It is said that not everyone is marked the same. Some experience pain, others feel pleasure. It sometimes hits people out of nowhere, while other times people don't notice until they gaze at their right wrist. For Anna Andrews, it hits her like a ton of bricks.
"Aye, birthday girl."
A voice called out, startling Anna out of the resume she was hurriedly trying to complete. Anna gave the approaching couple a side-glance before quickly resuming her previous work. A fingerless gloved hand landing in the middle of the paper made the redhead stop and sigh. "What is it, Killian?"
Said boy grinned crookedly and leaned against the table. "Didn't you know it's rude to ignore people when they're talking to you, sweetcheeks?" Anna started glaring at him, which only made him grin wider. "Nice manners you have there, birthday girl."
"At least let her finish her work before you bother her, Jones." The blonde of the trio remarked as she sat down in the booth in front of Anna. Killian chuckled good-heartedly and sat down by the blonde, Anna sending her a grateful glance. "Oh, and happy birthday. So, hey, what's all this?"
Anna turned back to her work. "Thank you, Emma." She shot a pointed look at Killian, receiving a wink in return. "Well, now that I'm turning sixteen, I figured it's about time to get a job." Anna proclaimed proudly, puffing out her chest slightly. Emma raised an eyebrow skeptically while Killian snorted in disbelief. This made the redhead deflate quickly. "Fine. I need a car, and Dad said he's not digging into the college funds just for a scrap of metal, so I'm trying to find a job so I can buy one."
"You could always hijack an old piece- Oof! Oi, Swan, that's no way to treat a gentleman." Killian rubbed the spot where the blonde had elbowed him, scowling just slightly.
Emma rolled her eyes, "Ignore the pirate wannabe. Any place in particular you want to apply at?"
"Unless you're a chef or want to be a janitor, that's impossible."
"Damn it."
Killian leaned forward. "Why not go to your mom's office? Maybe she knows a place or two that could use some help." Emma and Anna stared at him silently. Killian leaned back in his seat and frowned. "I get I'm handsome, ladies, but maybe a picture would last longer…?"
Anna groaned in exasperation and Emma reached up to rub her temples, "For once in your life, you said something useful, and then you have to ruin it with your arrogance."
"Excuse me?"
"Let's just go." Anna rolled her eyes and started shoving the papers strewn about the table into her backpack. She grabbed her forgotten shake and drank what was left of it before throwing it away, Emma and Killian meeting her at the door. "Did you guys come walking?"
Killian nodded, shoving his hands into his back packets as they started walking downtown. "Yeah. School's close by, so there was no need to ride. Your mom's not that far off, either, I hope?"
"Nah, just five blocks from the diner." Anna shrugged, pulling the backpack higher up her shoulders. A silence enveloped the group as they walked. A silence that was instantly broken by the male of the trio with his jab.
"Emma likes Regina."
"What?!" At her outburst, Anna trained her eyes on her two friends, specifically the blonde. "Why?! She's a bitch-"
"Watch it, Andrews." Emma growled with a glare. Anna frowned back at her and she sighed, shoving her hands in the pockets of her leather jacket. "Look, I can't help it, okay? Besides, she's not that bad once you get to know her…"
Killian snorted. "Oh, yes. 'The Evil Queen' Regina Mills ain't half bad at all. She's not a cold, hard and utter wench. Nope, she's the kindest soul I've ever had the pleasure of meeting." He replied sarcastically and rolled his eyes upwards. Emma turned her glare to him and he huffed. "Oh, you know it's true."
Anna sighed, "Look, Emma, I'm sorry. It's just that…she's not the nicest person around-"
"And I know that." Emma interrupted, turning to her best friend. She shrugged and continued walking. "I used to think the same thing but after we were partnered up for Civic Responsibility class, we got closer and it was amazing." A small smile started to appear on the blonde's lips at the thought but then she squashed it before her friends could see it. Too bad Anna was paying total attention to her.
