AN: Part 2 of the consummation! Woot woot! It will be back to politics and backstabbing in the next chapter, so enjoy this for now. I am keeping the M rating for one more chapter. This one is HOT HOT HOT, so be careful (especially you LinaOso!) as you proceed.

Spent, Henry collapsed beside her, trying to catch his breath. "You…I…my god! You…you are…just…" He tried to find the words to express his contentment.

(Catherine) "I know." She said, cutting him off with a self-assured laugh.

(Henry) "I don't even…how do you…Brava!"

Giving him a satisfied smile, she climbed out of the bed. With a deep breath, she gloriously twisted her body in a languid stretch. He was completely transfixed by her shapely curves. Henry watched intently as she picked up his unworn nightshirt and slipped it over her body; the cloth slowly slid over her form, teasing him mercilessly. He let out a disappointed groan as it covered her up. Fortunately for him, the shirt was much too large on her; it slid off one shoulder, partially exposing the delicate mound of her breast. The hem of the shirt danced flirtatiously against her milky thigh, barely concealing the treasure between her legs. The golden light from the fire made the light fabric translucent, highlighting her womanly silhouette.

He sat up with a pleased sigh as he keenly watched her amble over to the open balcony doors. Leaning against the frame, she held her hand out; happy and content, she played with the raindrops outside. Henry ached to hold her in his arms… he ached to caress her… he ached to kiss her...


Henry silently observed his betrothed standing at the glass doors in her room – the ones that led to her terrace. Normally, she would have been sitting on the railing outside, enjoying the cool breeze and the quiet serenity of the darkened grounds. Many a night, he had spied her from the garden below unbeknownst to her. Ever since he first spotted her there, he had been drawn back each night, hoping…praying…for just one glimpse of her. And every night, his heart had skipped a beat when he finally saw her visage, magnificently illuminated by the moonlight. How could he – how could anyone – stay away from that radiance?

That night, however, the torrential downpour had caged everyone indoors. But, she was all he could think about – and when he could no longer control himself, he decided to take the passageways to go to her himself. Henry did not know where he found the courage to enter her room; he just knew that he had to see her. Perhaps because they had grown so close during their betrothal, he had faith that she wouldn't raise a commotion. Their wedding was still two months away, and the wait had been pure torture – she was the only girl to ever stir such restlessness, such madness in him.

It had already been quite late when he arrived at her chambers. He had expected her to be asleep, although he was ardently hoping that she wasn't. Catherine did not notice him enter through the secret door – she didn't even know that door existed. Believing that she was alone, she hadn't even bothered to throw on a robe over her delicate nightgown. Her amber hair was casually swept over her shoulder in a messy French braid, the loose tendrils framing her face. With a heavy sigh, she extended her arms and contorted her body in an unwinding stretch.

In the midst of her half-turn, Catherine finally noticed him; her eyes widened in surprise. "Hen–Henry!" she exclaimed. "You…You're here?!"

(Henry) "If you want, I can come over there," he responded with a cheeky wink.

(Catherine) "What are you doing here? At this hour?!"

(Henry) "Well…I couldn't sleep. So, I thought you probably couldn't sleep as well. And if you are sleepless, surely it must be from thinking about me. I thought why not come here and grace you with my presence," he rambled, not allowing her to get a word in.

(Catherine) "Have you lost your mind? If someone catches you, we'll both be in big trouble!"

Henry sauntered over to her. "I am already in big trouble. You have taken my breath away… and I desperately need it back!"

Catherine rolled her eyes at his brazen flirtation. "So take it and leave," she said with a tickled smirk. "I don't keep anything that belongs to strangers."

(Henry) "Stranger?" he feigned offence. "Have you forgotten that it won't be long till you share your bed with this stranger?"

(Catherine) "How can I forget?" She was both demure and bold – exhilarating him with just one amorous look…before averting her eyes.

(Henry) "Listen…I have come here to tell you a secret,"

(Catherine) "What?"

(Henry) "Shhh…it's a secret," he hissed.

She clicked her teeth. "What secret?"

He stepped toward to her, taking her hands in his. Standing before her without uttering a word, he let her anticipation swell.

(Catherine) "What's the secret, Henry?" she prodded impatiently.

(Henry) "I'm here to warn you…Don't fall in love with me! I'm your enemy…" She looked at him puzzled. "We're on opposing teams at the games tomorrow…That makes me your enemy."

(Catherine) "Enemy…" she breathed softly. "No wonder our eyes have been engaged in a fiery battle these many days."

Henry reveled, impressed by her acuity. "You are as astute as you are beautiful…you will be quite the opponent, I am sure."

