Disclaimer: The world of Thor and all its characters are property of Marvel.


Loki studied Thor's face for a long moment. It was usually a simple task to understand his brother's intentions. But this time Thor was guarded. That was new. And Loki believed Thor would make good on his threat should he betray him once more.

" When do we start?" Loki asked, eager to exact justice for Frigga. She who had truly been his mother and whose love had always been a balm to his aching heart.

Thor stepped closer to his cell and disarmed the energy field, turning back the way he had come. Loki rose to his feet, watching him with a steady gaze. A moment later, with a weary sigh he dusted himself off and stepped down from his cell. Thor ascended the prison staircase without a backward glance and Loki quickened his steps, his bare feet slapping quietly against cold marble.

Thor paused to make certain their way of escape was clear before continuing down an adjacent hall and Loki followed him with a determined stride.

With great stealth the brothers traveled through the ruins of their palace home. Silence reigned between them, Thor preoccupied for Jane and the future of Asgard and Loki plotting his revenge. He imagined his rage would boil over, spilling onto the monster that slayed their mother.

He would send it to hel screaming.

At length they arrived at a junction. Loki waited for Thor's signal to continue onward. Minutes ticked by. Thor made no move.

" Thor." Loki whispered but if Thor heard him he gave no indication. " Thor." He tried again, this time a bit louder.

Thor turned to him with a frown, aggravated. It was then that Loki saw the tears shining in his eyes. He thought to speak, to lighten their darkening mood. But his tongue betrayed him, sitting in his mouth as if made of lead.

" Keep quiet." Thor warned. "Lest you wish the guards find us and lock us both in the dungeon."

Thor turned back, watching a squad of soldiers march down the hall. Loki frowned. His blood thrummed with adrenalin and violence filled his thoughts. And the longer he pondered their circumstances the greater his roil towards Asgard's king grew.

Aggravated, he gripped Thor's shoulder, whispering harshly in his ear. " Tell me you have a plan that holds more logic than dragging me out into battle with little more than my undergarments and bare feet."

Thor shrugged off his hand and proceeded down the hall without so much as a "follow me."

Loki ran his fingers through his hair in mounting frustration and picked up his pace to keep in time with Thor's quickening strides.

A few minutes later found the brothers standing before Thor's chambers. Turning back to Loki he finally spoke.

" Bathe and dress quickly. I will gather a meal for us and return shortly."

With a curt nod Loki turned and took hold of the door handle. " Just tell me one thing, brother." He said quietly, unwilling to meet Thor's gaze.

" What?" Came the tart reply.

" Did she suffer?"

There was a long pause that was broken only by the quiet shuffle of Thor's boots as he turned away.

" Be quick brother." He ordered. Loki stared after him with a wounded expression, gripping the door handle tight enough to whiten his knuckles.

He watched Thor disappear from view around a far corner before opening the door with an aggravated growl and a firm push. As he stepped inside he saw that his bath had already been drawn. The scent of sandlewood filled the air. Clean garments were set upon a chair already pressed and ready for wear. Beside them in a neat pile lay two luxurious towels.

Loki quickly undressed and slipped into the tub. The warm, scented water immediately soothed his tense muscles and he released a weary sigh. His gaze roamed Thor's chambers until they settled upon a shield that gleamed gloriously in the late afternoon light. It rested easily against the wall at an angle that accentuated intricate carvings of vines and flowers.

It had been a gift from Frigga. Loki had one of a similar design. They were symbols of honor given only to those deemed ready to defend and uphold the honor of Asgard and the throne that ruled it.

She had been so proud of us. Loki reminisced.

He found that if he stared at the shield long enough he could almost hear her voice... see her gentle smile.

Was it only two days ago that I had seen her with my own eyes and spoken to her if only to keep her with me a while longer? He wondered.

Loki gazed at the shield, unconsciously wringing his hands. Tears, unbidden, streamed down the contours of his cheeks to fall and mingle in the bath water. Trembling he briskly rubbed his face with his hands.

I have to focus. I have to be strong. He reminded himself. From this moment onward I cannot show any weakness, especially to Thor.

And yet he could not bare the pain of this loss. He remembered the look in Frigga's eyes knowing that his verbal talent had hit its mark and he hated himself for it. Yet she forgave him and exhibited an ethereal grace that offered him comfort despite her pain.

Oh mother... I can yet see you standing before me... If only I could embrace you one last time. If only I could have told you that I... I...

Overwhelmed by grief and burdened with shame, Loki bowed his head and wept.