"You really don't have to..." Molly started, but Sherlock stopped her.
"Enjoy it while it lasts," he put his hand on the small of her back and lead her to one of the lounge chairs.
"What did Mary say to you?" Molly asked, as Sherlock put a towel around her shoulders.
"She just told me what she'll do to me if I mess this up."
"You better don't then. I know how to get rid of a body."
"And that is only one of the reasons why I won't," he laughed, as he settled into the chair with her.
"So," Molly began, "what sort of grand plans do you have for the rest of this holiday?"
"I was hoping that once my plan worked out, we'd know enjoy ourselves."
"I think I can get behind that," Molly replied, closing the distance between them, not caring that their friends were still watching them from a safe distance. And judging by Sherlock's response, neither did he.
And that's a wrap! I know it was short, but I wanted to leave some things to the imagination ;) Reviews make me smile!
Love Laura