(Catherine) "And you are as dangerous as you are audacious…I am sure you will put up a valiant fight…before I defeat you."

(Henry) "Touché!"

A sudden clap of thunder broke their attention. "This was bound to happen," he claimed with a hearty laugh, cocking his head toward the rain. "Your smile was so breathtaking tonight that the Heavens are now rejoicing." He boldly inched closer to her; she didn't stop him. He desperately wanted to have her…would she allow him? He shook his head, trying to clear his mind… "So, what do you like: flowers or sweets?"

(Catherine) "What?!"

(Henry) "I didn't bring you either. I was just asking for general knowledge." She shook her head at him with a little laugh. "Just teasing," he confessed. Reaching behind him, he pulled a rose out of his shirt and presented it to his lady.

Catherine accepted it with a warm smile. "Thank you."

(Henry) "I've brought sweets as well," he said retrieving two truffles from his pocket.

Just as he brought the treat to her lips, a volley of thunderous knocks emanated from the chamber doors. "Caterina! Caterina! Open the door."

Catherine panicked, fearful that they had been discovered "Oh God, Henry! Sister Teresa is here. She's going to be furious if she sees you here!"

(Henry) "Fantastic! We should go welcome her." He chuckled as he pretended to move toward the door.

Catherine grabbed his arm and vehemently pulled him back. "Henry! Henry, you have to leave! Go this way. No! Not there! Go this way. Oh wait, there is no exit there! Oh no! Sister Teresa is going to find you. She is going to be so angry! What am I going to do?!" Henry couldn't help but be amused by her agitation.

Sister Teresa hammered at the door again, calling out to her young charge, "Caterina!"

"Coming!" They called out simultaneously, with Henry putting on a high-pitched female voice. Catherine held her hand over his mouth to quiet him.

(Catherine) "Shhhhh! Keep quiet! Just hide somewhere! I'll be right back."

Henry mischievously pulled her closer to him, encircling his arms around her waist and gripping her tightly. "Very well! Let go of me and go to Sister Teresa," he teased her as she strained to free herself from his hold.

(Catherine) "Henry! Let me go!" she chastised pleadingly.

She shoved him away, causing him to lose his balance and fall. The two of them suppressed their giggles as she ran toward the door.

(Sister Teresa) "Caterina! Caterina, why aren't you opening the door? What is that noise coming from your room?"

(Catherine) "It's nothing…someone's cat snuck into my room... and I'm just trying to shoo it away." She called out without opening the door as she struggled to control her laughter.

(Sister Teresa) "Forget the cat and open the door. Your uncle has called for you immediately."

(Catherine) "Alright...uh…you go ahead…I will get dressed and meet you there."

(Sister Teresa) "Very well," she agreed, "but come quickly."

When she turned back toward the room, Henry was no longer in her sight. Believing that he had departed the same way he had entered, she began to straighten herself out in the mirror, trying to compose herself once again…when she heard him whistle at her. She found him sprawled on her bed, unashamed and unafraid.

(Catherine) "You are in my bed?" she quizzed incredulously.

(Henry) "Your bed was calling out to me. What else could I do?"

(Catherine) "You are rather brave – risking your father's wrath to come here! Am I really that alluring?"

Henry beamed as he strode over to her. "If I live, it will only be with you…If I die, it will only be for you. I will even take an arrow straight to me heart [he motioned to his chest] if it's from your hand."

Catherine looked at his chest in pretend wonderment. "Uh oh! You have no hair on your chest."

He fixed his gaze on her maiden bosom, and impishly countered, "Uh oh! Neither do you."

She slapped him playfully to deter his glare. Laughing heartily, she retorted, "Where I come from, they say a man without hair on his chest cannot be trusted."

(Henry) "Then, don't trust me! Just take a leap of faith and marry me right now."

(Catherine) "Marry you? Right now?"

(Henry) "Mhmm."

(Catherine) "Alright. I will. I have been waiting for our wedding day after all."

(Henry) "You agreed to my proposal rather quickly!"

Catherine's laughter quieted down. "I have already lived my whole life without you. Haven't I waited long enough?" she said with a serene smile.

Henry lightly caressed her cheek with an expectant look in his eyes. "Catherine…"

Before she could respond, the battering on the door returned. "Caterina! What's taking you so long? Hasn't your cat left yet?"

Catherine's eyes filled with a childish fright. "It's…almost gone," she answered, as she tried to herd Henry out of sight.

(Henry) "Meow," he purred with a laugh as he imitated a cat.

(Sister Teresa) "Get rid of it forthwith and come out. Your uncle is waiting for you…Caterina?"