Anna blinked and started to smile. She'd never seen Emma smile that gently before. Smirks were more of a thing for the blonde. In the two years of knowing the blonde, she hadn't seen her look that…happy before. It was weird, really.
The redhead opened her mouth to say something but a flash of light blinded her momentarily and she slammed into the wall of brick in her path. Hands instantly went to rub at the bump on her forehead as she walked around the apartment in front of her, cursing and hissing all the while. Laughter reached her ears and she turned to see Killian doubling over in laughter and Emma smirking teasingly at her. A glare manifested itself in her eyes but one glance at her now and Killian was almost on the floor, heaving and laughing uncontrollably.
Emma snickered slightly and walked to the redhead, slapping her hands away and inspecting the forming bump. "It's not that big of a deal. Just put some ice on it when you get home and you'll be fine."
"Yeah, thanks. Shut up, Killian!"
– Elemental Drifts –
Amelia Andrews looked up from her paperwork when the bell signaling someone entering the building rang. "Good after- Anna, what're you doing here?" Amelia frowned as her daughter walked over to the receptionist's desk and leaned on the counter.
"Lovely day we're having, right, mom? Why don't we go out and enjoy this fine day after you're-"
"Whatever this is about, no."
Anna flinched and faltered, smiling sheepishly at her mother. "You didn't even let me finish."
Amelia rolled her eyes and sighed, leaning back in her chair. "I know my daughter well enough to know when she's asking for some- What's that?" She sat up straight in her chair and pointed over to Anna's right wrist just as she was about to reach back and scratch the back of her head.
"Huh?" Anna turned her arm around and blinked at the small imprint of a flame on her wrist. Killian and Emma came up from behind her, gazing at the design with wonder and disbelief.
"You certainly didn't have that earlier." Killian stated while inspecting the flame closer.
Anna frowned and walked over to the water fountain in the corner. "I probably just bumped into fresh paint or something on the way here." She turned on the water and started scrubbing at her wrist.
Emma stared down at the floor with wide eyes, her whole body tense as she heard her friend struggle to get the design off her skin. Her fists clenched inside the pockets of her leather jacket as her breathing became labored. She chanced a glance up at Amelia, and found her bearing no better than she was.
"What the- It won't come out!" Anna squeaked, drying her wrist on her pants and walking over to her mother, peering down at the flame. "Mom, what do you think it- Mom? Are you okay? Why are you so pale?" Anna frowned down at her mother in confusion. She turned to her friends and froze. Emma was in the same state her mother was in. "W-What's wrong? What's going on?" Emma gulped and murmured something under her breath. "What'd you say?"
Emma looked up at her, a glare in her eyes. "I said you're Marked!"
Anna flinched back at the tone, her eyes narrowing in confusion at the blonde's words. She heard a sharp inhale and turned to Killian, whose eyes were now wide, staring down at her wrist in utter disbelief. Anna turned back to Emma. "Marked? What're you talking about?"
Emma gritted her teeth and glared back at the ground. "It's just like what happened with my sister. You're both Marked."
"Marked? What's that supposed to- Wait, you have a sister?!"
Killian slammed his hands down on the desk, startling everyone out of their states. "That's beside the point, Anna! You're Marked! Don't you know what it means?!"
Anna glowered, "No, I don't! So just tell me already!"
"It means you're leaving." Amelia muttered almost silently but everyone heard it. Anna turned to her, confusion shining in her teal eyes. Amelia stared sadly at her daughter. "You being Marked means you're leaving home for the next four years."
"What? Why?"
Emma grabbed her wrist firmly, gazing intently at the flame etched on the skin. "Because you've been chosen by Hephaestus to serve him." The blonde turned to look at Anna in the eyes fiercely. "You're now a Fire Drifter."
"I still feel like you're all talking crazy."
