The grand finale! Sorry it's a little shorter than usual

Eren whistled as walked towards his car, school forgotten as he twirled his keys around his fingers. Sure yesterday had been hard, a day away from Levi was almost more than he could bear, especially after such a full on weekend. But they had today, and they would always have tomorrow.

As he turned his car on a familiar tune filled the air, he quickly flicked the volume up before pulling out his parking space.

"I was left to my own devices. Many days fell away with nothing to show." He sung as he pulled out the car park, waving at a couple of people from his classes who he'd never cared to learn the name of.

"And the walls kept tumbling down in the city that we love. Great clouds roll over the hills bringing darkness from above." He drummed his fingers against his steering wheel.

Eren had always felt a connection to this song, it reminded him of the past. How difficult life had once been for him, how he'd fought just to survive. But he needed to stop dwelling on the past, not when he knew there was such a bright future. No more battles, no more obstacles, just happiness.

"But if you close your eyes does it almost feel like nothing changed at all? And if you close your eyes does it feel like you've been here before?" He danced in his chair as he turned down Levi's street, his heart fluttering in anticipation.

He knew it was ridiculous to get this excited over someone you got to see daily but he was addicted. He always would be, in this lifetime and the next. He would always love Levi, always completely adore him. And he just hoped Levi would feel the same way.

"How am I gonna be an optimist about this?" He sung lowly as he turned off his car, whistling the tune under his breath as he walked towards the door.

He let himself into the house and was soon unsettled by how quiet it was. Usually he could hear Raquel get ready with her radio playing, or Levi would be playing on his Xbox. But there was no noise, not even a creak of somebody walking around upstairs.

"Hello?" Eren called out, audibly swallowing.

It felt familiar, he had flashbacks to Mikasa. How quiet her house had been, the only sound was his own breathing and footsteps. But this life was different, it was purer. Nothing went wrong, please keep that flawless record intact.

Eren jumped when he saw Raquel sat at the kitchen table, her eyes trained to the door. Her aura was dark and cold but least she was there.

"You scared me." He said uselessly, his reaction to her would have been enough of an indicator but he was desperate to break this silence.

"Sit." She said, pointing to the chair in front of her.

"Erm, where's Levi?" He asked, trying to defuse the situation.

"That's not important." Raquel snapped. Eren flinched at her tone and quickly sat in the chair.

Raquel didn't say anything at first, she was thinking hard, as if mentally preparing herself for what she needed to say. Her whole body was shaking, her skin looked clammy up close, without makeup she was almost sickly.

"This is a conversation I never thought I'd have to have." She hissed, finally looking Eren dead in the eye.

"What's happened?" He frowned.

"Don't you dare play dumb with me." She shouted, the sound echoing off the walls. "I trusted you Eren and this is how you repay me?"

"I… I don't understand." He stuttered. He understood exactly what she was talking about but what he didn't understand was how she had found out. Levi had promised, they both had, to keep everything a secret. Just between them.

"You took advantage of an impressionable child, filled his head with crap about being in love just so you could violate him." She spat. "You knew how suggestable he was, I confided in you about his obsessions with his supposed past life so you could help him not so you could use it in your twisted games."

"Look Raquel, please let me explain!" Eren begged.

"Oh, this I would like to hear." She scoffed, crossing her arms.

"All of Levi's dreams are real, I know because I have them too." He said.

"Don't even try to pull this shit with me, that may have worked on my innocent Levi but it won't stand with me." She growled, eyes darting around as if she was looking for something to throw at him.

"I know it's hard to understand but I swear to you it's the truth. Back then Levi was my corporal, he was the elder of us and we were lovers. And I know that doesn't excuse what I did, believe me I know it's sick and wrong but to me Levi was never a child. He was always the man I once knew. And the fact we both remember must mean something, like we were meant to be together." He explained, hoping his raw honesty would be enough.

Raquel was silenced for a moment, taking in what Eren had said, assessing him. His eyes pleaded with her, wishing she would believe him, just understand why he had behaved so inexcusably. His palms were sweating, his heart beating in double time. She had to understand, she had to believe him. Or else what would that mean for Eren? What would that mean for his and Levi's love?

"I knew you were a pervert but I didn't realise you were deluded as well." She shook her head.

"What? No!" He tried to defend. "I love him."

"No you don't, I love him! I love him and I left him with you. Do you have any idea what it felt like for him to tell all the foul things you did to him? Because if you really loved him you would have never touched him." She slammed her hand on the table. "You've ruined his whole life, do you understand that? He was a child and you forced him to do things his mind and body weren't ready for."

"I know, I'm sorry." Eren bit his lip, tears forming in his eyes. He was too busy thinking of himself that he never considered how it would change Levi's life.

"You ruined him!" She cried. "He trusted you, he loved you and you abused him. How could you do that to him?"

"I'm so sorry. I will do anything to make this right. Please!" He begged.

"Just go, leave us so Levi can have some hope of a normal life." She rubbed her eyes angrily.

"And then what?" He swallowed, knowing others wouldn't look too kindly on what he'd done.

"I won't be taking this to court if that's what you mean. Don't think I am doing this for you, I don't want to drag Levi through that, he's been through enough thanks to you." She sighed. "Eren, I don't think you're a bad kid, you just made an extremely bad decision. Go, get some medical help but I don't want to see you again."

"Can I at least say goodbye to Levi?" He asked, already knowing the answer as Raquel rose up from the table.

"I don't think that would be appropriate." She said.