(Catherine) "I'll be there soon!" Once she was certain that Sister Teresa had left, she turned to Henry, and beseeched him, "Leave!"

Henry's calmness countered her anxiety. "First, dance with me."

(Catherine) "Henry, leave before she returns!"

(Henry) "I'm not leaving till you dance with me."

(Catherine) "Henry, there isn't even any music," she huffed.

(Henry) "We can dance to the beats of our hearts." Seeing her hesitate, he persisted, "I've taken a huge risk by coming here to you. And unless you dance with me, I'm not leaving." He slowly backed away from her with a cavalier grin. Keeping his eyes trained on her, he pushed open the balcony doors, and stepped into the rain. "I will stay on your balcony all night waiting for you…unless you dance with me, I will not leave."

She glanced nervously back toward the doors to her chambers, before walking toward the terrace. Catherine balked at the threshold not wanting to get wet. "Henry, come back inside! Have you gone mad? You are going to catch a cold!"

(Henry) "I'm not moving, till you agree."

(Catherine) "Henry, please."

(Henry) "Yes or no, Catherine?"

(Catherine) "Henry!" she said grudgingly. She gingerly stepped out into the rain, and took his extended hand. He twirled her twice before she broke away. "Happy? You have to leave now. Sister Teresa could return any minute. Go before we are discovered," she urged frantically.

Placing his hands on her shoulders, Henry calmed her gently. "Shhh…shh…" he silenced her, trying to assuage her distress. Removing his jacket, he held it over their heads. Their bodies pressed against each other as they huddled together. Their drenched clothes clung to their skins; the figure he spied under her nightgown thrilled him to no end. He could feel her warm, slow breath on him; her lips brushed against him as her slight fingers clutched his shirt. The world seemed to have frozen as though the raindrops had conspired to bring them together…as though the winds sang of some hidden desire.

(Henry) "Catherine…" he whispered; she bashfully lowered her gaze. "All I want is to hold you right now, and never let you go…But I won't…I'll wait…till the night you come to me as my bride… that night the moon and stars in Heaven will bear witness to our union. And they will carry the legend of our love to every couple that weds after us." Her grip tightened on his shirt. "And on that magnificent night, only moonlight will rain upon the most beautiful girl in the world…who by then, would be mine forever…" Catherine circled her arms around him and embraced him tenderly. "Is it true, Catherine, that I am the lucky man to whom you will bequeath your days…and your nights?" She nodded against his chest. "Is it true that I am the lucky man to whom you have given your heart…your soul...yourself?" She responded with a slight nod again. "Catherine…tell me that you love me."

Loosening her hold around him, she took a small step back, and slowly met his gaze. "I love you, Henry," she said, softly but surely.

Before their trance was broken, Henry took advantage of the moment… and kissed her tenderly… for the very first time. Overcoming her initial shock, she returned his innocent kiss – pure and true. They enjoyed their momentary closeness – gleeful and tingling from the excitement of their forbidden intimacy – before parting unwillingly. Before he finally slipped out her room, he turned to take one last look at her. "Catherine…I love you…"


(Henry) "Catherine…" He climbed out of bed, lazily wrapping a sheet around his waist.

(Catherine) "Hmm?" she responded without so much as a glance toward him.

(Henry) "Catherine…" He attempted to get her attention again.

She turned to him, leaning her back against the wall. Offering him a slight smile, "What?" she questioned.

He had a confident air about him as he approached her. Holding her waist, he stepped closer to her. "I love you," he said, completely enamored by her. He really couldn't say it enough. Perhaps he was trying to make up for the many times he should have said it but didn't…even so, he was chanting those three words more for himself than for her.

(Catherine) "Hmm," she acknowledged with an unconvinced nod, before she brushed him aside and walked toward the fireplace.

Taken aback by her reaction, he eagerly followed her and tried again – more emphatically this time, "Catherine…I love you."

Still smiling, Catherine spun back to him, and shook her head at his pout. "You're only saying that because you want to bed me again…" With a dismissive shrug, she turned toward the warmth again.

(Henry) "No…I mean yes, that too…" He enveloped her in his arms, bringing them cheek-to-cheek. "But, honestly… Every single second… I am either with you, or I am thinking about you. I…I just can't escape you. So, it's clear, right? I love you!"

(Catherine) "Good," she approved wryly. Still within his grasp, she moved to face him. "Now, it sounds convincing."

(Henry) "And you?"

Catherine bit the corner of her bottom lip. "Me?" She looked up at him with big, beautiful, hazel eyes filled with false innocence…before they were overcome with a devilish gleam. "I'm just using you for carnal pleasure." She lightly pushed him onto the sofa behind him, and swiftly climbed atop him, straddling him with lusty sigh.