Killian took a deep breath and turned to Anna and Emma. "On the sixteenth birthday of some teenagers, they are Marked by a Greek God or Goddess. They're chosen at random and it's still unknown as to exactly why they're chosen, or if there's a pattern. These are called Drifters. There are seven-"
"Eight," Emma corrected numbly.
"There are eight types of Drifters. You're a Fire Drifter, meaning you have the power of fire. The others are water, wind and air, earth, wisdom, light, darkness, and those with unique abilities. When you're Marked, you're taken to a school for the Elementally Gifted. You're trained there for four years and then you're able to come back home and resume your life." Killian explained somberly.
Anna stared at the three of them in silence for a moment before barking out a laugh that made everyone jump. "Ha! You guys are great. You should totally sign up for a movie someday, you almost had me-"
"They're not joking, Anna."
The redhead stopped laughing abruptly and turned towards the entrance, watching as her father walked over to her. "Dad? What're you doing-" She was cut off as her father held up a hand then pointed towards the water fountain. A moment passed before a steady stream of water came from the nozzle and swirled around her father's hand.
"James…" Amelia muttered as she stood to walk around the desk and stand by her silenced daughter. James smiled sadly at his wife before turning his attention to his daughter.
"It's all true, Anna. You're as much of a Fire Drifter as I am a Water Drifter." He manipulated the water swirling around his hand to pass along his daughter's wrist, letting her feel how real it was, even as she flinched back slightly from the cool touch. "A new semester at the Northern School for the Elementally Gifted will start next week. We'll be making all the preparations to enroll you tomorrow, as they are already aware of you being Marked."
Anna blinked in disbelief. "Wait, what? I'm leaving?"
James nodded curtly, "Fire Drifters are dangerous if they don't know how to control their Gift. Gifts don't usually develop until about three days after being Marked, as the teenager would most probably notice by then, so we're fine for now. However, we're not gonna risk anything-"
"Wait! How'd you know I was Marked?" Anna frowned, leaning into the protective embrace her mother had wrapped her in. "We just found out ourselves."
James held up a piece of parchment before handing it to her daughter. "Parents are usually notified as soon as it happens. I'm the Drifter in the family, so the notice was delivered to me." He walked over to his family and placed a hand on Anna's head. "I'm sure you can do it, kiddo. I have faith in you."
Anna just frowned even more and nodded.
– Elemental Drifters –
'Anna Andrews – Ignis'
Anna stared at the single phrase on the piece of parchment as she laid on her bed that night, unable to get the day's happenings out of her head. She stared blankly at the words as she relived the shock, bewilderment and disbelief of that afternoon. At first she felt as if everyone knew something she didn't – which was ultimately true – and after everyone told her what was going on, she didn't believe it. She was skeptical at first.
Anyone would be! I mean, come on. Being Marked by a Greek God and granted Gifts by him? No one would believe that!
But as the reactions of those she cared about regarding the Mark on her wrist registered in her head, she became scared. Then her father dropped the bombshell on her, and she had felt her entire being frozen on the spot, unable to truly believe what was right in front of her eyes.
This isn't the first time she's heard of Drifters. Of course everyone knows what they are. These occurrences are so normal, you don't even blink when they happen to other people. However, as normal as these Markings are, it's rare to see them happening, much less happening to you. Last time it happened neared Anna, she was just a toddler. And now she herself is Marked? It was all so new, and weird, and unbelievable. She was absolutely scared when her father showed her the reality when he did that trick.
She's still scared.
Anna reached for her phone and unlocked it, staring at the picture of the school she was to start attending from tomorrow onwards. Northern School for the Elementally Gifted. What did I get myself into nw…?
A/N: So, I finally decided to jump into the Elsanna train. I haven't written in a long time so I'm probably a little rusty. As you can tell, this is a Modern AU, and Anna and Elsa aren't sisters. I own nothing; not Frozen, not the upcoming Disney characters nor the Once Upon A Time characters in this chapter. It's Rated M for language and possible violence later on. That's it for today, and I'll see you next time.
7th Creature