-EDITED for typos-
A/N: Hello everyone! DaMastah101 here with his first ever fanfiction! After having an account for a few years already, I figured that it was high time I posted my own story already (well that and the fact that some of the fanfics I'm reading aren't update yet XD). Reviews are welcome be it positive or not. I plan to update this fanfic regularly every chance I have free time (I haven't established a proper update schedule yet, what with this being my first fanfic after all haha).
The reasons that I chose the Steins;Gate fandom for my first fanfic stems from the following:
- Steins;Gate is my all-time favourite Anime/Manga/Visual Novel series.
- The amount of S;G fanfics here is low, low enough to make me cry T_T
This fanfic is set one year after the movie "Steins;Gate – Fuka Ryouiki no Deja vu" (It was a great movie hehe) so watching the series and the movie is a need in order to fully understand this fic. So without further ado, the first chpater to my first ever fanfic – "Steins;Fate".
" " – a term in-universe, also used when a character is talking
' ' – character is thinking
* - has an explanation for the term at the bottom of the fanfic chapter.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Steins;Gate and its characters, If I did, I'd be making more Steins;Gate media and push for a 50+ episode season 2 –evil grin-.
Chapter 1
The year was 2012. The Divergence number is 1.048596%. A year has passed since the cementing of Rintarou "Okarin" Okabe in the Steins;Gate worldline. The mad scientist is once again at large. "Hououin Kyouma" as he liked to call himself, has once again immersed himself in what his "Assistant" dubs as delusions of a deranged chuunibyou*. This assistant was none other than Kurisu Makise or as Okarin likes to call her (mostly in a comical way to piss her off, oftentimes resulting in a heated dissing session between the two): "Christina the Perverted Genius Girl", or "Christina" for short. Kurisu was the one responsible for anchoring Okabe to the current worldline. Though the two of them may bicker with each other, Kurisu and Okabe both relish and find peace in the company of each other.
Itaru "Daru" Hashida, Okabe's so called "Right-hand man", was being his usual perverted otaku self; He was currently within the premises of the "Future Gadget Lab" along with Mayuri "Mayushii" Shiina who was knitting some cosplay outfits of various characters from RaiNet Kakeru, a popular game franchise amongst the current generation.
Inside the lab, there were no more visible signs of Future Gadget #8: Phone Microwave (name subject to change), The Time-Leap machine, and the IBN 5100. These devices had been both a positive and negative influence to the life of Okabe, Kurisu, and the rest of the Lab members; The most recent being the threat to the erasure of Okabe's existence itself from the Steins Gate worldline. This of course was resolved thanks to the efforts of Kurisu, who by going back to the time before Okabe assumed his mad scientist persona, implants the identity of "Hououin Kyouma" to him along with his first kiss, and thus Okabe's "Reading Steiner" overload was brought to a halt. And now at present...
Okabe POV
"Shall we head back to the lab, Christina?"
"How many times do I have to tell you, THERE'S NO –tina!"
I was once again in my Hououin Kyouma mode, as I was usually when I am with Kurisu. Somehow she had managed to stop my vertigo and stabilize my existence here in Steins Gate, reminding me that I am not alone in the same manner her Alpha counterpart would do during those difficult times when Mayuri's death was being converged by the alpha field. I love Kurisu dearly, that much is true, I do have trouble though in properly conveying what I really want to say even though I had already confessed to Alpha and Steins Gate worldline Kurisu. As to why is that... I blame Steins Gate.
Me and Kurisu were heading towards Yuugo Tennouji's CRT shop, reason being that he is the landlord of the rented area that houses the Future Gadget Laboratory, and that his shop is right below the lab.
"I see your girlfriend is back with you eh Okarin." stated Yuugo as he saw me and Kurisu headed towards the stairs to the lab.
"If that is your interpretation of the current situation then you are gravely mistaken, Mr. Braun. I'm merely escorting my perverted assistant and myself back to my Laboratory where we shall alter the course of the world and let it plunge into chaos, FuuuuuuAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I exclaimed while mentally cursing myself as I cringe at the events about to unfold.
"What the hell kind of attitude is that Okabe! You can't say my name right after all this time... Hououin Hentai-Kyouma!" growled an irritated Kurisu while lightly jabbing at my shoulder.
"What did you call me you Zombie?!"
"I'm not a zombie!"
"My bad, Perverted Genius Girl with the hard-on for experiments or in short, PERVERT GIRL!"
"Sorry for being a pervert you jerk!" and with that, Kurisu stormed off ahead to the lab leaving me and Yuugo behind 'I shouldn't have went on and on like that' I thought while putting my hands in my labcoat pockets.
"That's what you get for being a delusional prick all the time." Yuugo commented while sweeping the front of his shop. His employee, Kiryuu Moeka was off-duty today.
"I'm not delusional! I only speak of the truth and you along with the entire world will bow down at my feet one day FuuAHAH-"my laughter was cut short by a threat to raise my rent so I went along my way and headed towards the lab.