(Henry) "Oh really?" He hugged her tightly, pressing her body against him. The lion in him emerged with a proud smirk. "Well then, you should use me properly."

A passionate fire was ignited in her eyes as she took control. Placing her small hands on his cheeks, she planted kisses all over his face. He felt the heat emanating from her body in his lap, his arousal growing in reaction. He moved his hands down her back, grabbing her bottom firmly. He pawed at her cheeks, spreading her legs further apart, and allowing her to grind harder against him. He moved his hand further down her derriere, sliding it under her and lightly grazing her pillowy lips. His other hand reached for her bosom, fondling her fervently.

Catherine raised herself up on her knees, taking control once again. She forcefully tilted his head back; her lips hovered over his for a moment, before fiercely kissing him. As her tongue feverishly explored his mouth, she pushed her body against him, allowing him to feel the heave of her chest. Henry placed his hands on her legs, sensually massaging the inside of her thighs with his thumbs. The nightshirt she wore gathered around his hands as they slithered up her body. He firmly cupped her buttocks as he returned her kiss. While one hand continued to hold her backside, the other slid up to her waist, and then snaked down her stomach to the cleft between her legs. He gently stroked her lush folds, compelling her to moan deeply against his mouth as her cavern slickened. Her breath became increasingly labored. She bucked against his fingers as her agitation grew.

Henry clutched her against him, and inserted two fingers in her. He began to pump harder into her while simultaneously pleasuring her clit. Gripping his shoulder in ecstasy, Catherine marked him with her nails as her moans intensified. He took the moment to capture her nipple in his mouth, sucking and nibbling at her through the fabric of the nightshirt; they hardened as his tongue drew circles around her rosy peaks. Her body curved as she melted under his gratifying touch. Henry tightened his embrace as she wriggled and squirmed in his lap. His vigorous movements sent her into rapture, her white heat erupting onto him. Waves and waves of delight washed over her at his exquisite caress.

"Henry!" Catherine commanded, struggling to catch her breath. She firmly pushed him back against the sofa. Her scorching gaze bore into him as she slowly pulled his nightshirt over her head, tantalizing him while she undressed. With a ferocious glint in her eye, Catherine lowered herself onto his erect manhood. She clutched the back of the sofa to steady herself, pausing to savor her power over him. Growling in Italian, she rocked against his lap, eliciting an aroused, guttural groan from him. As she bounced atop him, he nipped at her furiously, his hands running over every inch of her delicious form. Wanting to prolong their elation, he strained to control himself.

"Catherine" he directed; grasping her side, he halted her movement. Guiding her off him, he lifted them both up. She wrapped her legs around him as he carried her to the table by the fire. Setting her down, Henry gently pushed her onto her back, his hand gliding over her figure – through the valley between her bosom and over her middle. Her pink lips were wet and engorged, inviting him to her. Firmly holding her hips, he thrust into her vehemently. She gasped his name, urging him to push harder, deeper, faster into her. She was on edge – her body painfully aroused and begging for release. Unwilling to await her satisfaction, she ran her fingers over her inflamed skin. Henry's excitement grew as he observed her squeeze and tug at her breasts. He watched as she bit her lip and clenched her eyes shut, throwing her head back; her back arched as her desires intensified. While one hand continued to paw at her breasts, she brought the other to her womanhood, pleasuring herself as he continued to drive into her. She massaged her clitoris furiously, moaning loudly and spewing unmentionable exclamations in Italian. Henry was driven to the brink by her euphoria. He felt her body suddenly tense; her muscles clamped around his shaft as she succumbed to her sweet release. Before she descended, he plunged into her again, more energetically. Her tightness and heat took him to new levels of glory. With a final thrust, he climaxed, spilling his seed into her.

(Henry) "See…I told you," he gloated with a haughty smirk. "Sexual prowess of a lion..."

demedicigirl, I'm glad you liked the letters! I got the idea from a Tumblr post I saw a while ago about Henry writing a "Thou art the warship of my dreams" poem for Catherine when he called her a "galleon in full sail" (side note: 1X14 was an amazing episode!). Since you liked the last chapter, I hope you loved this one! The M scenes are so fun to write.

LinaOso, Ah, girl! You caught me! I love that you picked up that little tidbit about their first kiss in the last chapter. I wanted to allude to it before writing about it. I hope you like what I did with it in this chapter. I also hope this chapter didn't drive you completely crazy!

Catherine Woods, Thanks so much for your support, hun! Chapter 17 was a tough one to write. I assure there will be a lot more happiness coming up to put your heart back together!