Eren nodded solemnly, following Raquel as she walked towards the door. Part of him wished he had known that the weekend was the last time he'd see Levi he would have savoured it more. Appreciate all the small things that Levi did that made him unique, the same things that he'd loved in the past.

What a cruel fate that their love was destined to fail, in this life and the past. He didn't want to give up on Levi again, he wanted to keep him by his side forever but he knew he couldn't. There was a saying that once said if you love someone you have to let them go and hope they find their way back to you.

"Goodbye Eren." She dismissed him, opening the front door.

"Goodbye." He replied, dropping his spare keys into her hand. "Thank you."

But what if Levi didn't come back?

"I'm not doing it for you, I'm trying to protect what little childish innocence my prince has left." She muttered, harshly shutting the door and shutting Eren out.

As he walked to his car he knew he was lucky, he could have lost the rest of his life to a prison sentence but was it worth it? What good was a life without Levi in it?

He walked around to his car door when he noticed a small bundle sat on the road, leaning against the metal and chewing their lip.

"Hey Levi." Eren said, tears pricking the backs of his eyes as he sat beside him.

"I'm sorry I told Mummy." Levi sobbed, throwing himself against Eren and holding him around his neck. "You were right, she did get upset."

"You did nothing wrong." Eren assured, soothingly rubbing Levi's back.

"Mummy said she was going to call the police but I said no." He shook his head furiously. "I would never get you into trouble."

"Listen Levi, we can't see each other for a while." He pulled back slightly, brushing the tears from Levi's soft cheeks.

"Can we see each other again next month?" He asked.

"No, sorry Levi." He shook his head.

"Please Eren! Don't leave me!" He screamed, grabbing onto to Eren again. "I didn't mean to make you upset. I'm sorry! Please stay."

"I can't, when you're older you'll understand why I had to go." He swallowed, a lump rising up in his throat.

"You promised! You promised we'd always be together." Levi cried.

"And we will Levi, even if we're far apart we'll always be together in our dreams." He whispered, pressing a soft kiss into Levi's crown.

"Levi?!" Raquel's distressed voice called out, obviously just noticing his disappearance.

"You have to go back to Mummy now." Eren told him, trying to detangle his arms from around him.

"No!" Levi shouted, loud enough for Raquel to hear. "If I let go you will leave me forever."

"Get off him!" Raquel exclaimed, grabbing Levi and roughly pulling him off, his hands scratching Eren's neck as he desperately tried to hold on.

"I may have been lenient because to protect my child but if you ever come near my family again I will call the police." Raquel threatened, her eyes narrowing dangerously.

"I understand." Eren nodded, standing up. "Goodbye Levi."

"No." He shook his head, fighting to free himself from his mother's hold. "If I don't say goodbye then you can't leave."

"I'm afraid it doesn't work like that." He smiled softly. "I have to go, but never stop dreaming Levi."

Eren pulled his car door open, tapping his nose lightly so Levi would always know that even if the world forced them to be apart he would love him. Levi weakly returned the gesture through his tears, finally falling lip in his mother's arms.

With a sigh, Eren got in his car and drove away. His hear heavy with regret as he watched the figures in his mirror slowly getting smaller and smaller.

He'd ruined everything. He could have just waited and he'd still be with him now but he'd been too eager. He'd tried to run with their relationship before they were even ready to walk. And now he'd lost Levi and he'd broken his promise once again. He'd sworn they'd be together forever, but would they? Would they ever see each other again?

Some promises are made to be broken kid.

He shook his head ruefully at the memory, truer words had never been spoken. They'd both made mistakes and they'd both paid the price. Maybe he had been wrong this whole time, perhaps fate kept them apart for a reason, a reason they were too stubborn to see. Maybe they weren't destined to be together in this life and the next.

"You sure about this kid?" Levi asked, arching a perfect eyebrow at him.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" Eren said, aiming for confidence despite his hands nervously wringing his green cloak.

"People don't trust what they don't understand." He shrugged. "Two men? It's more than their tiny fucking brains could handle."

"In a world where life is so short why should we care where we find happiness? As long as we find it somewhere." He smiled, gently brushing black hair out of his eyes.

"They'll think you're a fool, or convinced you're fucking me for personal gain." Levi scoffed. "You could do better."

"I disagree." He shook his head. "Are you sure you're not the one who's not ready to tell?"

"It's not that." He denied. "It's just… I've had to fight my whole life to prove myself, in a lot of people's eyes I will always be nothing more than a lowly thug."

"Not to me." Eren whispered.

"But this, us, it was always sacred. Nobody could taint it but if it's out in the open they will. They'll try to keep us apart, they'll try to ruin us." He admitted, eyes downcast to avoid embarrassment.

"Let them talk, I won't hear a thing if I have you." He reassured, hooking his hands under Levi's chin and forcing him to look him in the eye.

"But they'll fill you with doubt." He pouted.

"I don't care what they say, they can try to separate us but they won't. We will always be together no matter what shit they try and throw at us. Because I love you and I always will, this life time and the next." He declared, knowing public displays often embarrassed Levi.

"I love you too." Levi mumbled, his cheeks reddening slightly.

"Good." He grinned, giving him a soft kiss on the lips.

Eren let go and confidently reached for his hand, leading them both towards their comrades, heads held high. Ready for everyone to see them, ready to be exposed because they knew their love was stronger than words.

It always was and it always will be.

Right, this is where this story ends. Buuuut there will be a sequel! Part 2! Everyone love a part 2 right?