In my mind was the image of the furious Kurisu that stormed off earlier. I began to regret being my usual eccentric mad scientist persona and started to think of ways to apologize. 'I better hurry and make up with Kurisu' I said while trotting along with a newfound resolve to straighten things up.
Kurisu POV
'After all we've been through he has the gall to act like that' I sighed while climbing up the staircase to the lab. Even though I'm a bit steamy right now due to what happened moments ago I wasn't the type to let anger cloud my day so I composed myself and entered the lab.
"I'm back everyo-"
"Welcome back Kurisu-chan! Isn't Okarin with you? I heard you two along with from the window" asked Mayuri in her usual cheerful voice. She really was a soothing presence that could make your anger melt away from just moments of exposure.
"He's coming up here too."
"You two were being tsundere* with each other weren't you? I also heard from the window. It sounded like you two were arguing." chimed in Daru while playing a Galge* on his PC.
"Just Okabe being his usual high and mighty self." I said with a faint trace of anger in my voice.
"Mayushii knows how you could get back at Okarin ehehehe" Stated Mayuri while waving her hand in excitement.
"What do you mean Mayuri?"
"You could act like Okarin and have a mad scientist persona"
"That actually doesn't sound bad Makise-shi*" Daru, hearing the conversation turned his chair to face me and Mayuri.
"You could call yourself Hououin Christina and make-up something about the "Organization" or stuff like that" added Daru.
"You guys are serious?"I asked while contemplating the idea. 'It's true that he wouldn't like to be bested at something, all the more if it's something that essentially is part of his daily routine. I'm gonna try this out' I thought with a visible smirk on my face.
"By the expression that Mayushii is seeing, Kurisu-chan is gonna do it after all right?" Mayuri inquired with stars in her eyes.
"Yes Mayuri I think I will, after all it's time Okabe found his match" I said fully determined to put Okabe in his place after what happened earlier. 'It's him' I thought after hearing approaching footsteps. I ready myself for the upcoming battle of wits that will surely commence.
Okabe POV
I enter the room and see Daru, Mayuri and Kurisu sitting and staring at me as I enter. Kurisu was now wearing along white lab coat similar to mine with both her hands in the coat's pockets. 'Why is her getup eerily familiar' I thought to myself as she approaches me with a grin.
"Kurisu, I'm sorry for the way I behave a while ago."
"What's this; you're actually apologizing and calling me by my false name Okabe? No I mean Kyouma. Wait, I mean "mad scientist" who is into perverted stuff, in short... A Pervert!" bellowed Kurisu while snickering at me with mischievous eyes. Daru and Mayuri followed suit. I was shocked to see and hear what was transpiring. 'Wait a minute... false name?' I recalled her saying that I called her by her false name.
"What do you mean false name Kurisu? I'm pretty sure I didn't use one of my nicknames for you" I said with a bad feeling about what I was going to hear.
"Kurisu Makise is the name I use to deceive the world, for I am the mad scientist... Hououin Chirstina! And together with the Future Gadget Laboratory, we shall plunge this world into chaos AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" said Kurisu that was barely holding in her laughter while doing an impersonation of my usual Kyouma mode. After witnessing that stunt pulled by Kurisu I slumped on the couch visibly shocked by what had transpired. Daru and Mayuri were on the floor laughing while Kurisu was right beside me drinking a Dr Pepper and had a look on her face that spelled out 'I win today'.
"Kurisu, I still apologize for what I did to you in front of Mr. Braun; that was immature and jerkish of me to do that. I understand you imitating what I do is your way of saying I need to stop" I tell Kurisu who seemed to be in a lighter mood after impersonating me and had no trace of her anger from earlier.
"Okabe, you know I can't hold a grudge against you, though you looked pretty funny after I imitated your Kyouma attitude. I accept your apology." I felt relieved after hearing those words.
"Also me doing that impersonation had another purpose you know..." said Kurisu to me while having a faint blush. 'Why is she blushing' I thought.
"What do you mean?" I ask imploringly.
It was then that Kurisu leaned towards my ear and whispered words that made my heart skip a beat out of extreme joy.
"It means I love you Okabe for who you are. I love you, Okabe."
-Chapter 1 END-
A/N 2: Yes I know my writing skills aren't that great yet so the above was the product of my first attempt at trying to make a decent fanfic. Again reviews, good or bad, are welcome and Thanks for reading.
*Chuunibyou – roughly translates to "Middle school 2nd Year Syndrome", A person who believes he is a chosen one or has attributes that set himself above everyone else. Otakus are the most common to exhibit traits of a chuunibyou
*Tsundere – A person who is harsh or violent (Tsun) to the one he/she actually likes or loves and is loving and caring (dere) when the tsun side has been suppressed. Tsunderes often have difficulty to properly convey their feelings and thus mask them with anger often physically.
*Galge – A dating sim game for males. The version for females is called Otome and the versions with erotic content are eroge.